Welcome to Curriculum Night First Grade August 10, 2017 The important thing is not so much that every child should be taught, as that every child should be given the wish to learn. *John Lubbock*
“We can do anything ISH as long as we try!” Ish emphasizes the power of believing in our abilities despite other’s reactions and despite our fear of failure. “We can do anything ISH as long as we try!”
About Miss Makela “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou Grew-up in Gurnee, Illinois Attended Carroll College in Waukesha, Wisconsin Minor in Adaptive Education NAU Elementary Education M.Ed. This is my 15th year teaching 1st grade at Cerritos! This is my kid… Wrigley
Classroom Information Art Monday Library Tuesday (Please return books each week!) PE Thursday Music Friday Recess/Lunch 10:35/10:55 Teacher Duty Tuesday and Thursday after school at 2:30 School Hours 7:40-2:35 Please drop your child off ON TIME!! Wednesday until 12:35 Birthdays We will celebrate!!! Please do not send treats.
We are an AWARE Classroom! We are an ALLERGY AWARE classroom. There are numerous allergies in first grade. It is critical that students do not share food. We are AWARE that the success and uniqueness of our class is driven by the diversity and differences between us. We are AWARE that our abilities and strengths will be celebrated and used as a basis to learn from one another. We are AWARE that we recognize each other through our strengths not our limitations. We are AWARE that people come first … not labels!!
Thank You for all of you support!!!!! Volunteers Class Parties - Please sign up if you are interested! Reader Leader- Please sign up on the Sign-up genius (I will email you soon) if you are interested in reading your favorite book to the class on a Wednesday @ 10:15 – 10:30. Thank You for all of you support!!!!!
Communication Parent Send a note Call 541-2353 E-mail Teacher Newsletters/ email) Notes home Phone calls E-mail Parent Send a note Call 541-2353 E-mail kmakela@kyrene.or g
Students are responsible for turning things in to “MORNING BUSINESS”. Blue Folder and Agenda Please check daily for important papers and updates from your child about daily learning/behavior. Send lunch money and notes in folder. Students are responsible for turning things in to “MORNING BUSINESS”.
Homework NO WEEKLY HOMEWORK Playing and spending time with your kiddos is important, they work hard at school! Enjoy some family time! Work at Home OPTIONS: Work from workbooks (Lakeshore Learning)/Unfinished Work(sent home) At home family projects (Habitats) Monthly Reading at home with your kiddo! Websites and Educational Apps Enrichment Options (in folder)
Big Cheese Every student will be the “Big Cheese” for a week. I will let you know the week prior to your child’s “Big Cheese” debut! Every student will receive a book of special letters from the class at the end of their week!
Math Aligned with Math Common Core Standards Calendar math IFG Groups to differentiate!!! Math Investigations Engage NY Hands-on math Problem solving and learned algorithms Math journal for problem solving On-going interim assessments and a district test in the spring Grades based on observations, class work, and assessments
Core Knowledge Language Arts Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA), a comprehensive English Language Arts (ELA) program designed to teach students reading, writing, speaking, and listening, while developing deep vocabulary and broad background knowledge. Based on years of cognitive science research, expert educators know that foundational skills and background knowledge are the keys to successful literacy. CKLA builds on this research by attending to the reading gap through addressing the knowledge gap. CKLA carefully sequences background knowledge, building vocabulary and comprehension while instilling a life-long curiosity for learning. CKLA provides a thorough and meticulous approach to developing decoding and other foundational skills. It begins with the basic code and carefully helps students apply what they’ve learned through engaging 100% decodable readers and through response-to-text activities. Instruction continues to develop students’ reading proficiency, fluency, and comprehension.
Listening & Learning Strand and Skills Strand CKLA Two Strands: Listening & Learning Strand and Skills Strand The Listening & Learning Strand provides complex literary and informational read-alouds carefully chosen and organized to build a staircase of knowledge within and across grade levels. The accompanying instruction helps students develop deep vocabulary through building background knowledge. Teachers engage students in rich, text-based discussions that help them develop important listening and speaking skills even before proficiency in reading and writing. Extension activities foster deeper learning by helping students apply their knowledge of the texts. The Skills Strand focuses on decoding, encoding, grammar, handwriting, and writing. Using the gradual release model, writing instruction includes genre writing and the writing process. Students learn the code and develop fluency while interacting with unique decodable readers that are organized like chapter books and designed to develop a breadth of literacy skills while bolstering code comprehension.
Reading and Writing Integration Skills Strand Listening and Learning Topics Spelling begins in Unit 3—Weekly Assessments are given but not in the form of “Spelling Tests” (See Letter) Grammar Tricky Words (can’t be sounded out) Student Workbooks Student Readers (Decodable) Writing instruction starts in Unit 3 using a 4 step writing composition process: plan, draft, edit and publish Fables and Stories The Human Body Different Lands, Similar Stories Early World Civilizations Early American Civilizations Astronomy The History of the Earth Animals and Habitats Fairy Tales A New Nation: American Independence Frontier Explorers Assessments Reading Logs and at-home Reading assignments What is it? Workshop time is motivated by mini-lessons and a set purpose Lessons are derived from trade books , chapter books, poetry and many forms of rich/relevant literature AND often correlates to Harcourt lessons Consists of small group and individual instruction Students have individual reading goals and read at appropriate reading levels Often students will have choice in the books they read Why Workshop? Promotes higher level thinking Allows students to make connections through literature Allows students to read for meaning Allows students to feel ownership a sense of responsibility for their learning Writing Extras: Star Leader of the Week Letters Writing projects throughout the year Interest based writing
Some examples of choices are: Grab and GO!!! We use choice activities when students are done with their assigned work. We have them for both math and reading. They include games, activities and previously taught activities and extensions! Some examples of choices are: Classroom Library Math Games Journal/Story Writing Making words Whiteboards LEGOS Stamping, making, creating Interest based ideas ENRICHMENT OPTIONS
Science Social Studies Sky and Weather Rocks, Earth Materials, and Conservation Living Things and Their Habitats Balance and Movement The Scientific Process Hands-on and inquiry based Our self, family, and community Mapping skills Geography and mapping Arizona History and Pilgrims, farming Customs and traditions US historical figures Ancient Egypt Thematic units integrated across the curriculum
See blue folders for donation needs!! Creativity Students will exercise their imagination through purposeful play. Goals Critical Thinking Students will use knowledge gained through our curriculum to explore and expand their knowledge with hands on learning. Communication Students will develop their listening and speaking skills as they work in teams and present ideas. Courage Students will learn that failure gets you one step closer to a solution. Failure sparks innovation! Collaboration Students will work together to brainstorm, problem solve, and “make stuff” in partnerships, teams, and small groups. See blue folders for donation needs!!
Why a Leadership Focus? We believe that every child possesses leadership skills. We believe that every child will serve as a leader in some way, either in their careers or with family and friends. We believe that students must be taught how to collaborate with others. We believe that leadership training will have a positive impact on student achievement.
Leadership Notebooks School-wide Individualized Goal Oriented (attainable and measureable) Monitoring of goals and progress. Intrinsic motivation for personal best. Allows for REFLECTION Will be used for student led conferences in Spring.
Clifford is HERE!!! He arrived as a puppy by special delivery! He grows each day as if by MAGIC! We lose him on Friday (tomorrow). The next week is spent looking for Clifford and getting a tour of the school! Clifford’s birthday will be the Friday we “find” him. He is 6. Again! (August 18th) We wear RED this day! Clifford comes home for sleepovers! Clifford will come and spend the night at your house for an evening! I send home his backpack with a journal and some of his favorite books. This is REAL!
Housekeeping Did you receive the, “You are part of the 2017 – 2018 Distribution List” email? Clifford – Wear red Friday the 18th!! If you have not signed up for Listserv please do so soon to get all school and district communications Cerritos Quick Info via text: https://www.remind.com/?sign -up=true Thank you so much for all of the donations!!!
I dreamed I stood in a studio And watched two sculptors there, The clay they used was a young child’s mind And they fashioned it with care. One was a teacher The tools she used were books and music and art, One was a parent With a guiding hand and a gentle loving heart. And when at last their work was done They were proud at what they had taught, For the things they had worked into the child Can never be sold or bought. And each agreed she would have failed If she had worked alone. For behind the parent stood the school, And behind the teacher stood the home.