The Water Cycle
Where has your water been?
Water on Earth There is a finite amount of water on Earth. It covers 75% of the Earth.
Water on Earth Water constantly changes phases and locations on the planet: solid, liquid, or gas
Water on Earth Water is not evenly distributed, and most is unsuitable for drinking.
Saltwater NOT fit for consumption. Oceans are salty because of minerals like halite. Salt is not evaporated by the sun.
Freshwater 2.15% is frozen in ice caps and glaciers This is the majority of our freshwater .65% is freshwater in lakes, streams, groundwater, and water vapor in the air
Freshwater We use less than 1% (<1%) for drinking and personal hygiene We need it for agriculture, fisheries, transportation, heating and cooling, manufacturing, and many other purposes.
Freshwater We must conserve water WE NEED WATER TO SURVIVE!!!! Can be depleted or polluted, and unavailable or unsuitable for human life WE NEED WATER TO SURVIVE!!!!
Pollution Point source pollution- pollution that comes from one specific site Non-point source pollution- pollution that comes from many sources
Pollution Sources Point Source Pollution Non-point Source Pollution
Estuary An area where a river meets the ocean, bringing in minerals from runoff Contains brackish water Many animals lay eggs here because of low salinity.
Salinity Salinity is the measure of how much salt is in solution.
Desalination The process of removing salt from water.
Groundwater Found in innumerable holes, pores, fractures, and cavities in bodies of water Most municipal and industrial water comes from the ground.
The Water Cycle The water cycle continuously moves water through the atmosphere, land, and oceans.
3 Processes in the Water Cycle Evaporation Condensation Precipitation
Processes in the Water Cycle Evaporation- to change from a liquid to a gas by adding heat Water in its gaseous phase is called vapor.
Processes in the Water Cycle Transpiration- a special type of evaporation that occurs when water is released through the leaves of plants
Processes in the Water Cycle Condensation- to change from a gas to a liquid by removing heat Clouds (made of water droplets) are formed by condensation
Processes in the Water Cycle Precipitation- water that falls to Earth’s surface in the form of rain, sleet, snow, or hail
Solar Radiation
Water Cycle Songs