Remote Ticketing Solution 265ced1609a17cf1a5979880a2ad364653895ae8 Amadeus Remote Ticketing Solution Amadeus Business Management Platform © 2013 Amadeus IT Group SA Cover example with photo To change the photo click on the image, go to Picture Tools/Format and Change Picture To update the text, just click on the text
1 BMP: platform overview
Amadeus Business Management Platform BMP incorporates various solutions: from Robotic Ticketing tools to Sales Data management system All solutions are web based upon one single platform Could be bundled to automate fulfilment actions Designed especially for travel professionals to increase automation and efficiency of their business ( 265ced1609a17cf1a5979880a2ad364653895ae8 ATS RTS (CM, RC,RP,RMP) LINK Q-Manager Commission Manager
Amadeus BMP: components Business Management Platform Remote Ticketing Solution Commission Manager add-on Revenue Calculator Remote Pricer add-on Remote MultiPricer Auto Ticketing Solution Q Manager LINK
2 BMP: Amadeus Remote Ticketing Solution
What is Amadeus RTS? Consolidator Subagent Remote Ticketing Solution is a fully automated solution to manage pricing, comparison and ticketing in the remote points of sales to ease relationship between non-IATA locations making the bookings (Subagents) and IATA travel agencies in charge of fulfilment activities(Consolidators) Consolidator Subagent RTS
Traditional workflow between non IATA and IATA 20-30 min per TKT Create PNR by non IATA Send PNR to IATA for issuing Check financial guarantee Check PNR and issue TKT PNR send back to non IATA IATA TA staff is involved Huge time consuming Risk of human error, subject to ADM Not secured settlements, subject to financial abuse Difficult to control over subagent network
Ticketing with RTS 5 seconds per TKT No IATA TA staff involved Create PNR by non IATA Send PNR to RTS Credit limit is verified by RTS Ticketing setting and restrictions are verified by RTS PNR is ticketed with RTS and automatically sent back No IATA TA staff involved Credit control check before ticket issuance Commission and Service Fee calculation Ticketing/airline restrictions applied Healthy and Guarantied Financial flow
Amadeus RTS outline Consolidator Subagent RTS Commission Manager Subagent management Ticketing Robot Ticketing management Credit limit and Settlement management Sales data management/ Reporting Sales data management/ Reporting User access management Currency Exchange rate settings Settlement data check User access management Notification system Notification system Commission Manager Remote Pricer Revenue Calculator Multi Pricer
Amadeus Remote Ticketing Solution 265ced1609a17cf1a5979880a2ad364653895ae8 Amadeus Remote Ticketing Solution Consolidator Subagent management List of all sales outlets connected to Consolidator Enabling/disabling connected subagents Can cooperate with unlimited number of subagents Can split them per subagent groups for easy administration Ticketing management Available commands (issue, void, refund, reissue, EMD) Basic restrictions(FOP, airlines, ticketing currency, manual TST) Advanced restrictions (country/city of departure/arrival, booking class, route, interline etc.) Credit Limit and Settlement Management Credit Limit Control Available Credit Limit check before ticketing Multicurrency Notification about credit limit decreasing Add payment/Close period functionality
Amadeus Remote Ticketing Solution 265ced1609a17cf1a5979880a2ad364653895ae8 Amadeus Remote Ticketing Solution Consolidator Sales Data Management Sales/General reports in web-based GUI, available 24/7 Export in XML and Excel formats Wide range of available filters (incl. per Subagent) User Access Management Access groups: admin supervisor agent Terminal activity control Visibility restrictions Notification System Credit Limit Close period Wrong commission
Amadeus Remote Ticketing Solution 265ced1609a17cf1a5979880a2ad364653895ae8 Amadeus Remote Ticketing Solution Sales outlets/Subagents Ticketing Robot Available operations: Ticket Issue, Void, Refund (full, tax, with penalty),Reissue, Revalidation EMDs Issue, Void, Refund (full) Sales Data Management Sales / General reports in web-based GUI, available 24/7 Export in xls/xml formats User access management Access groups: admin agent Terminal activity control Notification System E-mail notifications on credit limit decreasing Ticketing errors notifications Settlement Data check Balance page State of credit limit in read only mode
Amadeus RTS add-ons Commission Manager* Revenue Calculator Allows automatic commission (FM) input into all PNRs made by non-IATA point of sale Revenue Calculator Automatic service fee management based on Revenue rules. Can be combined with Commission Manager and calculate the Revenue based on the sum of Commission and Service fee amount Remote Pricer Allows to price and rebook the PNR, check fare and fare rules by sales outlet in the remote Consolidator office (including cross-partners) Remote Multi Pricer Allows the simultaneous price comparison for the same PNR in the different remote Consolidators offices (including cross-partners in several countries) * Can be used as a stand alone solution
3 Amadeus RTS: Consolidator settings The divider slides can be in blue, light blue, cherry and gray. All colours are available in this template.
Credit Limit setting Credit limit control setting (Y/N) Add payment automatically Balance period weekly other (every day, every 10 days, twice a month, end of month, end of quarter) Payment type Credit Prepayment Credit limit currency (can be multiple, currency list depends on countries settings) Notification about credit limit decreasing* * When payment is made with CC, credit limit of subagent is not affected
Settlement Management
Ticketing Management (1) Consolidator has a full control of ticketing parameters for each connected agency Available commands (can be set for each group of TAs) By default (in red) Optional (in blue)
Ticketing Management (2) Basic restrictions Restriction on form of payment (any, credit card only, credit card forbidden) Airlines (allow/forbid ticketing on one or more airlines) Ticketing currency (allow/forbid one or more ticketing currencies) Manual mask (allow/forbid ticketing with manual TST)
Ticketing Management (3) Extended restrictions Above basic restrictions Consolidator can set other options
4 Amadeus RTS: Subagent interface The divider slides can be in blue, light blue, cherry and gray. All colours are available in this template.
Ticketing Robot Electronic tickets EMDs Issue, Void Available entries Electronic tickets Issue, Void Refund (full, tax, with penalty) Reissue, Revalidation EMDs Refund (full) *One Subagent may cooperate with several Consolidators at the same time
confidential RESTRICTED Amadeus RTS : demo
Demo Creation of PNR in the sub agent OID
Demo BMP sign in and getting access to Ticketing Robot
Demo PNR price comparison with Remote Multi Pricer Commands available for Multi Pricer: FXB + unlimited number of characters FXP + unlimited number of characters
Demo Ticketing Robot is performing the operation
Demo Price checking result
Demo Price details with currency conversion
Demo Get access to fare in the remote OID with Remote Pricer Commands available for Remote Pricer: FX (B,P,T,A,U,X) + unlimited number of characters FXX/l5/S3/P1 FXB/R,FC-PLN FQ (Q,N) + unlimited number of characters FQQ3 FQN3*AP*PE FQD + tree letter city code + unlimited number of characters FQDLONIEV/ABA
Demo Fare screen result in the remote OID
RTS DEMO Fare note checking in the remote OID
DEMO PNR rebooking in the remote OID
RTS DEMO Rebooking result in the sub agent’s OID
Demo Ticket issuance with RTS
Demo PNR priced, rebooked and ticketed in the remote OID
Customized Print Form (ITR) Available languages *: English Ukrainian Russian French Spanish German Italian Polish Hungarian Slovenian Albanian Macedonian Latvian *Translation can be made to any language by respective ACO
5 Amadeus RTS: Reporting The divider slides can be in blue, light blue, cherry and gray. All colours are available in this template.
Sales report
Individual PNR view from Sales report Document’s history Link to CheckMyTrip ITR printing Errors list (in any)
RTS operation logs
Downloading XML or XLS(csv) from GUI
6 Amadeus RTS: challenges and benefits The divider slides can be in blue, light blue, cherry and gray. All colours are available in this template.
Amadeus RTS: challenges Agency consolidation is one of the main tendencies of our industry for the coming years: In 2013 80% of air booking production in NECSE is concentrated in 472 accounts, 55 fewer than in 2012 (all GDS, Sirena excluded). Not having the efficient tool to manage the subagent sales it remains risky, with huge time and resource consuming However, consolidation is an important factor to remain powerful (or simply to survive) in an increasingly difficult and competitive market. Therefore it is possible to build and/or automate the sales network today with Amadeus RTS.
Amadeus RTS: our customers talks about four strongest (and fairly unique) capabilities of this solution I can build the secured TAs network, allowing issue tickets in my OID without implicate my own staff and resources Above of simply ticketing I can offer to my TAs network the access to my special fares and conditions, web based reporting tool and personalized ITR I can set the rules for each and every and be ensured in the financial flow. I have the supplementary revenue sources from Service fee collection from the subagent’s sales and can negotiate better override commissions with airlines using the raised sales volumes I can use RTS for mutual cross partner operations with my partners benefiting from better fare conditions/override commissions of each other.
Amadeus RTS: benefits Complete automation of manual operations with Subagents/Consolidators Full control, including the credit limit and ticketing settings, over the whole subagent network for Consolidators Access to GDS content for Subagents, best fares and full range of travel services without accreditation, 24/7 secure sales, national and cross-partner operations Improving efficiency, productivity, time saving and customer service
Amadeus Remote Ticketing Solution is the most complete and effective way to manage your sales network, benefit from cross border opportunities and an additional source of revenue It’s time to start using Amadeus Remote Ticketing Solution
Our customers talk about Amadeus Remote Ticketing Solutions “ We are very happy with Amadeus RTS that allowed us to increase sales volumes, add customers to the database, and liberate agent’s hands. Z. Mouhametova, Commercial Director, Transavia, Kazakhstan This solution allows us to reach a higher level of interaction with the sub-agents and intermediaries and have a clearly positive impact on the dynamics of sales A. Ryabchenko, Transport Department Director, UFSA, Ukraine Dealing with customers outside Jordan becomes more risk-free and efficient while using Amadeus RTS! With RTS, it is easy to control the credit facility with the sub-agencies, and it is because of this that we believe this product will help us increase our business out of getting new business opportunities from neighboring countries. Mohammad Aqel, Managing Partner of Golden Jubilee Travel & Sandy Travel, Jordan ”
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