Arts and Crafts movement 1850 - 1915
Era The Victorian style of heavily ornamented interiors displaying many pieces of furniture, collections of small ornamental objects, and surfaces covered with fringed cloths prevailed in middle-class homes in England during the latter half of the 19th century. Techniques of mass production promoted the use of reproductions in many different styles.
Rationale William Morris, the British poet, artist and architect rejected this opulence in favour of simplicity, good craftsmanship, and good design. To the proponents of Arts & Crafts, the Industrial Revolution separated humans from their own creativity and individualism; The worker was a cog in the wheel of progress, living in an environment of shoddy machine-made goods, based more on ostentation than function
Philosophy The philosophy of the style revolved around the love of simple objects and a rejection of Victorian over decoration.
Style The work could be highly decorated but was often extremely plain. Most pieces show a concern for and understanding of craftsmanship. The bright colours, rich patterns and textures of many pieces are visually stunning.
Objet d’art The pottery and textile designs were intricate, colourful and realistic. While the original intent was to provide handmade goods to the common man, the cost of paying craftsmen an honest wage resulted in higher prices than the common man could afford. This limited the movement to the upper class
Interior design "Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful." William Morris 'The Beauty of Life' 1880