100 200 300 400 500 Paiutes Utah Ancient Natives Goshutes Shoshone Vocabulary 100 200 300 400 500
Final Jeopardy All About Miss Kay
This is Miss Kay’s most hated football team. Final Jeopardy This is Miss Kay’s most hated football team.
What is the 49ers or Patriots Final Jeopardy What is the 49ers or Patriots
Paiutes lived in this area of Utah.
Paiutes – 100 What is the southwest
Paiutes main source of food supply
Paiutes - 200 What is farming
Dwelling of the Paiutes
Paiutes - 300 What is a wicki up
The desired mode of transportation for the Paiutes.
Paiutes - 400 What is the horse
Type of community unit the Paiutes lived in.
What is Clans or families Paiutes - 500 What is Clans or families
Tool used by the archaic, made spears fly further, faster, and harder. Utah Ancient Natives - 100 Tool used by the archaic, made spears fly further, faster, and harder.
Utah Ancient Natives - 100 What is the atlatl
Utah Ancient Natives – 200 This ancient culture group lived and built pit houses in Northern Utah.
What are the Fremont Indians Utah Ancient Natives – 200 What are the Fremont Indians
First group of Native Americans in Utah. Utah Ancient Natives - 300 First group of Native Americans in Utah.
What are the Paleo Indians Utah Ancient Natives - 300 What are the Paleo Indians
Utah Ancient Natives - 400 This ancient group built their homes out of adobe and farmed in the canyons.
Utah Ancient Natives - 400 What are the Anasazi
This Native American group made clothing from rabbit and mouse skins. Utah Ancient Natives - 500 This Native American group made clothing from rabbit and mouse skins.
What are the Archaic Indians Utah Ancient Natives - 500 What are the Archaic Indians
Physical region Goshutes lived in.
Goshutes - 100 What is the Great Basin
Main food source for Goshutes.
Goshutes - 200 What are pinion nuts
Type of shelter of the Goshutes.
What is a wicki-up or cave Goshutes - 300 What is a wicki-up or cave
Type of community unit the Goshutes lived in.
Goshutes - 400 What is a family
Mode of transportation for the Goshutes.
Goshutes - 500 What is walking
Shoshone mode of transportation.
Shoshone - 100 What is the horse
Main food source of the Shoshone.
What is buffalo or bison Shoshone - 200 What is buffalo or bison
Shelter preferred by the Shoshone.
Shoshone - 300 What is a teepee
Area Shoshone lived in Utah.
Shoshone - 400 What is Northern Utah
Type of community unit for the Shoshone.
Shoshone - 500 What is a tribe
Ute main mode of transportation. Utes - 100 Ute main mode of transportation.
Utes - 100 What is a horse
Shelter preferred by the Utes.
Utes - 200 What is a teepee
Main source of food for the Utes.
Utes - 300 What is Bison
Type of community unit Utes lived in.
Utes - 400 What is a tribe
Item Utes traded for Horses.
What are Paiutes and Goshute children.
Vocabulary - 100 Carvings in rocks.
Vocabulary - 100 What are petroglyphs
Vocabulary - 200 Paintings on Rocks
Location - 200 What are pictographs
Stories that explain how something came to be. Vocabulary - 300 Stories that explain how something came to be.
Vocabulary - 300 What are legends
Word that means Ancient Ones. Vocabulary - 400 Word that means Ancient Ones.
Vocabulary - 400 What is Anasazi
Vocabulary - 500 Before written record.
Vocabulary - 500 What is pre-historic
Native American Groups Pre-Historic Tribes Shelters Navajo Native American Groups Vocabulary 200 400 600 800 1000
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Second group of Native Americans to live here. Pre-Historic Tribes - 200 Second group of Native Americans to live here.
Who are the Archaic or Desert Gatherers Pre-Historic Tribes – 200 Who are the Archaic or Desert Gatherers
Major difference between the Fremont and Anasazi tribes. Pre-Historic Tribes - 400 Major difference between the Fremont and Anasazi tribes.
What is the Fremont wandered at times. Pre-Historic Tribes - 400 What is the Fremont wandered at times.
Fremont used these to store food. Pre-Historic Tribes - 600 Fremont used these to store food.
What are granaries or pithouses Pre-Historic Tribes - 600 What are granaries or pithouses
Pre-Historic Tribes - 800 The Anasazi and Fremont Indians gave up their farming and went to this lifestyle.
What is hunting and gathering or wandering Pre-Historic Tribes - 800 What is hunting and gathering or wandering
Pre-Historic Tribes - 1000 To water their crops the Anasazi and the Fremont did this just like we do today.
Pre-Historic Tribes - 1000 What is irrigation
Shelter for the Shoshone and Utes made from Bison. Shelters - 200 Shelter for the Shoshone and Utes made from Bison.
Shelters - 200 What are teepees
Shelter for the Archaic Native Americans in the winter. Shelters – 400 Shelter for the Archaic Native Americans in the winter.
Shelters - 400 What are caves
Shelters for the desert gatherers during the summer.
Shelters - 600 What are wicki-ups
Bricks used by Anasazi to build their homes. Shelters - 800 Bricks used by Anasazi to build their homes.
Shelters - 800 What is adobe
Shelter for the Paiutes. Shelters - 1000 Shelter for the Paiutes.
Shelters - 1000 What are wicki-ups
Navajo - 200 Shelter for the Navajo
Navajo - 200 What is a Hogan
Navajo and Utes acquired horses from them.
Navajo - 400 Who are the Spanish
Navajo went from farming corn, beans, and squash to farming this.
Navajo - 600 What is sheep
Boundary between the Navajo and the Utes.
Navajo - 800 What the San Juan River
Navajo - 1000 Navajo had the best arts and crafts. This is something they would make.
What are rugs, blankets, pottery, turquoise, sand art. Navajo - 1000 What are rugs, blankets, pottery, turquoise, sand art.
Native American Groups - 200 Group that had the best potter and basket-making skills.
Native American Groups - 200 Who are the Navajo
Native American Groups - 400 This animal changed the Ute and Shoshone Native American’s way of life.
Native American Groups - 400 What is the horse
Native American Groups - 600 Only group the Utes and Shoshone could not speak with because of different languages.
Native American Groups - 600 Who are the Navajo
Native American Groups - 800 The Utes traded with the Spanish for these animals.
Native American Groups - 800 What are horses
Native American Groups - 1000 Native American group that did the Bear Dance.
Native American Groups - 1000 Who are the Utes
Items that have been produced, changed or altered by people. Vocabulary - 200 Items that have been produced, changed or altered by people.
Vocabulary - 200 What is an artifact
Time period in which we have a written record. Vocabulary - 400 Time period in which we have a written record.
Vocabulary - 400 What is Historic
A person who studies Pre-Historic people. Vocabulary - 600 A person who studies Pre-Historic people.
What is an archaeologist Vocabulary - 600 What is an archaeologist
Another term to refer to the Archaic Native People. Vocabulary - 800 Another term to refer to the Archaic Native People.
What is Desert Gatherers Vocabulary - 800 What is Desert Gatherers
What most Native Americans call themselves. Vocabulary - 1000 What most Native Americans call themselves.
Vocabulary - 1000 What is The People.