Christianity and Homosexuality Learning Objective: To be able to write accurately about the different Christian views on Homosexuality
Key Info Homosexuality means ‘Sexual attraction to members of one’s own sex’. The age of consent (when you are old enough to legally have sex) has gone down from 18 to 16. Homosexual couples cannot get married. But homosexual partnerships can be registered, and the law recognises the right of homosexual relationships in terms of property and possessions. Civil partnerships law of 2005.
What does the Bible have to say about homosexuality? Homosexual Christians wish to express love for their partner ‘Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman that is detestable’ (awful) Leviticus 18:22 ‘Neither the sexually immoral….nor homosexual offenders will inherit the Kingdom of God’ (‘Kingdom of God’ is another word for heaven) 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Different Church views on Homosexuality Catholic Church -Against same-sex relationships -Homosexuals should stay celibate (not have sex). -Homosexuals may not become priests. Church of England (A Protestant church) Some churches give a BLESSING to same-sex couples -More understanding, there is a strong gay movement. -Homosexual relationships are judged on the commitment of the partners -Homosexuals may become priests, but must not have sex. -This is dividing the Church of England at the moment.
Main Lesson activities- 1/.Complete the worksheet questions Extension task: What was the recent debate in the Anglican church?-pg 66 of textbooks
Plenary Use your notes to write an answer (on the back of your worksheet) to the question below- worth 6 marks. ‘Outline the Christian view on Homosexuality’