CESR-c and ILC Damping Ring Instrumentation REU Student: Joseph Burrell, Wayne State University Mentors: Mark Palmer, Eugene Tanke, John Dobbins, and Charlie Strohman Cornell University Laboratory for Elementary-Particle Physics
Instrumentation Issues for Damping Ring Studies Using CESR Damping Ring Test Facility Instrumentation Requirements Short lifetimes For CesrTF at ultralow emittance, Touschek lifetimes in the several minute range are expected Small beam sizes typical, where b is the lattice function and e is the emittance Short bunch spacing 3.08 ns for ILC DR Possibly operate with 4 ns for CesrTF June 5, 2006 2006 LEPP REU Introduction
Digital Readout Module Overview Digital Motherboard 4 Analog Boards Timing Board I/O Transition Board Digital Board TigerSHARC TS101 DSP Xilinx Virtex-2 FPGA 2 Mbytes SRAM 512 kbytes FLASH 24 MHz PLL receives CESR Timing Signal 2nd PLL produces 72 MHz on-board clock (14 ns bunch spacing) 20 ns global slew with 10 ps/step delay chips Card delays provided by additional 10 ps/step chip Analog Boards for BPM (button and stripline), PMT, and diode readout applications Multi-bunch turn-by-turn readout June 5, 2006 2006 LEPP REU Introduction
BPM Testing Issues Analog Board 1 e- and 1 e+ channel per board Timing handled by independent timing blocks on timing board 512 kwords data buffers AD8369 DVGA 600 MHz BW -5 dB to +40 dB AD9245 Digitizer 500 MHz BW 14 bit June 5, 2006 2006 LEPP REU Introduction
Focus on BPM requirements for CesrTF Summer Plans Focus on BPM requirements for CesrTF Characterization of AD8369 front ends Detailed noise and linearity testing Bench tests during CESR down Beam tests using CESR BPM test stand starting in July Verify suitability and/or modifications required for CesrTF operation in 2009 Note: this effort also supports ongoing CESR and ERL development work In addition, participate in a general review of instrumentation requirements for CesrTF R&D June 5, 2006 2006 LEPP REU Introduction