Volunteer Leaders’ Summit 2016 November 17–19 | Washington, D.C.
Mapping the Member Recruitment and Retention Process
Workshop Goals Learn a repeatable process for mapping member recruitment and retention Identify key touch points Diagram the process so you can take it back to your chapter membership directors to apply in their own chapters
Mapping Member Recruitment & Retention Entice Decide Use Support End & Extend Member Experience What we will be challenging ourselves with today is to think about the member experience using tools of human centered design. As Adam will explain, human centered design is the discipline of developing solutions in the service of people. <que diagram> For now, I want you to concern yourself with this five point user engagement model from the center for design innovation. Entice > Decide > Use > Support > End and Extend <click to next slide>
Mapping Member Recruitment & Retention Entice End & Extend Decide Member Experience Support Use Before we begin to map our member experiences, let’s talk about each of these elements <click> Entice, Decide and Use will traverse to left of slide. Support and End & Extend will drop <click> to advance to next slide
Mapping Member Recruitment & Retention Entice What draws them in? How do we set expectations? Decide How do they sign up? What constitutes first use? Use What does deeper engagement and ongoing use look like? <click> to que description of Entice Entice – This is setting the right expectations. What draws people in? How do we set expectations? Are we using word of mouth? Professional referrals? Name or brand recognition? <click> to que description of Decide Decide – We want a decision to participate or join in our favor. Remember the importance of cost vs. meaning: As cost increases in importance, meaning decreases in importance; as meaning increases in importance, cost decreases in importance. A key decision point to join an association or volunteer is going to be cost. This can be money, time, or both. We’re all busy but if the meaning is strong, time and money become less important. How – or are you even – building this case for your members and volunteers? <click> to que description of Use Use – All touch points are not created equal. If someone can’t use it or relate to it, it doesn’t work for them. Think about what involvement and engagement looks like to you vs. what it looks like to members and volunteers. Do they align? Does this image align across your board or leadership group? <click> to que Support and End & Extend
Mapping Member Recruitment & Retention Support What do we do when something goes wrong? End & Extend What is the lasting impression? How do they become an advocate and re-engage? Support and End & Extend drop in <click> to que description of Support Support – Do we have a plan when something goes wrong? How do we account for the unexpected? What do we do when something goes right? Do you celebrate your successes to generate excitement? <click> to que description of End & Extend End and Extend – Ask yourselves what the lasting impression is from each touch point. How – if at all – do you turn members and volunteers into advocate outside of events and meetings? Remember: Happiness isn’t something you experience; it’s something you remember. Think of a quite from Walt Disney. We want to: “Do what we do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends.” – Walt Disney <click> to que what we will be doing today and turn over to Adam
What Will We be Doing Today? Exploring the member engagement process using principles of Human Centered Design (HCD) HCD is the discipline of developing solutions in the service of people
What is Human Centered Design? Looking - Methods for observing human experience Understanding - Methods for analyzing challenges and opportunities Making - Methods for envisioning future possibilities
Understanding – Experience Diagramming A way of mapping a person’s journey through a set of circumstances or tasks Documents the extent to which you understand the current state of a situation Considers the impact of every element of an experience
Understanding – Experience Diagramming Summarizes the current state of a situation Deepens your empathy for others Documents Critical touch points Informs subsequent design activities
References LUMA Institute: https://www.luma-institute.com/ Center for Design Innovation: http://www.designinnovation.ie/ Service Design Tools: http://www.servicedesigntools.org/tools/35
Instructions We will break into four groups of 12-14 people You will identify a specific member’s journey to map using the engagement model Your member experience is a series of touchpoints from the first time someone hears about, or finds your association, through first impression, sign-up, use, support, end of transaction and follow-up/extension. Very few organisations take the time to visualise the flow of these transactions and identify points of weakness or disproportionate impact.
Group 1 You are examining the potential member experience. This is someone deciding whether to be a member of the chapter. (HR professional not familiar with SHRM/chapter or SHRM at-large members) Examine: What do you currently do to attract them? What new ideas do you come up with as you work with one another? Post-Its: YELLOW – What you are currently doing ORANGE – New ideas
Group 2 You are examining the new member experience. This is someone who has just joined the chapter. Examine: What do you currently do to onboard a new board member? What new ideas do you come up with as you work with one another? Post-Its: YELLOW – What you are currently doing ORANGE – New ideas
Group 3 You are examining how to convert local members only to SHRM members. Examine: What do you currently do to entice them? What new ideas do you come up with as you work with one another? Post-Its: YELLOW – What you are currently doing ORANGE – New ideas
Group 4 You are examining how to increase retention of members in chapters. Examine: What do you currently do to retain them? What new ideas do you come up with as you work with one another? Post-Its: YELLOW – What you are currently doing ORANGE – New ideas