Please solve the following problems and list the rules used to solve: -24 – (-11) -41 x 4 4 – 4 20% numbers, expressions & equations 40% algebra & functions
Learning Targets: I can use strategies to create and solve linear equations with one solution, infinitely many solutions, or no solutions. I can solve and explain (in terms of the situation) a system of linear equations algebraically, including those that have no solution or infinitely many solutions. Provide an example of a linear equation that will make this equation have infinitely many solutions. 5x + 7 Think-Pair-Share
7x-5(1+2x) = 8x-40 Word problem video Learning Targets: I can use strategies to create and solve linear equations with one solution, infinitely many solutions, or no solutions. I can solve and explain (in terms of the situation) a system of linear equations algebraically, including those that have no solution or infinitely many solutions. 7x-5(1+2x) = 8x-40 Word problem video
Choose a problem to work on your own Learning Targets: I can use strategies to create and solve linear equations with one solution, infinitely many solutions, or no solutions. I can solve and explain (in terms of the situation) a system of linear equations algebraically, including those that have no solution or infinitely many solutions. Student choice Work in groups of 4 Choose a problem to work on your own Place your final answer in the middle of the placemat, If you would rather have a big sheet of chart paper, raise your hand
Direction: solve showing each step on some type of sandwich they want to create. Equation *I can use strategies to create and solve linear equations with one solution, infinitely many solutions, or no solutions. *I can solve and explain (in terms of the situation) a system of linear equations algebraically, including those that have no solution or infinitely many solutions.
Now take your problem and video Extension: Now take your problem and create a word problem
Name three types of solutions for multi-step equations Learning Targets: I can use strategies to create and solve linear equations with one solution, infinitely many solutions, or no solutions. I can solve and explain (in terms of the situation) a system of linear equations algebraically, including those that have no solution or infinitely many solutions.