Academic Conversations Hand out books, Calendar of meetings posted Post it: Why are you here? What caused you to sign up for this course? Clock Hours ELL Sign in Sheets Time Sheets Christina Carlson and Megan Anderson Reilly
Overall Objectives Identify characteristics of Academic Conversations (WHAT) Determine when to have Academic Conversations (WHEN) Implement strategies for supporting academic conversations (HOW) CHRISTINA
Today’s objectives Analyze an academic conversation by listening for conversation skills and observing teacher and student behaviors. Rehearse strategies that can be used in the classroom by speaking collaboratively with my colleagues. Write a lesson plan that incorporates Academic Conversations in the next week CHRISTINA
NORMS (page 30) We listen to each other We respect one another’s ideas even if they are different We let others finish explaining their ideas without interrupting Rehearse strategies that can be used in the classroom CHRISTINA
We hear you! Thanks for your feedback. 30 minutes of plan time Video of strategies in action Can we videotape you?
OPINION CONTINUUM Page 46 Academic Conversations
Academic Conversation Reflection Share which strategies you implemented and why you chose that strategy What student data did you collect? What struck you from your students’ academic conversations? 3 minutes per person
Five Core Skills of Academic Conversation Elaborate and clarify Support ideas with examples Build on and/or challenge a partner’s idea Paraphrase Synthesize conversation points MEGAN Handout map or placemet
Movie Time Rubric Teacher Student T-chart teacher/students Strategy- went to share with other person. Drew a line where they finished record keeping. As talking with partner, I would record something below the line. Use rubric
Partners T- chart: Rubric: Draw a line under your notes Discuss what you noticed with your partner Add anything new below the line Rubric: Where would the students be?
Scaffolding T and S roles One Core Conversation Skill at a time Front of card: TEACHER: Elaborate/Clarify Can you elaborate on…? What do you mean by…? Why is that important…? Include hand motions
Scaffolding T and S roles One Core Conversation Skill at a time Back of card: STUDENT: Elaborate/Clarify I think it means that…. In other words… It is important because… Include hand motions
One More Core Conversation Skill Core Conversation Skills (page32-33) Elaborate and Clarify Support Ideas with Examples Build on and/or Challenge a Partner’s Idea Paraphrase Synthesize Conversation Points
Now Use Your Card Partner up Decide Role (teacher or student) Teacher starts with: What struck you about Chapter 5: Training Students for Advanced Conversations Use your Card
Now what? Plan a lesson with academic conversations. Bring evidence to discuss next session Draft a lesson plan to incorporate Academic Conversations in the next week
Today’s objectives Analyze an academic conversation by listening for conversation skills and observing teacher and student behaviors. Rehearse strategies that can be used in the classroom by speaking collaboratively with my colleagues. Write a lesson plan that incorporates Academic Conversations in the next week CHRISTINA
Thank you! Gots Wants Next session: January 20 Chapter 6: Developing Academic Grammar and Vocabulary through Conversation Let me know if you have video to share! Gots Wants