Implementing the Guideline for individual learning Part 3: Assessing student learning 151088
Workshop goals The learning goals for Part 3: Assessing student learning are: know and understand how to use students’ QCIA curriculum plans to plan for assessment examine a range of assessment techniques examine ways of gathering and recording evidence of student learning.
Elements of effective planning ✔ Identify curriculum The Guideline for individual learning is the basis for planning teaching, learning and assessment. Teachers select relevant curriculum organisers, learning focuses and learning goals provided in the guideline to develop teaching and learning experiences. Use feedback Students receive ongoing feedback throughout teaching and learning experiences. Students and their parents/carers receive formal feedback at the time of reporting. Teachers use feedback to inform their planning for teaching and learning. Develop assessment Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning and provides evidence of progression towards the selected learning goals detailed in QCIA curriculum plans. Make judgments Judgments are made about evidence of progress towards learning goals selected from the Guideline for individual learning. Evidence should substantiate Statements of Achievement for each curriculum organiser that will be recorded on the QCIA. ✔ Sequence teaching and learning The selection and sequence of learning experiences and teaching strategies support student learning towards the selected learning goals and provide evidence of achievement through assessment.
What is assessment? Assessment is the purposeful collection of evidence about students’ achievements. Purposes of assessment: promote, assist and improve learning inform teaching and learning experiences gather evidence about what a student knows and can do provide information for developing Statements of Achievement for certification.
What does assessment involve? Assessment involves: identifying where a student is at with their learning at a point in time using evidence from a range of assessment techniques to make judgments about progress towards learning goals to inform future learning experiences to inform Statements of Achievement for QCIA
Gathering evidence Direct evidence — student responses and products that provide tangible, visible and self-explanatory evidence of what the student knows and can do. Indirect evidence — teacher annotations are required to support judgments about what the student knows and can do. assessment criteria sheets teacher observations and anecdotal notes interviews with student discussions with employer peer checklists annotated work samples, learning logs, journal entries photographs, DVDs or videos, audio recordings work experience reports or certificates of participation
Assessment technique: Project Purpose To assess students’ responses to a single task, situation or scenario. The student response will consist of at least two assessable components, demonstrated in different circumstances, places and times, and may be presented to different audiences and through different modes. Description A project occurs over a set period of time. Students may use class time and their own time to develop a response. All practical work must be organised with students’ safety in mind. Schools must ensure that their practices meet current guidelines. Task/format A project consists of at least two different assessable components from the following: Written Spoken/signed Multimodal Performance Product
Assessment technique: Collection of work Purpose To assess students’ responses to a series of focused tasks relating to a single cohesive context. The student response will consist of a collection of at least three assessable components provided at different times and may be demonstrated in different circumstances and places. Description A collection of work consists of students’ responses to a small number of tasks, conducted in class over a series of lessons. Task/format A collection of work consists of at least three assessable components, for example: Written Spoken/signed Multimodal Performance
Assessment technique: Response to stimulus Purpose To assess students’ explanation and understanding of ideas and information in provided stimulus materials. While students may undertake some research in the writing of the response to stimulus, it is not the focus of this technique. Description A response to stimulus occurs over a set period of time. Students may use class time and their own time to develop a response. Students respond to a question or statement about the provided stimulus materials. Stimulus material could include: images, e.g. cartoons, paintings, photos, film, artwork, infographics media articles, e.g. news articles, blogs quotes statistics, graphs maps text extracts excursions/community visits, guest speakers Task/format Examples of response to stimulus tasks/formats may include: Written Spoken/signed Multimodal
Assessment technique: Examination Purpose To assess students’ responses that are produced independently and in a set timeframe. Description Examinations require students to respond to questions, statements or other stimulus material that are typically unseen. Examinations occur under supervised conditions as students produce work individually and in a set time to ensure authenticity. Depending on the needs of the students, examinations may require some teacher guidance, e.g. making the requirements of the assessment explicit, reading questions to students at class, group or individual levels. Task/format Examples of examination tasks/formats may include: Short response test
Examples of evidence Assessment technique Examples of how evidence could be gathered Project Anecdotal records Annotated photographs Presentation Sound/image recording Student journal Task responses and worksheets Collection of work Learning logs Visual folios Task response and worksheets Work experience report Response to stimulus Interview with student Examination Task response
Activity 7: Planning for assessment See Participant Booklet Activity 7: Planning for assessment With a partner: Refer back to the unit of work you planned in Activity 6. Plan an assessment that would be appropriate for this unit of work. Refer to the Appendix in the Participant booklet for information on assessment techniques. Consider the evidence of the student’s progress towards their learning goals that you will be able to collect through this assessment.
QCIA curriculum plan folio Digital collection of student work over time that documents progress towards learning goals. Teachers use the QCIA curriculum plan folio to: collate evidence of learning aligned to the student’s QCIA curriculum plan inform future teaching and learning engage in school-based moderation and district verification conversations to help in developing Statements of Achievement for certification.
Curriculum organiser Communication and technologies
Evidence of learning Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4 Curriculum organiser: Communication and technologies Learning focus: Learning goal: Evidence of learning Evidence may include (but is not limited to): Annotated photographs, work samples, video/audio samples* Anecdotal notes *Annotations should clearly describe the learning goals demonstrated. At least 1 piece of evidence is required to support each learning goal. Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4
Statement of Achievement Statements of Achievement should: be based on evidence positively describe demonstrated knowledge and skills include the context or qualifier for the achievement align with the learning goal/s documented in the curriculum plan.
Elements of effective planning ✔ Identify curriculum The Guideline for individual learning is the basis for planning teaching, learning and assessment. Teachers select relevant curriculum organisers, learning focuses and learning goals provided in the guideline to develop teaching and learning experiences. Use feedback Students receive ongoing feedback throughout teaching and learning experiences. Students and their parents/carers receive formal feedback at the time of reporting. Teachers use feedback to inform their planning for teaching and learning. Develop assessment Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning and provides evidence of progression towards the selected learning goals detailed in QCIA curriculum plans. ✔ Make judgments Judgments are made about evidence of progress towards learning goals selected from the Guideline for individual learning. Evidence should substantiate Statements of Achievement for each curriculum organiser that will be recorded on the QCIA. ✔ Sequence teaching and learning The selection and sequence of learning experiences and teaching strategies support student learning towards the selected learning goals and provide evidence of achievement through assessment.
Learning goals The learning goals for Part 3 of this workshop series were: know and understand how to use students’ QCIA curriculum plans to plan for assessment examine a range of assessment techniques examine ways of gathering and recording evidence of student learning.
What do you already KNOW? Activity: KWL Summary: What have you learned? What do you already KNOW? What do you WANT to learn today? What have you LEARNT?
Contact details Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority Information about the amendments to the Guideline for individual learning — email Curriculum plans, moderation or certification — email