St. Mark Sanctuary Renovation Informational Presentation February 12, 2017
Renovation Committee Members Steve Barry Gerry Burke Peggy Groothuis Kurt Harmoney Michael Kesar Pastor Lentz Kathy Lentz Gale Suhr
Priorities Identified from Campus Plan Sanctuary Renovation Central Narthex Space (Courtyard) & East Entry Bathrooms Repair Exterior Stairs / add upper sidewalk / key lower door [Preschool / Academy] HVAC updates
Focus Teams Logistics Design Scott Holder, Dan Conell, Gerry Burke, Belva Licht, Michael Kesar, Mike Moerhring, Kurt Harmoney This team will work with BVH & Lueder to understand construction schedule, plan for worship outside of the sanctuary, and coordinate with activities at St. Mark to help everything run as smooth as possible. Design Peggy Groothuis, Kathy Lentz, Cindy Kuntz, Brenda Siffring, Mary HameArbane, Terry Matuska This team will work with BVH to choose finishes, colors, etc.
Focus Teams (con’t) Communication Jessica Codr, Trish Reinbold, Gale Suhr, Ryan Suhr This team is responsible for communication to members, preschool and school families, and the community.
Construction Manager Selection 4 interviews over 2 days Boyd Jones; Meyers-Carlisle; Lueder; Lund Ross Lueder Construction was selected Lueder has completed 5 various projects for Lifegate (working on a 6th) and has also worked on a project for St. John's, Bennington Their mission is based on serving mankind and they are grounded in Christian principles They understand we have a preschool and school here and will control all individuals that will be onsite during construction. That includes background checking, signing in when on site and monitoring their working. There will be no smoking or profanity when they are on campus.
Accomplishments October 6 Project Kickoff October 27 Project Kickoff with BVH Input provided on Sanctuary uses and reasons for the renovation November 10 Committee Meeting with BVH High level timeline reviewed Chancel / Seating concepts reviewed and scrutinized November 30 Sanctuary tested for Asbestos / Acoustic survey completed December 1 Committee Meeting with BVH ‘fan’ concept studied in more depth December 5 Acoustic engineer onsite to study sanctuary December 11 Informational presentation with Congregation
Accomplishments December 21 Construction Manager Selected January 12 Committee Meeting with BVH / Acoustic Presentation Continued discussion on the design; incorporating balcony January 17 Asbestos Abatement Bids received Working with Lueder Construction on the bid selection January 30 Committee Meeting with BVH Further design refinement February 12 Informational presentation to the Congregation
Timeline December 22 Complete schematic design Determine seating and chancel plan; lighting review/analysis Acoustical design complete; Construction Manager selected Jan 20 – Feb 8 Informational presentation to Congregation Design refinements; engineering, seating February 9 Complete Design Development BVH provides design information to Lueder by 2/12 Project budget to be available early March Feb 10 – Mar 1 Informational presentation to Congregation March 16 Construction documents completed March 20 Work submitted for bid April 12 Bids due / Informational presentation to Congregation May 1 Start Construction October 1 Estimated Construction Completion
Acoustical Analysis Goals High speech intelligibility Acoustic instruments and piano In the current layout the Sanctuary provides – good sound quality and reverberation all categories are in a green status Rotation of 90 degrees all categories remain green with the exception of two related to spoken words from the new chancel location using wall treatments and small upright speakers (diffusers) in specific locations will resolve Hard surface to be used on the Chancel Carpet in the aisles; Cushions on the pews
Renovation Considerations What code or engineering updates will be needed in the Sanctuary? Need to develop plans for worship between May and October Work with Preschool and Concordia Academy to minimize impact Asbestos removal needed? Sun glare through the south windows Stained glass windows on the east wall – incorporation into the renovation Balcony updates are needed and planned in the renovation
Features of the ‘fan’ Concept Overall Chancel area is approximately 1000 sq ft Seating capacity is estimated to be 287 people (20” spacing) The layout accommodates 7-8 rows of pews and chairs Note the middle pews are slightly angled First two rows are projected to be chairs Chairs are utilized at the front to provide flexibility when needed Create more space for weddings, funerals, dramas, musicals Updated lighting and sound system Entry would be approximately 19ft wide x 8 ft high The doors could be mostly if not all glass, allowing a view into the sanctuary from the hallway Creates more of a ‘community feel’ when worshipping
Review of 3D Renderings View from the North East corner View from the new entrance View from the updated balcony Picture of existing Sanctuary