Lecture 5 History of development of pharmaceutical science and training of pharmaceutical personnel. CONTRIBUTION OF UKRAINIAN SCIENTIST TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF MEDICINE.
1. Medical schools In 1653 in city of Zamoysta (near Lviv) the academy under the initiative of the graph Van Zamoyskyu was organized Zamoystya's academy. Van Zamoyskyu itself got occupation at Paduan university. He decided to open the same university in his Motherland. Klyment the VIII has affirmed the ordinance of academy, he gave it's the right to adjudge a degree of the doctors of philosophy, right and medicine. But the king didn't confirm it. Only in 1669 Zamoystya's academy has gained all the privileges of university.
The separate graduates, by getting a rank of Licenses of medicine in Krakow or Zamoystya, continued to study at the universities of Italy, where were adjudged a scientific degree of the doctor of medicine. One of such doctors of medicine was Yuri Drohobytch-Katermak (1450-1494). He was the student of the Krakow university. He has become the bachelor in 1470, and in 1473 - the master. But he was not satisfied with it- he left for Italy to Bolonya's university. In 1478 Katermak he become the doctor of philosophy, and in 1482-the doctor of medicine. Since 1488 Katermak thought medicine at the Krakow University. He published a book under the title "A Prognostic estimation of line 1483 by the master Yuri Drohobytch from Russ, the doctor of art and medicine from the Bolonya University successfully executed".
Kiev-Mohyla academy played a significant role in the preparing of medical staff, with organization of hospital's medical schools. During only 14 years (1784-1798) from the academy more then 300 persons entered medical schools. There was a sanitary-hygienic skill. Prophylaxis of diseases occurred together with treatment of diseases. In due, course become from in Kiev academy. In the beginning of the second halt of XVIII centuries in the program were entered the following sciences: world history, physics, astronomy, architecture, foreign languages. Since 1802 in academy the course of medicine was open. In "the medical class" 150-170 schoolboys studied. They studied anatomy, surgery, and forensic medicine. By introduction of this course. The medical academy hoped to get bases knowledge of medicine among derivate people of the population.
The prominent Ukrainian anatomist, representative of Kharkov school of anatomists Vladimir Vorobуev (1876-1937), entered macroscopic and microscopic approach in an anatomy. He described innervation’s stomach (1913) and superficial nervous interlacing of heart. I n 1934 Vorobyev published capital labour by Ukrainian "Anatomy of man", and already subsequent to his death "Atlas of anatomy of man " (1946-1948).
The Ukrainian physiologist Vladimir Pravdi-Neminskiy (1879-1921) in 1913 wrote down an electroencephalogram the first on a dog by a galvanometer. Gans Berger in 1924 wrote down an electroencephalogram for a man. In 1928 Julian Valyavskiy (1898-1975) has opened an enterogastrone in a thin bowel, hormone which diminishes a gastric secretion, and offered the theory of origin of gastric ulcer, being based on the function of enterogastrone.
The deep step at the nature microbiology, epidemiology left Danylo Kyrylovych Zabolotnyu (1866-1929). D.K.Zabolotnyu graduated from the natural department of physic-mathematical faculty of the Odessa University and the medical faculty of the Kiev University. Being a student, he had done several scientific researches under the rule of Mechnicov and Pydvysotskyu. Together with Savchenko, Zabolotny in 1883, much earlier then Bezredka, in his experiments on himself, established, that the cholera's vaccine.
All his life Zabolotnyu learned of the ways of spreading of the plague and its treatment. He learned the plague in India, Aravia, Mongolia, and China, in Povoljia, Kazahstan, and Zabaykalya. During his expedition to Mongolia, Zabolotnyu got plague. In 1911 he proves the connection between the under spreading of the plague and rodents.
He learned syphilis, and 2 years before Shaudin and Hoffman discovered treponema palladium, but didn't publish about his discovery. In1898 he established the first department of bacteriology in Petersburg women medical institute, which was headed by him for a long time. Much work was done for the learning of inflectional diseases. In 1920 he established in Odessa the first in the world department of the epidemiology, and in 1927 - published the first original book.
In 1922 Zabolotnyu became the academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, and in 1928 - it's president, in 1929 - the academician of the USSR academy of Sciences. Zabolotnyu organized the Institute of the Microbiology, which is named after him now. A special attention he payed for the widespread of the hygienically education among the population.
He entered Charkiv University, when he graduated of the age of 19-th. The contribution of the world wale, for development of a microbiology and creation of two directions in science has made I.I.Mechnicov. He entered Charkiv University, when he graduated of the age of 19-th. In 1867 he did scientific work for the degree of the doctor of zoology. Since 1870 till 1882 he worked in Odessa University as a professor of zoology. Worked together with the famous embryologist, evolutionologist O.Kovalevskiy, Mechnicov prove evolution connections between chordal and non-chordal; make out quation about the first steps of the development of many cells organism.
Did so many experiments, Mechnicov decided that cell nourishment is often seen in the nature and belong to all moving cells of organism. He throat that familiar cells must be against harmful factors. It is basic of phagocyte theory. For it Mechnicov give the next 25 years of his life. He organized in Odessa (1886) the first local bacteriology station with the first in the world antiradical department. In 1908 Mechnicov got the greatest award the Nobel pries. So he bought the monkeys and holds the experiments on them, studying syphilis, cholera, thighs, and tuberculosis. At the last years of his life Mechnicov played a special attention to the studying of the long-life problem, which is reflected in his studies (1904,1907).
The great works about pathogenesis, clinic, and treatment of the vessels-cardiac pathology belong to the Ukrainian therapeutic school, headed by academician M.D.Strazhesko. By his initiative in 1936, in Kiev the Institute of Clinical Medicine was created, which was named after him. In 1909 Vasiliy Obrazcov (1849-1920) and M.D. Strazhesko, (1876-1952) put the clinical diagnosis of sharp heart attack of myocardium the first as a result of thrombosis of coronaries.