Sequential statements (1) process [process_name:] PROCESS (sensitivity list) BEGIN sequential statements END PROCESS [process_name];
COMBINATIONAL PROCESS PROCESS(a, b, c) BEGIN d <= (a AND b) OR c; END PROCESS; ALL input signals must be in sensitivity list or latches will be produced!
If statement (sequential)– describing MUXs If condition1 then signal1 <= value1; signal2 <= value2; elsif condition2 then signal1 <= value3; signal2 <= value4; … [ELSE signal1 <= valuen-1; signal2 <= valuen;] end if; ENTITY mux IS PORT (i0: in std_logic; i1: in std_logic; s: in std_logic; o: out std_logic); END mux; ARCHITECTURE rtl OF mux IS BEGIN process(i0, i1, s) If s = ‘0’ then o <= i0; else o <= i1; end if; end process; END rtl;
CASE statement (sequential)– describing MUXs ENTITY mux IS PORT (i0: in std_logic; i1: in std_logic; s: in std_logic; o: out std_logic); END mux; ARCHITECTURE rtl OF mux IS BEGIN process(i0, i1, s) CASE s IS WHEN ‘0’ => o <= i0; WHEN OTHERS => s <= i1; end CASE; end process; END rtl; CASE expression IS when value1 => signal1 <= value2; signal2 <= value3; when value4 => signal1 <= value4; signal2 <= value5; . . . [when others => signal1 <= valuen-1; signal2 <= valuen;] end CASE;
Example Describe a 3-bit 4-to-1 MUX
CLOCKED PROCESS (Latch with asynchronous reset) PROCESS(clk, rst_n) BEGIN IF rst_n = ‘0’ THEN q <= (others => ‘0’); ELSIF clk= ‘1’ THEN q <= d; END IF; END PROCESS;
CLOCKED PROCESS (Latch with synchronous reset) PROCESS(clk) BEGIN IF clk = ‘1’ THEN if rst_n = ‘0’ then q <= (others => ‘0’); else q <= d; end if; END IF; END PROCESS;
CLOCKED PROCESS (Flip-flop with asynchronous reset) PROCESS(clk, rst_n) BEGIN IF rst_n = ‘0’ THEN q <= (others => ‘0’); ELSIF clk’event and clk= ‘1’ THEN q <= d; END IF; END PROCESS;
CLOCKED PROCESS (Flip-flop with synchronous reset) PROCESS(clk) BEGIN IF clk’event and clk= ‘1’ THEN IF rst_n = ‘0’ THEN q <= (others => ‘0’); else q <= d; end if; END IF; END PROCESS;
for loop statement – shift register [label]: for identifier in range loop statements end loop; ENTITY shift_reg is port(clk, rst_n: in std_logic; input: in std_logic; output: out std_logic); end shift_reg; Architecture rtl of shift_reg is signal d: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); begin process(clk, rst_n) if rst_n = ‘0’ then d <= (others => ‘0’); elsif rising_edge(clk) then d(0) <= input; for i in 0 to 3 loop d(i+1) <= d(i); end loop; end if; end process; output <= d(3); end;
CLOCKED VS COMBINATIONAL PROCESS (1/2) process(clk, rst) BEGIN If rst = ‘1’ then q <= ‘0’; elsif clk’event and clk = ‘1’ then CASE c IS WHEN ‘0’ => q <= a; WHEN OTHERS => q <= b; end CASE; end if; end process; process(a, b, c) BEGIN CASE c IS WHEN ‘0’ => q <= a; WHEN OTHERS => q <= b; end CASE; end process;
CLOCKED VS COMBINATIONAL PROCESS (2/2) PROCESS(a, b, c) BEGIN d <= (a AND b) OR c; END PROCESS; PROCESS(clk, rst) BEGIN if rst = ‘1’ then d <= ‘0’; elsif clk’event and clk= ‘1’ then d <= (a AND b) OR c; end if; END PROCESS;
EXAMPLE: BINARY UPCOUNTER PROCESS(clk) begin if clk’event and clk=‘1’ then if rst_n = ‘0’ then –-synchronous reset count <= (others => ‘0’); else if en = ‘1’ then --count enable count <= count + ‘1’; end if; end process;
The integer type Signal signal_name: integer range range_low to range_high Examples: Signal count: integer range 0 to 63 -- 6-bit counter Signal k: integer range 0 to 3 -- 2-bit counter
Binary up counter ver2 ARCHITECTURE rtl of counter is signal count: integer range 0 to 31; -- 5-bit counter begin PROCESS(clk) if clk’event and clk=‘1’ then if rst_n = ‘0’ then –-synchronous reset count <= 0; else if en = ‘1’ then --count enable count <= count + 1; end if; end process; end;
TESTBENCH Entity testbench_name is end testbench_name; ARCHITECTURE architecture_name of testbench_name IS COMPONENT declaration Signal declaration --signal clk: std_logic:=‘0’; BEGIN Component instantiation { clk <= not clk after 40 ns; --80 ns clock period a <= ‘1’, ‘0’ after 50 ns, ‘1’ after 100 ns; } end;
TESTBENCH EXAMPLE Entity testbench is end testbench; begin U_mux: mux port map ( i0 =>i0, i1=>i1, s=>s, o=> o); i0 <= ‘0’, ‘1’ after 50 ns, ‘0’ after 100 ns, ‘1’ after 150 ns, ‘0’ after 200 ns, ‘1’ after 250 ns, ‘0’ after 300 ns, ‘1’ after 350 ns; i1 <= ‘0’, ‘1’ after 100 ns, ‘1’ after 300 ns; s <= ‘0’, ‘1’ after 200 ns; end test; Entity testbench is end testbench; Architecture test of testbench is component mux PORT (i0: in std_logic; i1: in std_logic; s: in std_logic; o: out std_logic); END component; signal i0, i1, s, o: std_logic;
Mealy machines (1/3) ENTITY fsm is port(clk, rst_n, a, b: in std_logic; o: out std_logic); END ENTITY fsm; ARCHITECTURE rtl of fsm is Type state is (state0, state1); Signal state_pr, state_nx: state;
Mealy machines (2/4) BEGIN Process(clk, rst_n) --sequential part begin if (rst_n=‘0’) then state_pr <= state0; --default state elsif rising_edge(clk) then state_pr <= state_nx; end if; end process;
Mealy machines (3/4) process(a, state_pr) --combinational part begin CASE state_pr is WHEN state0 => if (a = ‘1’) then state_nx <= state1; output <= <value>; else state_nx <= state0; --optional end if;
Mealy machines (4/4) WHEN state1 => if (a = ‘1’) then state_nx <= state0; output <= <value>; --Mealy machine else state_nx <= state1; --optional output <= <value>; --Mealy machine end if; end CASE; end process;
Moore machines process(a, state_pr) --combinational part begin CASE state_pr is WHEN state0 => output <= <value>; --Moore machine if (a = ‘1’) then state_nx <= state1; else state_nx <= state0; --optional end if;
MOORE MACHINES WHEN state1 => output <= <value>; --Moore machine if (a = ‘1’) then state_nx <= state0; else state_nx <= state1; --optional end if; end CASE; end process;