Parking brake selector valve
Parking brake selector valve C24703001-xxx C24703003-xxx A319, A320, A321 aircraft C24703002-xxx A330, A340 aircraft OEM: MESSIER BUGATTI
Parking brake selector valve The parking brake selector valve is located in the aircraft belly. The hydraulic unit is controlled by an integrated electrical actuator assembly. The parking brake selector valve connects the different components and pressurizes the parking brake system at a decreased pressure. Engine Material
Workscope AJWT have developed a comprehensive work scope on brake selector valves to ensure reliability in service. Initial test Repair Built-in reliability Reason for removal is analyzed to confirm unit condition. Tests are performed In accordance to CMM specifications with particular emphasis on common fault areas. According to test results and reason for removal repair is executed including aesthetics. A standard set of components are replaced irrespective of fault diagnosis during initial test. Engineering supplemental instructions applied to further enhance reliability. Zero returns for motor faults since implementation of this repair. As per CMM there is no overhaul required. Salvaged
Hydraulic test complex Four state-of-the-art hydraulic test complexes, supported by two independent power stations Capable of system operating pressures of up to 6000 psi as demand requires Capable of testing current and next generation aircraft servo flight controls, hydraulic valves, actuators and accumulators just to name a few…
Common fault Motor part number: 9491 and 9796-1 does not turn, or turns intermittently Intermittent faults or failure’s of the 2 motors due to carbon build up from normal operation Leading to improper function of the motor and brush assembly and can lead to failure of the parking brake Motor 1-2 and micro switches show carbon build up Cleaned, Repaired and Verified Motor 1-2 and micro switches Actuator assembly cover shows contamination/dirt and carbon build up from motors
Engineering instructions The CMM instructions only state to simply clean the motor and surrounding area to remedy this fault. If fault persists replace faulty motor(s). AJWT has gone a step further and has implemented an engineering instruction created early 2016. A cleaning procedure for motor part number: 9491 and 9796-1 Both motors and electrical attached parts are completely disassembled, inspected and thoroughly cleaned A thorough verification test of each motor is completed before installation on higher assemby End result: Ensures a more reliable unit with a longer life on wing before future failure. A cost savings without the need to replace the motors.
Repaired / verified / installed / tested Motors repaired in accordance with engineering supplemental instructions and micro switches both verified and installed. A complete test is done once installed on higher assembly in accordance with CMM instructions.
Finished product Unserviceable unit Serviceable unit
Accepted under warranty Reliability of repair In 2016 78 units were received Accepted under warranty
Ajwt tracking Editable AJWT ERP will immediately alert technicians to P/N’s & S/N’s previously seen by the shop. Any return units, whether within or outwit warranty are flagged for further review Reason for previous removal taken into consideration in repair Additional “stress” testing undertaken under Engineering guidance where applicable
AJWT customer reporting AJWT undertakes a Quarterly review of all warranties (all part numbers) to identify any trends and to ensure appropriate corrective action is initiated. In this instance AJWT will monitor removal rates and trends. Causes of failure reviewed and tracked Customer specific work scopes implemented to address any identified issues Regular customer review covering MTBUR (Mean Time Between Unscheduled Removal), reason for removal and reliability improvement programs are available. Full reliability reporting subject to sharing of customer information e.g. flight hours, times, cycles etc.
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