Internet Safety 12th December 2016
Internet Safety Hands up Who has a social media account of some kind; facebook, Instagram, snapchat?? Who has more than one social media account? Who has more than more than 50 friends online?? Who has a smart phone?
Internet Safety 272 The average 12-15 year old has 272 social network friends
BIBLE Proverbs : 10:23 “Engaging in shameful conduct is like a game to the stupid one, But wisdom is for the man of discernment.”
Internet Safety 60% Of teens have been asked for a sexual image or video of themselves
Rule #1 NEVER put photos of yourself or friends online that you wouldn’t show to your Mum, Dad, Auntie or Granny
Rule #2 Make sure your user settings are set to PRIVATE so only your REAL friends can get in.
Rule #3 Make sure you KNOW who is on your buddy (friends) list, someone you THINK is an online FRIEND might not be a friend at all.
Rule #4 Use the REPORT ABUSE button if you experience any suspect activity online
ALL SAINTS WAY Present the best image of yourself and your school. Treat others how you would expect to be treated
Prayer Help me to be, to think, to act on what is right, because it is right. Make me truthful, honest, and honourable in all things; make me intellectually honest and without thought of reward. Give me the ability to have right judgement to be understanding, forgiving, and patient with my fellow men. Help me to understand their motives and their shortcomings, as you understand mine. Amen.
Internet Safety 12th December 2016