(1B) Methods of representing and measuring data electronically 1B Lab activity (1B) Methods of representing and measuring data electronically
Structure – How does it work? Lab activates are not the same as you typical lessons. You should think of them a mini Challenges that you must complete in order. There are three types of challenge Theory – This will be based on your classwork or reading Practical – For this you must interact with the equipment and solve a simple problem Identify – For this you must find a piece of hardware of information contained within the operating system
How do I know if I am doing well? (making progress) Every task contains a checklist. You must first tick the red box to indicate you have started. When you have finished the task you must draw an arrow to indicate if you managed to either + Red – Have completed the task but could not repeat the task without support + Amber – completed the task with a high level of support (but can now demonstrate the skill with ease) + Green – Have completed the task with low level support / / /
High Vs Low level support We are expecting you to independently support yourself to complete each of the tasks. The purpose of this is to develop your problem solving and researching skills. Low level support is defined as: + Experimenting + Peer support + Websites (including youtube) + Book High level support is defined as: + Using this presentation to support your tasks + Direct teacher intervention (teacher has to directly demonstrate beyond class teaching or has to do part of the task for you)
(Theory)Describe how IP addresses and Subnet masks interact and what they are used for See PDF file - 1B Subnet Masks and IP addresses
(Practical) Finding IP addresses and Subnet masks on a PC Taken from : http://www.howtofindmyipaddress.com/ How To Find My IP Address On A PC For Windows users, here is how I can find my IP address. First, click the Start Menu, and select Run. Next, type ''cmd'' into the box and click the ''OK'' button. Finally, at the prompt, type ''ipconfig'' and information about your IP Address will be displayed.
(Practical) Changing IP addresses and Subnet masks File located from: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/15089/windows-change-tcp-ip-settings Find PDF - 1B - IP settings - Windows Help Find video located at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQdxxckMD4I
(Practical) Understanding and setting DHCP for dynamic IP addresses File located from: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/15089/windows-change-tcp-ip-settings Find PDF - 1B - IP settings - Windows Help Find video located at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQdxxckMD4I
(Identify) find the NIC on a PC along with suitable cables
(Theory) Find the following network hardware and state its purpose PC KVM Server NAS Server Switch
(Practical)Network the machines using Ethernet cables 1. Find a suitable length Ethernet cable. 2. plug it into the Ethernet port on your PC 3. Plug the other end into the switch making sure that it is plugged into the same switch as the other devices you are trying to communicate with.
(Practical)Use of Ping to check connections Use website : https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc732509(v=ws.10).aspx
(Theory)Understanding firewalls and learning about UDP/TCP and ports To find out more about UDP and TCP http://www.diffen.com/difference/TCP_vs_UDP To find common ports used in Windows Find PDF – 1B – Common Ports To configure windows firewall: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AcqibSJ8ng
(Theory) Understanding how the web works (including basic HTML) Use the online tutorials at W3 school. (only complete up to basics) http://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp
(Practical) Setting up a basic web server and accessing it locally 1. Locate the USB web server 2. Open “USBWEBSERVER.EXE” 3. check everything is running (green ticks) 4. Click on “Localhost”
(Practical) Setting up firewalls on a PC to block access to your webserver (and unblocking it) See previous guide on setting up a firewall