Important Dates: November 5- Last New Bee class and KDPi Final November 6- Bowling night from 6-8 November 9- Initiation at 2pm November 11- General Body Meeting at 7pm in Chichester G01
Dues: Chrischel Rolack, treasurer Email about registration and dues Register, Chrischel will approve Nationals will email instructions on how to pay National Dues. National Dues are due before Initiation on November 9th ONLINE. Chapter Dues are due November 23rd by 5pm. $23 for dues and pin. May pay dues to Box # 2928 or to Chrischel at any KDPi event Chrischel attends. Place in an envelope with your name, please.
Tonight! Welcome, Sign-in, Snacks, Quiz Activity Constitution Committees-Notecard sign-up Exec. Positions
Kappa delta pi Constitution
Article I – New Membership
Section 1 Membership is open to all Longwood students who are education majors, majors of a related program, faculty members and exemplary educators. No one shall be discriminated against based upon their age, ethnicity, national origin, race, sex, gender, disability, religion, sexual orientation or political affiliation.
Section 2 Undergraduate students, graduate students, Longwood faculty, and employed educators or administrators may apply to join the Beta Epsilon Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi.
Undergraduate requirements 1. Must have an overall GPA of 3.25 or higher. 2. Must have completed EDUC 245 and EDUC 260. a. If the undergraduates program area does not require these introductory classes, the appropriate equivalent will be used instead. 3. Must complete the application in its entirety by the deadline set by the executive board. a. If an essay is required for the application process, a rubric will be employed determine if the applicant adheres to the standards set forth by Kappa Delta Pi.
Graduate requirements 1. Must have an overall GPA of 3.5 or higher. 2. Must have completed 6 graduate credit hours. 3. Must complete the application in its entirety by the deadline set by the Executive Board. a. If an essay is required for the application process, a rubric will be employed to determine if the applicant adheres to the standards set forth by Kappa Delta Pi.
Faculty member requirements 1. Must be employed at Longwood University. 2. Must give evidence of support for the Chapter and its ideals. * The number of faculty members initiated must not exceed the number of student initiates.
Educator not affiliated with Longwood University requirements 1. Must be employed in the Prince Edward Public School system. 2. Must be invited to join Kappa Delta Pi by the recommendation of the Membership Committee and majority approval of the Executive Board.
Members of other Kappa Delta Pi chapters 1. If a person is a member of another chapter of Kappa Delta Pi, they may be initiated into the Beta Epsilon Chapter with the reaffirmation ritual.
Article II – Continued Membership
Section 1 Members are to pay dues to the local and national chapters of Kappa Delta Pi. National Dues Chapter Dues
National Dues 1. National dues are currently $42 annually. The Beta Epsilon chapter is not responsible for any increase in dues on the national level. 2. National dues need to be paid by new members within four weeks after initiation. 3. After the first year, the members of the Beta Epsilon chapter do not need to pay the national dues to remain in good standing, but if they do not pay, they will lose membership on the national level. a. National dues, after the first year, are currently paid online. The Beta Epsilon chapter is not responsible for reminding its members to pay the national dues.
Chapter Dues 1. Chapter dues are currently $20 per semester or $40 annually. 2. Dues for members in their first semester of membership will be increased by $3 in order to pay for KDPi membership pin. 3. Dues are to be paid within 4 weeks after the first General Body meeting. a. If a member cannot pay within the time allotted, they are to report to the Treasurer with their issue. Extensions may be granted on an individual basis at the discretion of the Treasurer with approval from the Executive Board. b. If a member is unable to hand in the dues in person, they may mail in the dues to the Kappa Delta Pi box. 3. Dues may be increased if the Executive Board proposes so. Two-thirds of all members must consent to the price increase. Dues will increase by no more than $5 per semester annually.
Section 2 Members will be required to maintain a 3.0 GPA Members must maintain a GPA of 3.0 to be in good standing Members who fail to turn in their GPA’s to the membership chair by the set date, or members whose GPA’s fall below a 3.0 will be considered in poor standing.
Section 3 Members are to accumulate points during the semester in accordance with the current point system. There will be three levels of standing: Excellent Standing, Good Standing, and Poor Standing. A. Points may be acquired by attending general body, executive or committee meetings, participating in events and community service projects, submitting lesson plans or articles with a minimum of 3 discussion questions, or other such activities approved by the Executive Board. 1. The President shall be notified of all other activities meant to award points and he or she shall discuss this idea with the Executive Board. A majority will be needed to approve the activity. 2. Other activities may be approved by the Executive Board to make up for points only if the absence was excused.
B. Poor standing will be awarded to those who miss mandatory events without an excused absence, have neither paid dues on time nor have they discussed their situation with the Treasurer, have GPAs that have fallen below a 3.0, have failed to turn their GPA’s into the membership chair by the set date, have received three strikes, or by simply not accumulating enough points as prescribed in the system. 1. After the first semester of Poor Standing, the member shall have to accumulate 3 extra points than would otherwise be necessary for Good Standing next semester.
2. After the second semester of Poor Standing, the member shall be expelled from the organization and will not be allowed re- admittance. C. Members who are in excellent standing their last active semester of membership will receive cords paid for by KDPi- Beta Epsilon Chapter. Members will receive these cords at the end of their last active semester.
Section 4 Members may go on hiatus from the organization. There are two types of inactive members: enrolled and not enrolled. A. If they are still enrolled in the university, a member may take one semester hiatus with no punishment. They will be taken off the rolls, and they will not have to pay dues. B. If the member is not currently enrolled at Longwood, but plans to re-enroll, they must re- apply when they wish to be re-admitted and they shall be taken off the rolls until their return.
Article III – Participation
Section 1 Participation is vital to the health of the organization. Not only are members expected to attend events and services projects, but they are to actively contribute to the organization during meetings with ideas.
Section 2 If a member cannot attend a meeting or event, mandatory or otherwise, they are to notify the Secretary with their name, the date(s) of absence, and the reason through e-mail. The excuse will be either approved or denied by the secretary, who may bring it to the Executive Board if he or she is unsure of its validity. Notifications of absence must be turned into the Secretary at least 24 hours in advanced unless the activity has been deemed “mandatory” in which case the notification must be sent 72 hours in advance. 1.Members who fail to give the Secretary Notifications of absence at least 24 hours before general body meetings or at least 72 hours before mandatory events will be given a strike. After three strikes the member will be considered in poor standing. In addition, any member who misses three committee meetings without informing their committee head of the reason why will receive a strike. 2.In order to allow members adequate time to plan around events the times of certain meetings and events will need to be announced ahead of time. Committee meeting times and dates will be announced at least 1 week prior to the meeting. General body meeting times and dates will be announced at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting. Mandatory event times and dates will be announced at least 3 weeks prior to the event. If these advanced notices are not given as described above then members will not be required to give an excused absence for missing them and neither a strike nor poor standing will be given based off of that meeting or event.
B. If an emergency occurs, please let the Secretary know as soon as possible. Again, the excuse will be approved or denied by the Executive Board. C. Absences do not excuse a member from the necessary points needed to obtain Good Standing. They must be made up in some other fashion. D. Unexcused absences cannot be made up under the point system.