CTE Program Funding 101 MACTA October 2014 Joel M. Larsen AFRN Program Specialist Joel.larsen@state.mn.us
Career & Technical Education Funding 2014-2015 CTE Levy Funding – FY 14 (2013-2014) based on the lessor of – $80 per ADM grades 10-12 or the lessor of 25% of Program Expenses CTE Revenue – FY 15 (2014-2015) 35% of Program Expenses
Small School – 50 Students/class 2013-2014 CTE Expenses reported – AFNR = $ 62,916 Business = $ 0 FACS = $ 0 Transportation Occ.= $ 44,973 Total $107,889 x 25% = $ 26,972.25
Small School – 50 Students/class Total CTE Expenses $107,889 x 25% = $ 26,972.25 the Number of students grade 10 -12 = 150 lessor 150 x $80 per Average Daily Member (ADM) of = $ 12,000 2013-2014 CTE Levy Revenue
2014-2015 CTE Revenue 2014-2015 CTE Expenses reported – AFNR = $ 65,644 Business = $ 0 FACS = $ 0 Transportation Occ.= $ 48,125 Total $113,769 x 35% = $ 39,819.15
Small School CTE Levy Funding 13-14 = $ 12,000.00 CTE Revenue Fund 14-15 = $ 39,819.15 Increased funding = $ 27,819.15
Medium Size School –150 students 2013-2014 CTE Expenses reported – AFNR = $143,578 FACS = $ 60,713 Business = $ 0 Construction Occ. = $ 0 Total $204,291 x 25% = $ 51,072.75
Medium Size School –150 students Total CTE Expenses $204,291 x 25% = $ 51,072.75 the Number of students grade 10 -12 = 450 lessor 450 x $80 per Average Daily Member (ADM) of = $ 36,000 2013-2014 CTE Levy Revenue
2014-2015 CTE Revenue 2014-2015 CTE Expenses reported – AFNR = $115,564 FACS = $ 0 Business = $ 0 Transportation Occ. = $ 0 Total $ 115,564 x 35% = $ 40,447.40
Medium Size School –150 students CTE Levy Funding 13-14 = $ 36,000.00 CTE Revenue Fund 14-15 = $ 40,447.40 Increased funding = $ 4,447.40
Large School – 500 students 2013-2014 CTE Expenses reported – AFNR = $ 126,857 Business = $ 80,845 Marketing = $ 30,946 Construction = $ 71,163 Cooperative District = $ 107,137 Total $ 416,939 x 25% = $ 104,234.75
Large School – 500 students Total CTE Expenses $416,939 x 25% = $ 104,234.75 the Number of students grade 10 -12 = 1500 lessor 1500 x $80 per Average Daily Member (ADM) of = $120,000 2013-2014 CTE Levy Revenue = $ 104,234.75
2014-2015 CTE Revenue 2014-2015 CTE Expenses reported – AFNR = $128,869 Business = $ 23,202 Marketing = $ 80,845 Construction = $ 85,395 Cooperative District = $ 84,217 Total $402,529 X 35% = $140,885.15
Large School – 500 students CTE Levy Funding 13-14 = $ 104,234.75 CTE Revenue Fund 14-15 = $ 140,885.15 Increased funding = $ 36,650.60
CTE Revenue Expenses Teacher Salary Travel Professional Development Including Extended days Teacher contact time in approved program Travel Professional Development Operational Budget (NOT Capital)
CTE Program Funding 101 MACTA October 2014 Joel M. Larsen AFRN Program Specialist Joel.larsen@state.mn.us