Czech holidays and celebrations


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Presentation transcript:

Czech holidays and celebrations Mgr. Zdislava Šmídová

Anotace Kód DUMu: VY_32_INOVACE_1.AJ.20 Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0114 Vytvořeno: prosinec 2012 Ročník: 3. ročník a 4. ročník – čtyřleté gymnázium (RVP-G) Septima a Oktáva – osmileté gymnázium (RVP-G) Anotace: Tento materiál by vytvořen jako téma pro maturitní okruh: Czech holidays and celebrations na Gymnáziu a JŠ Svitavy; přibližně na jednu, popřípadě více vyučovacích hodin (pro výklad i opakování – shrnutí učiva). Obsahuje jednak přehled faktografických údajů, tak i anglickou ustálenou terminologii, doplněné o interaktivní cvičení: rozhovory s diskuzí na dané téma (role-play). Je primárně zaměřen na dva poslední ročníky gymnázia, i přesto se dá využít i v nižších ročnících osmiletého i čtyřletého studia vcelku nebo jeho jednotlivé části. Pomůcky: interaktivní tabule Vzdělávací oblast Jazyk a jazyková komunikace Vzdělávací obor Anglický jazyk Tematický okruh Czech holidays and celebrations


PUBLIC HOLIDAYS January 1st, 1993 May 1st - May Day it is the date of foundation of the Czech Republic generally January 1st is called the New Year's Day Reality: so most Czechs try to get over their hangover Those Christians who are sober attend mass to give thanks for the previous year May 1st - May Day political parties on the left celebrate a holiday of working people an international Day of Labour is celebrated to remember a strike by American workers in Chicago that took place on May 1, 1886 (the strikers were demanding an 8‑hour working day) Reality: Nowadays - day off , -a day of love when lovers kiss under blooming cherry trees

May 8th the day of the liberation of Czechoslovakia from the Nazis by the Soviet Army it marks the end of WWII Reality: Ceremonial acts take place the Czech president, political representatives and WWII veterans commemorate the end of the war by placing flower wreaths at memorials of the victims of WWII

July, 5th the day of St Cyril and St Method who came from Byzantium to Great Moravia in 863 to teach the people of Great Moravia how to read and write spread Christianity they used the old Slavic language created the Glagolitic alphabet Reality: religious celebrations take place masses and processions enjoy a day off at the beginning of the summer

July, 6th Master John Huss - a Catholic preacher of the commons - a religious reformer - a dean of Charles University was burned to death at the stake as a heretic in 1415 in Kostnice spreading his revolutionary criticism Reality: Czechs take two days off and join them with the weekend they spend it at their summer cottages

September 28th St Wenceslas Day St Wenceslas is the patron saint of the Czech lands the duke of Bohemia was born in 907 ( the son of Bořivoj I. and Drahomira) educated, godly and very believing ruler died on September 28, 935 murdered by his younger brother Boleslav I. Reality: one of the longest squares in Prague is named after this historical figure the statue of Saint Wenceslas masses in the name of St Wenceslas are also said

October 28th, 1918 the date of foundation of the first independent Czechoslovak Republic the Czechoslovak state declared independence at the end of the First World War (WW I) in 1918 until that time Czech and Slovak countries had been part of the Austro‑Hungarian Empire the first president, Tomaš Garrigue Masaryk Reality: On this day the president of the republic gives honours to people who did special deeds

celebrated on 2nd November a Christian festival in honour of dead November 2nd ALL SOUL´S DAY celebrated on 2nd November a Christian festival in honour of dead people say prayers for the souls of the dead commemorate their late relatives or friends clean tombstones / gravestones place bunches or basket of flowers on their graves light candles lay wreaths of flowers or leaves (in the shape of circle) as a sign of respect for people who have died - to place flowers and candles on their graves.

November 17th very important milestones from our history In 1939 Nazis invaded Czechoslovakia and proclaimed it the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia Czech students demonstrated against the occupation and the demonstration was brutally suppressed in reaction, Czech universities were closed by the Nazis on November 17 In 1989 the Velvet Revolution – video - started as a student demonstration against the communist regime This day commemorates the struggle and fight for freedom Reality: more than a day off for most people some bring flowers and light candles on Narodni třida in Prague and other places connected with the Velvet Revolution

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year - video CHRISTMAS - video We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year - video a yearly celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ a holiday of peace and calm look for suitable presents Advent begins four weeks before Christmas Eve Preparations: * Christmas sweets vanilla rolls, ginger bread and sweets with nuts, almonds, coconut, raisins and chocolate

* Christmas market Bronze Sunday, Silver Sunday and Gold Sunday * Christmas decorations St Nicholas Day December 6th St Nicholas + an angel + a devil Children must say whether they have been good the whole year They sing a song or recite a poem Good children get a bag or a sock full of fruit and sweets Bad children get only coal and potatoes

Christmas tree a pine, spruce or fir artificial decorations: * glass stars * balls * bells * gingerbread * candles * sparklers

CUSTOMS *children do not eat anything all day * they want to see the golden piglet * dinner -fish soup, fried carp with potato salad, sweets and fruit *listen to or sing Christmas carols - video *fairy tales – video entertainment programmes (TV) *do some old customs: - pour lead - cut off apples - send walnut shells on the water (future) * at midnight both believers and unbelievers go to the midnight mass - video

EASTER pagan origin and celebrate a new start of life in nature Christian Easter lasts for one week called Holy Week: * PALM SUNDAY * SHROVE TUESDAY * ASH WEDNESDAY - the first day of Lent * HOLY THURSDAY- Last Supper of Christ * GOOD FRIDAY- crucifixion of Jesus Christ LENT -eat less food or stop doing something that they enjoy * it ends on Easter Sunday- - on that day Jesus returned to life - resurrection

EASTER * boys have to prepare plaited willow canes decorated with ribbons * girls have to colour, decorate or paint eggs * boys with their canes go from house to house - video - chase girls and whip them saying traditional rhymes - asking for Easter eggs * also pour water on each other * small children are given chocolate eggs and small presents from the Easter Bunny

TRADITIONAL MEALS and SYMBOLS a special mixture of smoked meat eggs and fresh nettle sweet cakes called "mazanec" with a cross on the top small plain cakes called "Jidáše" a sweet cake in a shape of a lamb called "beránek„ grow corn in flowerpots SYMBOLS cards with Easter folk symbols baby animals (symbol of new life) early spring flowers (snowdrops, daffodils) wishing each other good health and happiness  

CELEBRATIONS BIRTHDAY - video the day we were born we invite our relatives and friends to a party we prepare some refreshment: - sandwiches with butter, ham or salami - eggs, some salad and vegetables - sweets and cakes, ice-cream, crisps - lemonade and other soft drinks - some wine or other spirits guests usually bring flowers and some presents – a box of chocolates, books, some cosmetics pictures, toys for children they congratulate us on our holiday

NAMEDAYS the name day on the day when there is our first name in the calendar have a party * we eat, drink * talk, tell jokes and some stories * play cards or other table games * simply we enjoy a party * or just eat, drink and watch TV  

WEDDINGS - video the wedding announcement wedding clothes brides use to wear marvellous long white dresses decorated with a lace, ribbons embroideries bridegrooms wear a dark elegant suit with a tie or a bowtie bridegroom buys the wedding rings wedding party wedding ceremonies are held at the town halls or register office or in the church guests give many presents to young couple * bed linen, towels, a tablecloth * chinaware, glasses, coffee sets, tea sets * lamps, pictures, pots, vases, some pottery pieces  

ANNIVERSARIES Wedding anniversary * silver wedding anniversary - the date that is exactly 25 years after the wedding * golden anniversary - is exactly 50 years after the beginning of something * diamond anniversary - 60 years after the date when two people were married

ANNIVERSARIES the birth of a baby finishing the school year getting a new job your first salary passing a driving test passing an exam a sport victory winning a scholarship winning a Hollywood Oscar winning an award/ a prize the New Year retiring from work

ROLE-PLAY Imagine that your Japanese friend wants to know more about CZECH HOLIDAYS Explain: 1) public holidays in the CR 2) Christmas 3) Easter 4) birthday/ nameday 5) weddings 6) anniversaries CHANGE YOUR ROLES

Zdroje a použitá literatura KNIŽNÍ ZDROJE: SMITH - DLUHÁ, Gabriella a kol. Angličtina otázky a odpovědi. Olomouc: INFOA, 2007, ISBN 80-7240-489-X. EL-HMOUDOVÁ, Dagmar. Angličtina - Maturitní témata. Český Těšín: Petra Velanová, Třebíč, 2006, ISBN 9788086873046. ELEKTRONICKÉ ZDROJE: ORŠULÁK, Tomáš; DOKTOROVÁ, Tatiana. HOLIDAYS AND TRADITIONS IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC [online]. [cit. 17.12.2012]. Dostupný na WWW: FOTOGALERIE: Veškeré použité obrázky pocházejí z otevřené galerie Microsoft Office (Powerpoint). Veškeré hypertextové odkazy jsou platné ke dni vytvoření díla.