FILING STATUS MARRIED NOT MARRIED The FIRST step to determine a customers filing status is asking if they are: The filing status effects the deductions and credits available to them The customer does not have a choice of what their filing status is MARRIED NOT MARRIED
MARRIED Married Filing Joint (MFJ) Married Filing Separate (MFS) This is the best filing status that will be used Even if the spouse does not work Married Filing Separate (MFS) a. You will rarely use this filing status. b. It gives the lowest standard deduction. c. The taxpayer does NOT receive EIC using this status
NOT MARRIED Head of Household (HOH) Paid over half the cost of keeping up a home for a QUALIFYING person Single No QUALIFYING dependents and is not legally married
Standard Deductions and Itemized Deductions If the taxpayer has more money from itemized deductions than their standard deduction amount, then they’ll qualify to use itemized deductions If you are unsure which is higher just enter the amounts on the Itemized Deduction (Schedule A) form in the program.
STANDARD DEDUCTION If your filing status is: Your deduction is: Married Filing Joint $12,600 Married Filing Separate $6,300 Head of Household $9,300 Single $6,300 Qualifying Widow $12,600 A standard deduction is a dollar amount that reduces the amount of income on which you are taxed
ITEMIZED DEDUCTIONS Mortgage interest Real estate taxes Charitable contributions Ad valorem taxes (car tags) A portion of medical expenses A portion of job expenses State tax paid from W-2’s Gambling losses up to gambling winnings
CHILD TAX CREDIT (CTC) Up to $1000 per child Child must be 16 or under (2000 or later) Amount of credit is based on taxable income and other factors If someone has a taxable income of $0 then they do not receive CTC Not everyone will receive this credit
EARNED INCOME TAX CREDIT A refundable tax credit for people who work and have earned income under $53,930 EIC is available to families and individuals that qualify. The credit can be as much as $6,318 with 3 qualifying dependents To claim it, you MUST have earned income. You must have been employed at some part of the year
QUALIFICIATIONS FOR EIC 1. The taxpayer must have a valid Social Security Number….(NOT start with 9) And ONE of these 3: Dependent must be 18 or under Or 23 or under and a full time student Permanently and totally disabled AND The relationship of the qualifying dependent must be….. No niece, nephew, etc…
QUALIFYING A DEPENDENT Son, daughter, grandchild, foster child Brother, sister, niece, nephew, whom the taxpayer cares for as their own child Dependent must have lived with the taxpayer in the U.S. more than half the year
EIC Chart Total Earned Income $5500 $4500 $3000 $6000 $5500 $5000 $4000 $3500 $3000 $2500 $2000 $1500 $1000 $500 $0 $5500 $4500 $3000 3 Children 2 Children 1 Child 0 Children $0 $5000 $10000 $15,000 $20,000 $25,000 $30,000 $35,000 $40,000 $45,000 $50,000 Total Earned Income
ObamaCare Basics Also called the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Law requires all citizens to have healthcare coverage or be fined a tax penalty There are 20 exemptions that can be used to waive the penalty if you qualify Fee for not having insurance in 2015 is $695 per adult and $347.50 per child or 2.5% of taxable income, whichever is greater! You can’t be denied health insurance coverage Don’t stress, just use LIVE HELP for more information!
EIC Due Diligence
EIC Due Diligence Must Do’s Understand the basics of EIC Ask all the right questions Document the answers as you go Keep your records on file
Lets take a look at the different EIC Interview Sheets
EIC Due Diligence Interview Sheet TIPS If the biological parent is NOT claiming the dependents, where is the parent? If you have personal (family, friend etc..) knowledge as to why, make note of that on the interview sheet! If they are a long time loan customer note that as well. If you are uncomfortable at all you MUST make further inquiries until you are. Make sure the taxpayer has supporting documents if audited by the IRS. You don’t need them! You MUST print your name and the taxpayer needs to sign and date.
Self Employed EIC Interview Sheet TIPS Do you feel comfortable that the taxpayer can prove the income and expenses? If you have any doubts you should not proceed until you feel comfortable. Does the taxpayer have a 1099-Misc? If so, you need to enter that on a 1099-Misc in the program No round numbers! This is a big red flag that the IRS will be looking at this year. For example we will call the office if we see exactly $15,000 in income! You must print your name and the taxpayer must sign the interview sheet. If there are further questions always use LIVE HELP!!
OTHER INCOME 1099-MISC 1099-R Unemployment Social Security W-2G Some Taxpayers will receive income other than W-2 income. Most common are… 1099-MISC 1099-R Unemployment Social Security W-2G Dividends Interest
1099 BUSINESS MISC Income received for NON W-2 jobs such as contractors, lawn workers, painters etc.. This income is subject to self employment tax and will lower the refund, however: They can deduct expenses incurred to do their job, this will lower the tax due Explain that software does this calculation for them.
1099-R Distributions from pensions, annuities, 401-K plans or individual IRA plans Pay special attention to the code in box 7, this will determine if there is a 10% penalty on the distribution IN ADDITION to the tax Most often 1 is a penalty and 7 is not The program figures this out, just enter what’s on the form
UNEMPLOYMENT Issued on 1099-G Taxed the same as regular income This income is not used to increase the taxpayers EIC amount
SOCIAL SECURITY ISSUED ON 1099-SSA Only the taxpayer and spouse’s is relevant not the dependents social security Social Security is not tax free. Usually it is BUT: It CAN be taxed if the taxpayers income is over a certain amount for their filing status
DIVIDENDS AND INTEREST FORM 1099-DIV FORM 1099-INT Taxed as regular income Dividends are usually from stock holdings Interest is from bank accounts or bonds
GAMBLING WINNINGS Usually if someone has won MORE than $600 Issued on W2-G Taxed as regular income Gambling losses can be deducted up to gambling winnings.