Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning Transportation Improvement Program $12,353,687,000 DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference STP Workshop June 22, 2011 Introduce myself With CMAP for 4 years Previously PL with Kane and McHenry How many have heard of the Transportation Improvement Program? Do you know why it is important? Yes - $1 Billion in federal transportation funds are at risk if the TIP does not meet the federal requirements. There are also many other project specific requirements in the TIP that can have an affect on the progress of your project – I will explain those laters, but first – a summary of CMAP.
About CMAP Established in 2005 to better integrate planning for land use and transportation. CMAP’s staff was created by merging the Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission (NIPC) and Chicago Area Transportation Study (CATS). New, streamlined regional agency serves seven counties that make up the third largest U.S. metropolitan region 7 Counties 284 municipalities Nearly 1,400 units of local government We were establish in 2005 by the illinois legislature The CMAP board contains fifteen members, five from City of Chicago, Five from Suburban Cook, and Five from the collar counties. DuPage’s rep is the former mayor of villa park, Rae Rupp Srch. In october of last year the board and MPO Policy Committee approved the regions first truly comprehensive plan, GO TO 2040. Our major priority is implementing GO TO 2040.
CMAP Committee Structure This is CMAP’s committee structure. There are 6 working committees – anything regarding the TIP goes through the Transportation committee and works its way through the structure for approval at the CMAP Board and MPO Policy Committee. 1/30/2018
Council of Mayors 1/30/2018 11 Sub regional Council’s And the City of Chicago Each council is staffed by a professional transportation planner – PG 17 Each council is given a sub-allocation of STP funds to program how their council determines. The methodologies of the council’s are available on CMAP’s website. Plays role of communication between CMAP and local municipalities and vice versa. The municipalities are listed by which council they program STP dollars through is available in the brochure on PG 20. 1/30/2018
Council of Mayors Executive Committee Each Suburban Council appoints two Mayors to participate in the Council of Mayors Executive Committee Provide two way communication between regional councils, the CMAP Board and MPO Policy Committee Programming Marks Advanced Funding UWP applications Scope of Services for Planning Liaisons Mayor Larry Hartwig, Addison 2nd TBD => June 2nd Board of Directors meeting Each sub-regional council has 2 mayors that represent their council at the executive committee meeting. Currently Mayor Hartwig of Addison is your representative. The 2nd mayor will be confirmed at the June 2nd Board of directors meeting. The COM Exec Com provides an advisory role on many topics, but also take action on items regarding STP and the PL’s. 1/30/2018
What Goals does the TIP Accomplish Connects plan to program to construction Tool of accountability Region to the federal government Region to general public Programmer to Programmer The TIP implements GO TO 2040. Major capital projects are defined in GO TO 2040, but also general maintenance are action areas that are identified. On Page 30 of the brochure, there is a list of Major projects in the TIP, which is projects over $100 million dollars, those that are highlighted are major capital projects identified in GO TO 2040. There are over 30 programming agencies within the TIP. Some of the biggest, in amount of money programmed is IDOT and CTA – see page 24 for a pie chart depicting the breakdown of the TIP by programming agency. The DMMC represents the local municipalities that participate in DMMC. Staff for the DMMC is charged with making changes to the TIP – local municipalities must contact their council staff to make any changes to the TIP. 1/30/2018
Why is the TIP important NE IL region does not receive federal funds if TIP is not accurate and up-to-date. The TIP is one implementation arm of GO TO 2040. TIP is a communication tool General public Federal agencies Local agencies Well, as I stated earlier – if the TIP is incorrect in a major way, such as not meeting our air quality budgets – or – exceeding fiscal constraint, this could stop the flow of Federal Transportation funds into the region. On a more local level, if the information for your specific project is not correct in the TIP, the USDOT may elect to not participate in the project, at least until the TIP is correct. This has delayed a variety of projects because it will delay the project by at least 1 letting. 1/30/2018
Accurate TIP Information Realistic Programming Programming Year Accurate Costs Financial Amendments Accurate Work and Location Description Conformity Worktypes This leads to the need for accurate TIP information. There are over 1,000’s of project in the TIP so we count on the programmers to identify project specific issues in the TIP. Marilyn has provided you with the STP milestone spreadsheet and corresponding flow chart. CMAP strongly suggests using this chart when scoping the time frame for your project. I know DMMC does not fund pre-construction activities with STP, but if you use federal funds ffor PHI, PHII, or ROW please build in extra time for IDOT central office to process the agreement. The programming year is the year in which that project will be federally authorized. It runs on FFY which is 10/1-9/30. Also make sure to use accurate costs – if a change is made to either the cost or programming years it is possible it will need to be released for a 7 day public comment and be approved by the Transportation Committee. The location of the project is also important to be accurate – if the location is not represented accurately USDOT can elect to not participate in the project until the TIP is updated. If your project worktype is adding capacity you may require conformity. Conformity is when a project has an affect on our air quality model and we need to run our models to make sure the air quality budgets are not exceeded. We conduct amendments to the conformity analysis every six months, so if there is a change to your project that affects air quality – the delay may be substantial. It is imperative to place accurate ifnormation in the TIP to avoid delays. 1/30/2018
Project Data Programming Agency (Implementer) Fund Source Phase of project Contact person Type of work being conducted Project location If the type of work is adding capacity or has an effect on air quality, detailed project data is a must This is the information we collect per project. On page 25 of the TIP brochure is a list of fund sources and how they are distributed along with which agency is responsible for programming the funds. The items that USDOT looks at to ensure the project is accurate is the fund source, phase is in the correct year with the correct amount, and the location of the project. If the project is adding capacity or is a non-exempt work type we need even more data. 1/30/2018
30 Programming Agencies These implementers are the actual agencies that put pavement or transit service on the ground. North Shore Council of Mayors Northwest Council of Mayors North Central Council of Mayors Central Council of Mayors Southwest Council of Mayors South Council of Mayors DuPage Council of Mayors Kane/Kendall Council of Mayors Lake Council of Mayors McHenry Council of Mayors Will Council of Mayors City of Chicago RTA Capital Program CTA Pace Metra CMAP IDOT: Department of Public and Intermodal Transportation IDOT: District 1 Local Roads IDOT: District 1 (NE IL) Programming IDOT: District 3 (SE IL) Programming IDOT: Safe Routes to School IDOT: Office of Planning and Programming Illinois Tollway Cook County Dupage County Kane County Kendall County Lake County McHenry County Will County Grundy County (partially in CMAP Region) These are the 30 programmers who make changes to the TIP. All municipal changes must go through the Planning liaison of the council – Tam. 1/30/2018
Public and the TIP The TIP is available to the public through various ways. All Project List ( TIP Interactive Map ( Development of public interface ( I wanted to show you ways to access the information in the TIP. We have a PDF of all the project in the TIP on our website. We also map all the projects that are map able. From the map you can see if projects are planned near your house, or on your commute to work. From the map you can view the project details by clicking the link. From the online interface, you can search for projects using different filters. 1/30/2018
Questions? Holly Ostdick 312.386.8836 Tam Kutzmark 630.571.0480 1/30/2018