Makey Makey & Scratch
My Take on STEM… I am presuming it is STEM if we use a minimum of two areas. Need to ensure chosen areas hit are at an appropriate level. Units/lessons will not be equally spread across chosen areas. My background is Digital Technology.
STeM Digital Tech: - Data and Information Digital Tech - Creating Digital Solutions Science: - Physical sciences Maths - Location and transformation Acquire, store and validate different types of data and use a range of software to interpret and visualise data to create information (VCDTDI028) Design a user interface for a digital system, generating and considering alternative design ideas (VCDTCD031) Design, modify and follow simple algorithms represented diagrammatically and in English, involving sequences of steps, branching, and iteration (VCDTCD032) Develop digital solutions as simple visual programs (VCDTCD033) Energy from a variety of sources can be used to generate electricity; electric circuits enable this energy to be transferred to another place and then to be transformed into another form of energy (VCSSU081) Introduce the Cartesian coordinate system using all four quadrants (VCMMG230)
Stem – Curriculum links. Digital Tech - Data and Information Design and Technologies - Technologies Contexts Science: - Physical sciences Maths - Location and transformation Acquire, store and validate different types of data and use a range of software to interpret and visualise data to create information (VCDTDI028) Investigate characteristics and properties of a range of materials, systems, components, tools and equipment and evaluate the impact of their use (VCDSTC037) Energy from a variety of sources can be used to generate electricity; electric circuits enable this energy to be transferred to another place and then to be transformed into another form of energy (VCSSU081) Introduce the Cartesian coordinate system using all four quadrants (VCMMG230) Investigate the effect of combinations of transformations on simple and composite shapes, including creating tessellations, with and without the use of digital technologies (VCMMG229) Digital Tech - Creating Digital Solutions Design a user interface for a digital system, generating and considering alternative design ideas (VCDTCD031) Design, modify and follow simple algorithms represented diagrammatically and in English, involving sequences of steps, branching, and iteration (VCDTCD032) Develop digital solutions as simple visual programs (VCDTCD033) Investigating - Critique needs or opportunities for designing, and investigate materials, components, tools, equipment and processes to achieve intended designed solutions (VCDSCD038) Generating - Generate, develop, communicate and document design ideas and processes for audiences using appropriate technical terms and graphical representation techniques (VCDSCD039) Producing - Apply safe procedures when using a variety of materials, components, tools, equipment and techniques to produce designed solutions (VCDSCD040) Evaluating - Negotiate criteria for success that include consideration of environmental and social sustainability to evaluate design ideas, processes and solutions (VCDSCD041) Planning and managing - Develop project plans that include consideration of resources when making designed solutions (VCDSCD042)
MIT Scratch Block based programming language suitable for years 3-6 as per the Victorian Curriculum. Developed by MIT, currently does not run on an iPad. Can be run online or run off line. Very powerful, delivering quick results and feedback to students.
Makey Makey Small and quick to set up – (from $49 per kit – via Little Bird Electronics). Grant submitted to build up a Federation wide shared pool of resources. Can be taken further using Arduino Addon.
Robot Arm Robot Arm - Need to change the code to use arrows, click, and space key. Challenge to design an input process that is faster than the keyboard.
Game Controler Game controller - More to the games industry than making games, are you able to build you own game pad? Xbox vs Classic arcade?
Guitar Guitar – Build a cardboard guitar to with wire strings attached to the Makey Makey Change the code to suit the style of guitar.
Piano Scratch Piano - Attach fruit to the correct parts of the Makey Makey. Look at what else around us conducts electricity Change the code to make a drum kit. Change the code to allow the user to change between groups of sounds.
Cartesian Coordinate Cartesian Coordinates Reflection Use code to practice reflection and tessellation.