Challenge Question A: There were four rainstorms last month at Clearview School. The ground remained wet for two days after each storm. Ask Precipitation Teams: How much water fell within the boundary of the school property? Explain. Ask Evaporation Teams: If the evaporation rate was 0.5” per day, what percent of the precipitation evaporated? Explain. Ask Infiltration Teams: What percent of the water could infiltrate into the ground? Explain. Ask Runoff Teams: How could the school realistically capture the water that falls from the sky? Where could they store it? Ask All Teams: If the school got disconnected from the city water service and had to rely entirely on the water that fell from the sky, would they have enough or too little? Explain. If they have too little, what could they do to become more sustainable? What sorts of water quality issues would they have to deal with? What is similar and different between our school yard and this fictitious one? How might vegetation impact our water quantity and quality? Redraw the water cycle as it would occur on our schoolyard.