Warm up On the 2nd page of notes, at the bottom, answer these questions What comes to mind when you think about the Holocaust? What names stand out?
The Holocaust
The Beliefs of the Nazis Racial Superiority The belief in the supremacy of the Aryan “master” race The greatest threat: Jewish people The only way for German to rise up, is to get rid of the “inferior race” Ideas came from Mein Kampf
Holocaust begins… Hitler used the long lasting dislike of the Jews to gain support for his racist ideas Slowly, the hatred of Jews worked its way into govt policy Nuremberg Laws – 1935 deprived jews of their rights to German citizenship and forbade marriages between jews and non-jews. Also limited types of work Jews could do
Night of Broken Glass -1938 Nazi’s launched violent attack against the Jewish community Many Jews fled, but as Hitler continued to conquer more territories, there was nowhere to run Soon were put into Ghettos
The Final Solution Hitler’s program of genocide The systematic killing of an entire people Hitler wanted to protect “racial purity” Wanted to eliminate not only Jews, but Poles, Russians, homosexuals, the insane, disabled, and the deathly ill. Mass killings started Rounding up people and shooting them
Cont… If they weren’t killed, they were put in concentration camps ( slave-labor prisons) Final solution reached its peak in 1942 Built camps with gas chambers ( could kill 6,000 people in a day) Auschwitz - largest of the camps
Survivors Est. 6 million Jews died Less than 4 million survived Help from non-Jews Some survived the camps
Jews killed under Nazi Rule Original Jewish Population Jews Killed Percent surviving Poland 3,300,000 2,800,000 15% Soviet Union (occupied by Germany) 2,100,000 200,000 29% Hungary 404,000 49% Romania 850,000 425,000 50% Germany/ Austria 270,000 210,000 22%