Protecting Children from online exploitation: Introduce self, overview of background and role for today
Icebreaker Introduce each other and give me one piece of information that describes your online profile. Do you have facebook/twitter? Do you sleep with your phone near by, etc etcOverview of digital profile of participants, who has a smart phone, who sleeps with it in hearing range, do you ever leave your phone behind, do you find yourself texting /messaging when the conversation might be more tricky
Aims and outcomes By the end of this session participants will be able to: Outline how young people use the internet and online communication Recognise the challenges and dangers this may pose Outline where young people can access help and support if subject to online bullying, sexting or grooming Describe the role of CEOP and how to access the resources Describe good practice in relation to online communication within a sporting coach role
Let’s start at the beginning………..a very good place to start
Who? Digital natives…..who are they Born after 1990 Very connected 97% play video/hand held games 91% live in households with internet access 80% use social networking sites IT “savvy” So what does this mean. Relationships heavily influenced by internet “bubble”, normal social norms/filters that occur in face to face conversation are gone, internet provides distance and anonymity Is this a benefit or a drawback???
Time flies….. Ever found yourself wasting time surfing? How long do Paediatricians recommend that young people should be online on a daily basis? 2 hours recommended amount, how many exceed this? What might be the implications of this?
Social media and Sport Provide opportunities to engage with young people in a dynamic way Widely used to promote sports activities, campaigns and events Can be used to communicate with coaches, officials and participants about club news How do you all currently use social media? What kind of governance do you have? ? Best practice/policies
So what’s the risk? Easy to pretend and create a fake persona Predators are always one step ahead Sextortion: uses digital content for blackmail Socially anxious individuals are drawn to the internet Compulsive use can lead to poor well being outcomes Recent examples: Man in UK created 8 different fake Facebook profiles to groom “up to 1,000 kids”; in sextortion cases kids are tricked into revealing themselves in some way, and then the person uses the digital content to blackmail them into other things; in other cases the kids are tricked into doing things for other reasons, such as believing someone hacked into their Facebook profile or can get them into trouble somehow. 15 yr old girl on Facebook
Risk and Reality 2012-2013 11,000 children accessed Childline counselling. Majority raised issues with problems with the internet Problems include: cyberbullying, sexting, online grooming 1:5 12-16 yr olds have interacted with a stranger online 33% 12-16 yr olds have access to the internet in their own bedrooms 65% parents of 12-16 yr olds felt their children knew more about the internet than they did Where’s Klaus? (short film) 1:3 subject to cyberbullying at some time, 22% on children (12-16yrs) say being bullied online is a part of life
Adult content Is there such a thing now? Porn is more available and more graphic now than ever before Higher chance of accidental exposure through spam attack via social networking Average age for first exposure to porn is 11 2012 70% increase in boys contacting Childline upset by online porn Why is this important? Kids getting their knowledge from the internet, no boundaries, understanding of what is acceptable shifts, NSPCC intimate partner violence report
What’s different online? Ubiquitous (phones, tablets, computers) Public Constant: there is no escape Viral Serious: can lead to exploitation anonymous Go through each point So what is there available to help?
CEOP Child Exploitation & Online Protection centre (CEOP) UK Law enforcement agency Works with child protection partners across the UK and overseas Identifies threats to children and coordinates activity to bring offenders to account (Prevent, Protect, Pursue)
CEOP/ThinkuKnow resources Are you always certain who you are communicating with online? Example: Matt thought he knew Information sheets/FAQ’s BBC webwise
Relevance to Sport Coaching NGB Code of Conduct Position of trust and/or responsibility Good practice guidance Social Networking Safeguarding children and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding yourself Digital “friends”
Next steps Consider your own use of the internet Do you know how to keep yourself safe? How IT “savvy” are you and the coaches you work with? Remember that the children/young people we are working with may be being subject to online bullying or grooming. Think about what you can do to help
Questions ?