Highlands Juvenile Detention Center Education Program
Technology Vision Statement At HJDC, we envision a school where faculty and staff use technology: to motivate students, to foster different thinking processes, to allow for better communication with parents, and to prepare students for future roles within the community. We plan to achieve this through use of the following: E-books IXL and Online Math Manipulatives Email/Twitter School and Community Websites Online Gradebook
E-books E-books will allow students to receive knowledge through a different source. Instead of buying printed paper books that cost a lot of money, HJDC will save money utilizing E-books in the classroom. This will also support different thinking processes in the classroom and could serve as a motivator for students.
IXL and Online Math Manipulatives IXL is an online math program that will serve as a site for students to do independent math practice. This practice will be done at home or within the school once students have their own account. Online Math Manipulatives are also a valuable tool that will be used at HJDC. Due to safety issues, online manipulatives are a low cost alternative. Both of these items will prepare students for their future roles within the community.
Email/Twitter Email/Twitter will be used at HJDC to communicate with parents. Parents will be emailed by staff weekly to report on student progress and answer any questions the parent may have about their child. Twitter will be used to broadcast all of the positive results that are happening at HJDC. This way the community can keep in close contact with the “goings-on” at HJDC.
School and Community Websites Under the direction of faculty and staff, students at HJDC will create and maintain the school’s website. This monitoring of the website will occur on a weekly basis so that members of the community can stay informed about what is happening at HJDC. Community websites will be checked on a weekly basis so that students can see and participate in what is happening within their community.
Online Gradebook Online Gradebook will be utilized at HJDC so that parents and students can see progress within the educational program. Assignments that need to be completed can be checked by both the student and the parent. Grades and dates can also be viewed.