At the second coming, the Christians are given a new eternal body with soul while the non-Christians (body and soul) along with death, hades, etc are destroyed in the lake of fire (Gehenna)
Read Genesis 2:7 Not KJV Read Genesis 2:7 KJV Is there any difference between “soul” and “being” for you? Do you think the soul pre-existed before the body or do you think the soul is created along with the body?
What was the resurrection body of Christ like? What kind of body do you anticipate having for eternity? Read 1 Corinthians 15:42-52 What about the term in V. 45?
God created man, let’s say from dirt. Man dies and returns to dirt. At the second coming, God raises the dead and reunites the body and soul into a new spiritual body that will last for eternity. So why does God put us through this first stage, why not just give the spiritual body to start with?
Paul uses an agricultural metaphor to explain the relationship between the resurrection body of Christ and the body we Christians will have. Paul views the resurrection of Christ as a preview of coming events. Paul compares the old physical body from Adam to the new body of the resurrected.
Picture the future not as a race of human beings, not as a race of Jews and gentiles, but a race of new beings in Christ.