Theory Requirements W.N..


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Presentation transcript:

Theory Requirements W.N.

Theory roadmap

The RIA Theory Group (RIATG) Thank you RIA!!!!!

Many documents/reports describe challenges for theory related to FRIB NSAC Theory Report RIATG Blue Book RIA Brochure RISAC report 2007 NSAC Long Range Plan RISAC NAS Report 2007 NSAC Long Range Plan The Frontiers of Nuclear Science

DOE FY 2006 NP Workforce Survey Results DOE Nuclear Theory Support by Subfield (FY05 in k$) Structure of the nucleon 35% Nuclear structure 21% Hot, dense matter 27% Nuclear astrophysics 10% Fundamental symmetries 2% + 5% INT

2006 JUSTIPEN launched and renewed 2009 2006 UNDEF SciDAC-2 funded

Identify the most compelling scientific questions and opportunities for the next decade (within US) and their scientific impact (from LRP TM talk…) Working on a bridge between hadrons and nuclei (e.g., lattice QCD with smaller pion masses; match PT with lattice results) Developing a stringent framework for in-medium modifications Realistic Hamiltonian (3-nucleon interaction) describing matter and nuclei QMC for (i) stable excited states in 12C, A=11 nuclei, unnatural-parity states in A=9,10 and states outside p-shell such as second 0+ in 12C; (ii) scattering states in He and Li nuclei Studies electroweak observables, including low energy radiative captures, form factors, weak transitions, etc., with the aim of constructing a "realistic" nuclear electroweak current Studies of correlations via (e,e'p) and (e,e'pN) reactions Removing “model” from shell model: Applications of NCSM with NN+NNN(+NNNN) chiral EFT forces to light nuclei (structure, reactions/RGM/GSM); help in determining NNN LECs; NCSM in a symplectic basis Bridging light and heavy: applications of coupled-cluster theory with NN and NNN forces to halos, unbound states, and A=40-100 Bridging structure and reactions: advanced GSM, CSM calculations for complex open nuclei, including halo systems; development of realistic interactions.

Opportunities (cont.) Development of realistic nuclear energy density functional (rms error on masses < 500 keV) Microscopic foundations of NDFT (EFT+RG, SM, ab-initio) Understanding of density dependence, time-odd fields, effective mass, correlations Firm analysis of uncertainties Applications of modern adiabatic and time-dependent theories of LACM to coexistence, fusion, fission; tests of non-adiabatic approaches Bridging micro and macro: microscopic foundation of symmetry-dictated approaches (predictability added!) EOS fully characterized at low to moderate densities Superfluid gaps in nuclear matter pinned down with calculations tied to experimental results in cold atoms and elsewhere; Pairing in asymmetric systems (neutron-proton pairing, polarized cold atoms, and exotic states in nuclei) Isospin dependence of low- and high-frequency multipole/spin-isospin strength (E1 and GT in particular) Convergent treatment of many-body continuum Theoretical justification of surrogate reactions, such as (d,p) Quantum multi-step excitations in nucleon-nucleus collisions Microscopic optical potentials and level densities Time-dependent investigations of the role of neutron skins for heavy ion fusion

Relevance of Nuclear Theory… Addressing national needs Advanced Fuel Cycles Workshop in August 2006 identifying needs. neutron-reaction cross sections from eV to 10 MeV the full range of (n,f), (n,n’), (n,xn), (n,g) reactions heavy transuranics, rare actinides, and some light elements (iron, sulfur) Quantified nuclear theory error bars Cross sections input to core reactor simulations (via data evaluation) BETTER CROSS SECTIONS AFFECT both SAFETY and COST of AFC reactors. Science Based Stockpile Stewardship Radiochemical analysis from days of testing: inference on device performance shows final products but not how they came to be. Typical example Yttrium charged particle out reaction. LES THAN 10% of cross sections in region measured. Theory with quantifiable error bars is needed. These two examples point to the relevance of Nuclear Theory to OTHER programs of national interest. Quantifiable theory error bars is a key desire. Room for large-scale computing (SciDAC) AFC workshop proceedings: The Stewardship Science Academic Alliance program workshop:

From the RIATG Manifesto… A unified and consistent approach to nuclear structure phenomena (general) Nuclei at the extremes of the nuclear chart can magnify important features of the nuclear many-body problem and principal uncertainties of the theoretical description (FRIB specific) Spectroscopy of exotic systems will be an invaluable source of information to learn more about up to now poorly known channels of the shell-model interactions and energy density functionals (FRIB specific)

Guiding principles and aims The community of theoretical low-energy nuclear theorists in the United States must attract, educate, and retain the best and most talented young scientists; Develop the increased scientific workforce required to address the identified scientific opportunities and programmatic needs; Reverse the decline of nuclear theory in top-ranked physics departments; Maximize the effectiveness of theoretical research and its contribution to the overall nuclear physics program; Build program accountability into all major new FRIB theory initiatives.

Following “A Vision for Nuclear Theory NSAC report… FRIB theory needs Following “A Vision for Nuclear Theory NSAC report… GLOBAL (nationwide) Undergraduate ($5k) and graduate FRIB fellowship (like NNSA Krell I.) program Postdoctoral prize FRIB fellowships Topical FRIB theory centers (3 years, renewable, $400-500k) Bridging positions at universities and national labs Leveraged support for sabbaticals in FRIB areas Winning a prestigious fellowship in a national competition will raise the profile of a research career at an early stage and enhance the visibility of the brightest among our young scientists in the academic world. The selection of suitable candidates for fellowships, sabbaticals, and recommendations about center proposal will be done by a standing committee with staggered three-year term. The members of such a standing committee could also help generate interest at leading academic institutions in creating new faculty positions in nuclear theory. Up to three awards, with a duration of three years, should be made each year for a steady state of up to 9 postdoctoral fellowships. Students must be nominated by their head of department or group leader, and that each university only be allowed to nominate one student per year.

LOCAL (at FRIB) Topical workshops Brainstorming meetings related to planned experiments, PAC meetings, and experimental surprises Visitor theory program at FRIB, coordinated with INT and activities at the topical centers Computing friendly environment

FRIB is a great opportunity for the low-energy nuclear theory FRIB will provide crucial data for calibration and verification of nuclear theories FRIB will become a wonderful attractor for various theory efforts and for fruitful interactions between theory and experiment FRIB will help rejuvenating LENP theory community