The SuperB EMC Front End electronics Prototypes Valerio Bocci INFN sezione di Roma A. Papi, C. Cecchi, P. Lubrano (INFN Perugia) M. Capodiferro, G. Chiodi, R.Faccini, L. Recchia,D. Ruggieri (INFN Roma) Valerio Bocci 2009 1
SuperB EMC structure BaBar Crystals are radiation damaged. Need replacement SuperB EMC Barrel = BaBar EMC Barrel 5760 CsI(Tl) Crystals SuperB EMC Forward = 3600 Lyso Crystals or 360 CsI(TI) BaBar Ring1-3 + 2160 Lyso Valerio Bocci 2009 2
The EMC Front End Electronics 12 x CsI(TI) preamp Crates (80) ADB (80) ADB Optical Link 5760 preamp /12= 480 ADB ADB IOB ADB 480 ADB /6 = 80 IOB ADB SuperB=Babar Need new design ADB Valerio Bocci 2009 3
ECS in the overall system
Prototypes boards goal Test components and architectures Create a simple system to play whith different parameters Valerio Bocci 2009
Prototypes boards VFE Front End interface Digitizer Board FPGA data aggregator and PC readout for testing purpose VFE VFE Xilinx Opal Kelly USB 2.0 Digitizer Board VFE VFE Ctrl Lines PIN/APD Valerio Bocci 2009
The EMC Forward read out options CSP + shaper or 2 x APD (5x5mm) or 2 x PIN (10x10mm) or Number of Lyso crystals =3600 or TIA (Number CsI(TI) Forward endcap babar *4) 1 x PIN ( 20x10mm ) or TA We start to test Charge sensitive preamp at Beam Test Facility in Frascati Valerio Bocci 2009 7
APD or PIN readout X 50 .15 V/pC APD Solution X 50 Pin Solution 10x20 mm Area=apd x 4 M=1 1.4 V/pC (APD amplification x 10) Valerio Bocci 2009 8
Energy Scan (From Alessandro Rossi EMC presentation) Valerio Bocci 2009
Prototypes boards VFE Front End interface Digitizer Board FPGA data aggregator and PC readout for testing purpose VFE VFE Xilinx Opal Kelly USB 2.0 Digitizer Board VFE VFE Ctrl Lines PIN/APD Valerio Bocci 2009
Very Front End Board PIN/APD Adapter connector VFE 2 PIN PD x2 2 CSP 0-13 GeV -> (0 - 2096 mV ) 2 1.4 V/pC 0.081 mV/Mev 13 Gev 1048 mV 200MeV 16 mv PIN /APD PIN PD x2 AD8131 0-200 MeV->(0-1032 mV ) 2 CSP (CR110, OPAMPCSP) x2 x32 OPA657 Differential Line Driver (AD8131) LED AD8130 / 29 Valerio Bocci 2009
Old ADB Energy resolution Valerio Bocci IX SuperB General Meeting - Perugia 2009 12
Energy Resolution new ADB MeV % ADC0 LSB/Mev % ADC1 LSB/ Mev % ADC selected/ 1 6.87 219.73 10 0.69 21.97 100 0.07 2.20 200 0.03 1.10 300 OVF 0.73 1000 0.22 9000 0.02 Valerio Bocci IX SuperB General Meeting - Perugia 2009 13
Prototypes boards VFE Front End interface Digitizer Board FPGA data aggregator and PC readout for testing purpose VFE VFE Xilinx Opal Kelly USB 2.0 Digitizer Board VFE VFE Ctrl Lines PIN/APD Valerio Bocci 2009
Digitizer Board Prototype DAC X4 Fast Comparator 200 MeV–13 Gev 12Bits ADC Fsx6 (DDR) 2 1/4 Differential Receiver (8130) Shaper (CR200-100) Programmable Gain Amplifier (AD8369) 12bits ADC (ADS6422) 2 0-200Mev Differential Receiver(8130) Range Bit Transmitter ECS (ctrl interface) serializer Latch FTCS interf 56 MHz f/6 9.3 MHz Valerio Bocci 2009
Prototypes boards VFE Front End interface Digitizer Board FPGA data aggregator and PC readout for testing purpose VFE VFE Xilinx Opal Kelly USB 2.0 Digitizer Board VFE VFE Ctrl Lines PIN/APD Valerio Bocci 2009
Serial line receiver and read-out (Opal Kelly Xilinx Board) Spartan 3 FPGA Test and understand ADC serial link, data aggregation,Trigger primitives Extraction PC acquisition using USB interface
Time schedule (1) The goal is to have the first prototype boards in April 2010 End of November finalize schematic End January 2010 PCB layout End Febray 2010 mounted PCB Feb-March Test in lab
Time schedule (2) Study the possibility of connecting a few channels to the “kapton cable” of the CMS encapsulated APD’s. If OK, test use them in testbeam. If not connection to Kapton cable not possible we would like to have the possibility to test a few channels (5) with PIN diodes on Beam.