Young Elected Officials Network February 2016
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Understanding the Millennial Mindset: Lessons for Connecting With All Ages @PNAMERICA
Among entire public, top problems are Economy, Security and Government Recent Trends in the Most Important U.S. Problems What do you think is the most important problem facing this country today?
Among Millennials, jobs, debt, terrorism and equal pay stand out as top issues Wants to make America a leader in creating jobs for the next century Wants to reduce the national debt Will be strong in protecting America from ISIS and other terrorist threats Favors policies to reduce student debt and make college affordable Supports ensuring equal pay for equal work for women 82% 79% 76% Q.7ab – Hart Research, March/April 2015 8 Battleground States 75% 73% Hart Research, March/April 2015 8 Battleground States, 1,501 millennials
Largest & Most Diverse Generation Ever Born after 1980; Currently Ages 16-36 75 Million “Interactive-A Portrait of Five Generations,” Pew Research-Census Current Population Surveys Feb. 2010; U.S. Census Data; 62% of women have some college education, men only 51% 25% speak language other than English at home There is are different definitions of Millennial age cohort, but for most of this analysis the Pew Research Center will be used (Starting in 1980)
Since ‘10, Millennial registration has doubled ‘14 turnout lower than ‘10 Registered 34.4m Registered 47.4% 78.4% Turn-out: 65% 27% 57% 22% Source: PNA Analysis of Catalist Voter File. Accessed Jan 2016. Active and Inactive Millennials (born after 1/1/1980).
ACTUALLY, Millennials are…. Closely connected to other generations Leading change in corporate and political culture Hungry for solutions, not picking a side in older generational fights Idealistic and pragmatic
Millennials Lead the Charge on Tech 68% of all American adults now own a smartphone, 90% of Millennials 65% of American adults use at least one social media networking site No longer one-way mass communication Millennials lead the technological changes that are affecting everything we do Pew Research. Oct 2015; The Global Mobile Report. comScore. Jul 2015.; Social Media Update 2014; Pew Research. Jan. 2014
Increasingly, all ages are following politics on social media Millennials are Leading the Way % of registered voters who follow candidates for office, political parties, or elected officials on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter Pew Research, May 2015
New Media Dominates, But Not Trusted Ypulse. Millennials and News, Fact-Checked. May, 2013.
“Humor Me” 86% of Millennials share sense of humor with their friends Only 45% say they share same political views 55% want politicians to show their sense of humor more More want to know a politician’s favorite comedian (40%) than sports team (33%) or band (27%) Comedy Central. (Oct 2012). Millennial TRU Insights & Insight Research. Source: Comedy Central. (Oct 2012). Millennial TRU Insights & Insight Research.
Key Issues
Millennials are leading the trend toward being an Independent 2015 2010 2005 1995 2000 Millennial 47% Gen X 42% Boomer 35%; Pew Research Center
Less Trusting Source: Pew Research Center. General Social Survey Data 1987-2012. (May 2014). Source: Pew Research Center. General Social Survey Data 1987-2012. (May 2014).
They hold both Skeptical & Aspirational views on Government, Business & Media Source: Third Way / Pew Research Center (1); Harstad Survey (2, 5-8); Ypluse “Millennials and News, Fact Checked” (3); Harvard IOP 2012 (4); 18
Acting on Climate and Clean Energy
Millennials believe earth is warming more than older generations “Is there solid evidence the earth is warming?” Yes – solid evidence Yes – because of human activity No – not solid evidence Millennial Gen X Boomer Silent In 2015 Pew survey, 6 in 10 age 18-29 say earth is warmer because of human activity compared to only 35% over age 65 The Generation Gap and the 2012 Election. Pew Research Center. Public Release Nov 3, 2011. 20
Millennials favor government action on climate & renewable energy Strongly Agree climate change will seriously harm our generation Government should do more to protect environment from pollution Government should do more to address climate change Favor requiring 1/3 renewables like solar and wind by 2030 Favor reducing carbon pollution to deal with climate Survey: National Millennial Adults, Age 18-31. n=2,004. (Apr 2014). Harstad Strategic Research Inc.. Project New America & Youth Engagement Fund. Public Release May 15, 2014. Republicans 55% 68% 57% 75% 67% Survey: National Millennial Adults, Age 18-31. n=2,004. (Apr 2014). Harstad Strategic Research Inc.. Project New America & Youth Engagement Fund. Public Release May 15, 2014. 21
Millennials believe we can have strong economy AND combat climate change Total Agree Strong Agree Dem Ind Rep Possible to combat climate change and have a strong economy; don’t have to choose 77% 50% 86% 79% 58% Combatting climate change will create more jobs, encourage innovation 73% 41% 47% Carbon pollution negatively impacting our climate, health 69% 42% 83% 74% 33% Inaction means my generation cleaning up older generation’s mess 68% 38% 87% 70% 34% Climate Change is increasing number, severity of extreme weather events. 62% 30% 59% 32% Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research. NextGen Climate & Democracy Corps. Public Release Oct 31, 2014.; Survey: National Millennial Adults, Age 18-31. n=2,004. (Apr 2014) Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research. NextGen Climate & Democracy Corps. Public Release Oct 31, 2014.; Survey: National Millennial Adults, Age 18-31. n=2,004. (Apr 2014)
Q10 / Q14. Volunteering and campaign activities. Millennials volunteer and participate in community activities, less in political engagement. Q10 / Q14. Volunteering and campaign activities. Community and church activities Political and campaign activities Survey: National Millennial Adults, Age 18-31. n=2,004. (Apr 2014). Harstad Strategic Research Inc.. Project New America & Youth Engagement Fund. Public Release May 15, 2014.