Performance Measurement Review June 27, 2017 17th Circuit Court Performance Measurement Review June 27, 2017
Presentation Overview Alignment with Board Priorities Key Performance Metrics Significant Accomplishments Key Collaborations A Look Ahead 17th Circuit Court
Priority Alignment Stable Revenues The 17th Circuit Court will enforce the court’s collection orders and work to leverage available grant funding. Efficient Use of Resources Detention Center residential program. Safe Community The 17th Circuit Court will provide effective juvenile probation services for those youth in our case and custody. Citizen Participation Annual Public Satisfaction survey. Proactive and Innovative Government The 17th Circuit Court has implemented electronic filing for it’s Specialized Business Docket. High Quality of Life The 17th Circuit Court will provide an effective and efficient caseflow process to give individual attention to each case before it in a timely manner The 17th Circuit Court will provide a system of justice that assures equal access for the fair and timely resolution of matters brought before the Court. 17th Circuit Court
Provide an efficient and effective case flow management system to expedite the disposal of cases to meet deadlines set forth by Michigan Supreme Court 17th Circuit Court
Case Processing/Time Guidelines Indicator 2014 2015 2016 Civil Cases (within 728 days) 93% 94% Felony Cases (within 301 days) 98% Divorce cases - w/o children (within 364 days) 99% Divorce cases – w/ children (within 364 days) 96% Child Protective cases – in placement (within 98 days) 95% Child Protective cases – no placement (within 210 days) 97% Delinquency cases (within 98 days)
Reduce total Jurors summoned to provide an efficient jury system with minimal unnecessary impact to Kent County Citizens, while maintaining trial date certainty. 17th Circuit Court
Jurors Summoned Indicator 2014 2015 2016 Jurors Summoned 22359 22698 18622
Prevent further incidents of juvenile delinquency by providing intensive services to adjudicated youth. 17th Circuit Court
Juvenile Probation Indicator 2014 2015 2016 Community Probation (referred for new law violation) 8.8% 7.3% 7.9% Percentage of parents satisfied with Community Probation Officer 95% 97% 94% Adolescent sex offender program (new sex offense) 0% Detention Center Escapes
Provide parties an alternative to settling disputes without costly litigation and court involvement and assist parties in settling disputes with a greater degree of satisfaction. 17th Circuit Court
Alternative Dispute Resolution Indicator 2014 2015 2016 Percentage of Divorce Mediations settled or settled in part 79% 78% Percentage of Civil mediations settled or settled in part 65% 67% 61% Percent satisfied with domestic mediations 99% 82% 83% Percentage satisfied with civil mediations 100% 93% 90%
Significant Budget Issues State of Michigan reimbursement delays and policy changes Increase in per diems for institutional placements Indigent Defense Legislation “Raise the Age” 17th Circuit Court
Implemented YLS standardize assessment Tool 17th Circuit Court
Paperless Specialized Business Docket 17th Circuit Court
Mental Health Court Feasibility Grant 17th Circuit Court
Truancy Court 17th Circuit Court
Girls Court 17th Circuit Court
School Justice Partnership Paperless “Prison Packet” Problem Solving Courts 17th Circuit Court
A Look Ahead Truancy Court Girls Court Indigent Defense Standards Child Welfare Partnership Council 17th Circuit Court