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Presentation transcript:

OVERVIEW OF THE AMENDMENT - ICAO EUR FPL2012 Workshop Kiev, Ukraine 29 June – 1 July 2010 Amendment 1 to the Procedures for Air Navigation Services – Air Traffic Management (PANS ATM) (Doc 4444). Approval notified via State Letter AN 13/2.1-08/50 on 25 June 2008. Action required – implementation of the amendment by 15 November 2012 and publication of any differences as of 15 November 2012. Followed up by State Letter AN 13/2.1 – 09/9 issued 6 February 2009 which provided guidelines for the implementation of the amendment. This presentation will provide an overview of the amendment.

Purpose Flight Plan Study Group (FPLSG) Updates the ICAO model flight plan form to: Show aircraft advanced capabilities in more detail Meet evolving requirements of automated ATM systems The amendment arose out of the work of the Flight Plan Study Group, which proposed updates to the ICAO Model Flight Plan form (Appendix 2 to the PANS-ATM) 2

Chapter 4 4.4.1 - Flight Plan Form 4.4.2 – Submission of Flight Plan Reinforces requirement to complete form in accordance with Appendix 2 and relevant AIPs 4.4.2 – Submission of Flight Plan Not to be submitted more than 120 hours before EOBT Chapter 4, General Provisions for Air Traffic Services, 4.4 – Flight Plan 3

Chapter 11 - FPL messages – CHG messages Transmit immediately after filing of flight plan More than 24 hours in advance of EOBT, insert date of departure in Item 18 – CHG messages Provide relevant basic data when not previously received Chapter 11 – Air Traffic Services Messages Filed Flight Plan (FPL) messages – FPL messages should be transmitted immediately after the filing of the flight plan. If a flight plan is filed more than 24 hours in advance of the EOBT of the flight to which it refers, the date of the flight departure shall be inserted in Item of the flight plan. Previously – the flight plan would be held in abeyance until it would not be necessary to insert the date of the flight. Modification (CHG) messages A CHG message shall be transmitted when any change is to be made to basic flight plan data contained in previously transmitted FPL or RPL data. The CHG message shall be sent to those recipients of basic flight plan data which are affected by the change. NEW TEXT: Relevant revised basic flight plan data shall be provided to such affected entities not previously having received this. concerning notification of a change to coordination data contained in a previously transmitted current flight plan or estimate message. – no change to that provision 4

Appendix 2 - Insertion of ATS data Constraints are documented in AIP Item 7 – Aircraft Identification Maximum 7 alphanumeric characters No hyphens or symbols Reference to nationality or common mark Updated examples and references New note has been added: Note 2.— Air traffic services data systems may impose communications or processing constraints on information in filed flight plans. Possible constraints may, for example, be limits with regard to item length, number of elements in the route item or total flight plan length. Significant constraints are documented in the relevant Aeronautical Information Publication. 5

Appendix 2 - Insertion of ATS data Item 8 – Flight Rules and Type of Flight Use of I, V, Y and Z for flight rules is clarified Item 15 for point or points at which change in flight rules is planned No change to type of flight indicators Status of flight indicated using STS indicators Other reasons for special handling following RMK/ in Item 18 Item 10 – Equipment Now for Capabilities also ; three elements: Relevant serviceable equipment Equipment and capabilities commensurate with crew Authorization from appropriate authority I if it is intended that the entire flight will be operated under the IFR V if it is intended that the entire flight will be operated under the VFR Y if the flight initially will be operated under the IFR, followed by one or more subsequent changes of flight rules Z if the flight initially will be operated under the VFR, followed by one or more subsequent changes of flight rules Specify in Item 15 the point or points at which a change of flight rules is planned. Capabilities comprise the following elements: a) presence of relevant serviceable equipment on board the aircraft; b) equipment and capabilities commensurate with flight crew qualifications; and c) where applicable, authorization from the appropriate authority. 6

Appendix 2 - Insertion of ATS data Item 10 – serviceable COM/NAV/approach aid GBAS and LPV ACARS J1 – J7 for CPDLC P1 – P9 reserved for RCP SATCOM RVSM and MNPS 8.33 kHz Alphanumeric characters not indicated are RESERVED Additional information for certain indications is to be included in Item 18 Note 1.— If the letter S is used, standard equipment is considered to be VHF RTF, VOR and ILS, unless another combination is prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority. Note 2.— If the letter G is used, the types of external GNSS augmentation, if any, are specified in Item 18 following the indicator NAV/ and separated by a space. Note 3.—(if J1 - CPDLC ATN VDL Mode 2) See RTCA/EUROCAE Interoperability Requirements Standard For ATN Baseline 1 (ATN B1 INTEROP Standard – DO-280B/ED-110B) for data link services air traffic control clearance and information/air traffic control communications management/air traffic control microphone check. Note 4.—If the letter R is used, the performance based navigation levels that can be met are specified in Item 18 following the indicator PBN/. Guidance material on the application of performance based navigation to a specific the route segment, route or area is contained in the Performance-Based Navigation Manual (Doc 9613). Note 5.— If the letter Z is used, specify in Item 18 the other equipment carried or other capabilities, preceded by COM/, NAV/ and/or DAT, as appropriate. Note 6.— Information on navigation capability is provided to ATC for clearance and routing purposes. 7

Appendix 2 - Insertion of ATS data Item 10 – surveillance Insert N if none, or if unserviceable Maximum 20 characters SSR Modes A and C specified SSR Mode S more detailed ADS-B ADS-C Alphanumeric characters not indicated are RESERVED Additional application to be included in Item 18 following SUR/ 8

Appendix 2 - Insertion of ATS data Item 13– Departure aerodrome and time Location indicator – from Doc 7910 ZZZZ with name and location in Item 18 – DEP/ ZZZZ with first point of route or marker beacon in Item 18 Followed by, with no spaces, EOBT Item 15 – Route c) Route (including changes) Mainly editorial changes Speed and/or level Removal of unnecessary reference to Doc 9613 Defining a significant point Point where speed/level planned to commence Item 13 Location Indicators – Doc 7910 Only new provision is option to insert route point or marker beacon in Item 18 if aircraft has not taken off from the aerodrome. New reference to Doc 7910 for clarity. Item 15 Route (c) Route (including changes of speed, level and/or flight rules) To clarify that same point can be used to indicate change in speed and/or level (rather than speed or level), and the point is where the change is planned to commence. Manual on Required Navigation Performance (Doc 9613) Significant point can be defined as bearing and distance from a reference point rather than just from a NAVAID. The identification of the reference point followed by the bearing from the point in the form of 3 figures giving degrees magnetic, followed by the distance from the point in the form of 3 figures expressing nautical miles. In areas of high latitude where it is determined by the appropriate authority that reference to degrees magnetic is impractical, degrees true may be used. Make up the correct number of figures, where necessary, by insertion of zeros — e.g. a point 180° magnetic at a distance of 40 nautical miles from VOR “DUB” should be expressed as DUB180040. Clarifying that point where a change of level and/or speed is planned, means where the change is planned to commence. 9

Appendix 2 - Insertion of ATS data Item 16 – Destination Aerodrome and Total Estimated Elapsed Time, Alternate Aerodromes Clarified to refer to DESTINATION alternate aerodromes Destination Aerodrome Location indicator – from Doc 7910 ZZZZ with name and location in Item 18 – DEST/ Editorial to clarify that total estimated elapsed time is last data in Item 16 Note clarifies that time ends at the termination point of the flight plan Destination Alternate Aerodrome(s) ZZZZ with name and location in Item 18 – ALTN/ Location Indicators – Doc 7910 Indicator/name/location only of Destination Alternate Aerodromes – no estimated elapsed time No more than 2 alternates (no change to this provision) 10

Appendix 2 - Insertion of ATS data Item 18 – Other Information Warning note added No hyphens or / except as prescribed In sequence – STS/, PBN/, NAV/, COM, DAT/, SUR/, DEP/, DEST/, DOF/, REG/, EET/, SEL/, TYP/, CODE/, DLE/, OPR/, ORGN/, PER/, ALTN/, RALT/, TALT/, RIF/ and RMK/ Note.— Use of indicators not included under this item may result in data being rejected, processed incorrectly or lost. Hyphens or oblique strokes should only be used as prescribed below. STS – Reason for special handling by ATS PBN – Indication of RNAV and/or RNP capabilities 11

Appendix 2 - Insertion of ATS data Item 18 – Other Information – STS/ Use only the indicators in the list – ALTRV, ATFMX, FFR, FLTCK, HAZMAT, HEAD, HOSP, HUM, MARSA, MEDEVAC, NONRVSM, SAR and STATE Any other reason must be denoted under RMK/ Item 18 – Other Information – PBN/ Up to a maximum of 8 entries (16 characters) Use only the alphanumeric combinations in the list STS – Reason for special handling by ATS ALTRV – flight operated in accordance with altitude reservation, ATFMX – flight approved for exemption from ATFM measures by the appropriate ATS authority, FFR – fire-fighting, FLTCK – flight check for calibration of navaids, HAZMAT – flight carrying hazardous materials, HEAD – flight with Head of State status, HOSP – medical flight declared by medical authorities, HUM – flight operating on a humanitarian mission, MARSA – flight for which military entity assumes responsibility for separation of military aircraft, MEDEVAC – life-critical medical evacuation, NONRVSM – non-RVSM capable flight intending to operate in RVSM airspace, SAR – flight engaged in a search and rescue mission, STATE – flight engaged in military, customs or police services. PBN – Indication of RNAV and/or RNP capabilities 12

Appendix 2 - Insertion of ATS data Item 18 – Other Information – NAV/ As required by appropriate ATS authority GNSS augmentation Item 18 – Other Information – COM/ Applications or capabilities not specified in Item 10a Item 18 – Other Information – DAT/ Item 18 – Other Information – SUR/ Applications or capabilities not specified in Item 10b NAV – Significant data related to navigation equipment, other than specified in PBN/, as required by the appropriate ATS authority. Indicate GNSS augmentation under this indicator, with a space between two or more methods of augmentation, e.g. NAV/GBAS SBAS. COM – communications DAT – data SUR - surveillance 13

Appendix 2 - Insertion of ATS data Item 18 – Other Information – DEP/ ATS unit if AFIL is inserted in Item 13 If ZZZZ is inserted in Item 13 Detailed instructions on how to indicate location Item 18 – Other Information – DEST/ If ZZZZ is inserted in Item 16 Indicate location same as for Departure Aerodrome Item 18 – Other Information – DOF/ 6 figures: YYMMDD DEP – Name and location of departure aerodrome DEST – Name and location of destination aerodrome DOF – date of flight departure – year, month, day 14

Appendix 2 - Insertion of ATS data Item 18 – Other Information – REG/ If different from the aircraft identification in Item 7 Item 18 – Other Information – EET/ Significant points or FIR boundary designators and accumulated EET from take-off to the points On basis of regional air navigation agreements Prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority No spaces Item 18 – Other Information – SEL/ If aircraft is equipped REG – The nationality or common mark and registration mark of the aircraft, if different from the aircraft identification in Item 7. For example, when an ICAO designator for the operating agency is used. EET - Significant points or FIR boundary designators and accumulated estimated elapsed times from take-off to such points or FIR boundaries, when so prescribed on the basis of regional air navigation agreements, or by the appropriate ATS authority. NO CHANGE TO THIS PROVISION Examples: EET/CAP0745 XYZ0830 EET/EINN0204 SEL – selective calling 15

Appendix 2 - Insertion of ATS data Item 18 – Other Information – TYP/ If ZZZZ inserted in Item 9 Type, then number of aircraft – no spaces Separate each group of aircraft by single space TYP/2F15 5F5 3B2 Item 18 – Other Information – CODE/ Aircraft address – alphanumerical code When required by appropriate ATS authority TYP - Type(s) of aircraft, preceded if necessary without a space by number(s) of aircraft and separated by one space, if ZZZZ is inserted in Item 9 Example: TYP/2F15 5F5 3B2 Aircraft address (expressed in the form of an alphanumerical code of six hexadecimal characters) when required by the appropriate ATS authority. Example: “F00001” is the lowest aircraft address contained in the specific block administered by ICAO. NO CHANGE TO THIS PROVISION 16

Appendix 2 - Insertion of ATS data Item 18 – Other Information – DLE/ Significant point(s) followed by length of delay - hhmm Item 18 – Other Information – OPR/ If different from aircraft identification in Item 7 ICAO designator or name Item 18 – Other Information – ORGN/ If originator of the flight plan may not be readily identified Item 18 – Other Information – PER/ Single letter, as specified in Doc 8168 If prescribed by appropriate ATS authority DLE - Enroute delay or holding, insert the significant point(s) on the route where a delay is planned to occur, followed by the length of delay using four figure time in hours and minutes (hhmm). Example: DLE/MDG0030 OPR - ICAO designator or name of the aircraft operating agency, if different from the aircraft identification in item 7. ORGN - The originator’s 8 letter AFTN address or other appropriate contact details, in cases where the originator of the flight plan may not be readily identified, as required by the appropriate ATS authority. Note.— In some areas, flight plan reception centres may insert the ORGN/ identifier and originator’s AFTN address automatically. PER - Aircraft performance data, indicated by a single letter as specified in the Procedures for Air Navigation Services — Aircraft Operations (PANS-OPS, Doc 8168), Volume I — Flight Procedures, if so prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority. 17

Appendix 2 - Insertion of ATS data Item 18 – Other Information – ALTN/ If ZZZZ inserted in Item 16 for alternate destination aerodrome(s) Item 18 – Other Information – RALT/ Use Location Indicator(s) Define location(s), if no indicators Item 18 – Other Information – TALT/ ALTN - Name of destination alternate aerodrome(s), if ZZZZ is inserted in Item 16. For aerodromes not listed in the relevant Aeronautical Information Publication, indicate location in LAT/LONG or bearing and distance from the nearest significant point, as described in DEP/ above. RALT - ICAO four letter indicator(s) for en-route alternate(s), as specified in Doc 7910, Location Indicators, or name(s) of en-route alternate aerodrome(s), if no indicator is allocated. For aerodromes not listed in the relevant Aeronautical Information Publication, indicate location in LAT/LONG or bearing and distance from the nearest significant point, as described in DEP/ above. TALT - ICAO four letter indicator(s) for take-off alternate, as specified in Doc 7910, Location Indicators, or name of take-off alternate aerodrome, if no indicator is allocated. For aerodromes not listed in the relevant Aeronautical Information Publication, indicate location in LAT/LONG or bearing and distance from the nearest significant point, as described in DEP/ above. 18

Appendix 2 - Insertion of ATS data Item 18 – Other Information – RIF/ Revised route is subject to reclearance Item 18 – Other Information – RMK/ Plain language Required by appropriate ATS authority Deemed necessary Possible special codes – AIP or SUPPs RIF - The route details to the revised destination aerodrome, following by the ICAO four-letter location indicator of the aerodrome. The revised route is subject to reclearance in flight. Examples: RIF/DTA HEC KLAX RIF/ESP G94 CLA YPPH RMK/ Any other plain language remarks when required by the appropriate ATS authority or deemed necessary. If special codes are created for regional or State application, they should be notified in AIP or other appropriate documents. 19

Appendix 2 - Insertion of ATS data SPL Message - Item 19 Symbols and data from unshaded areas of box 13 to be transmitted RPL listing form – Item G Along with name, appropriate contact details 4. Instructions for the transmission of a supplementary flight plan (SPL) message Items to be transmitted now includes all symbols and data from unshaded area of box 13. Transmit items as indicated hereunder, unless otherwise prescribed: a) AFTN Priority Indicator, Addressee Indicators <<, Filing Time, Originator Indicator << and, if necessary, specific identification of addressees and/or originator; b) commencing with the indicator for Supplementary Flight Plan Message, all symbols and data in the unshaded areas of boxes 7, 13, 16 and 18, except that the ‘)’ at the end of box 18 is not to be transmitted, and then the symbols in the unshaded area of box 19 down to and including the )<< of box 19, Box 13 contains the departure aerodrome and time – details concerning the SPL message are in Appendix 3 Instructions for the completion of the repetitive flight plan (RPL) listing form Instructions for insertion of RPL data G – Supplementary Data At name and appropriate contact details of entity where information normally provided under Item 19 of the FPL is kept readily available and can be supplied without delay. 20

Appendix 3 - ATS Messages Standard field types Field 10 for equipment and capabilities Data conventions – position 2 to 5 characters for coded identification Significant point Will be corrected to describe when degrees True may be used Field 10 – used to be only for equipment Position – Used to be only 2 or 3 characters for NAVAID Now 2 to 5 characters for significant point Clarification from headquarters – lack of mention of degrees true will be corrected 21

Appendix 3 - ATS Messages Field Type 8 Meaning of flight rules indicators clarified, same as for Item 8 in the FPL Field Type 10 Name changed – now for capabilities also b is changed to become a variable length field 10a and 10b Additions and changes, same as for Items 10a and 10b in the FPL Amendment will be corrected to include the indicator N in 10b, to be consistent with Item 10b in FPL Field Type 8 — Flight rules and type of flight Field Type 10 — Equipment and Capabilities N – no COM/NAV/approach aid equipment for the route to be flown is carried, or is unserviceable 22

Appendix 3 - ATS Messages Field Type 13 Reference added to Doc 7910 13a Field terminated after 13a in CPL, EST, CDN and ACP. Field terminated after 13a in RQP if EOBT not known 13b EOBT for aerodrome in 13a in FPL, ARR, CHG, CNL, DLA and RQS messages EOBT for aerodrome in 13a in RQP message, if known Field Type 13 — Departure aerodrome and time Location Indicators – Doc 7910 13a – Departure aerodrome 13a – used to be terminated in CHG, CNL, ARR and RQS messages too. CPL – Current Flight Plan, EST - Estimate, CDN - Coordination, ACP - Acceptance CHG - Modification, CNL - Cancellation, ARR - Arrival, RQS – Request Supplementary Flight Plan RQP – Request Flight Plan 13b – time Amendment currently states that EOBT will be included in messages “transmitted before departure” – this is not correct for ARR and RQS messages, so the amendment will be corrected to remove the words “transmitted before departure” EOBT used to be included only in FPL and DLA messages transmitted before departure FPL – Filed Flight Plan, DLA - Delay EOBT in RQP – no change to this provision No change to actual time of departure in ALR, DEP and SPL messages ALR, - Alerting, DEP – Departure, SPL – Supplementary Flight Plan 23

Appendix 3 - ATS Messages Field Type 14 In 14a (Boundary Point) – significant point Field Type 16 Refers to destination alternate aerodromes – same as Item 16 in FPL Reference updated due to new page numbering Table of “next field/symbol” updated Table will be corrected to include RQP 16a Reference added to Doc 7910 16c Updated to refer to DESTINATION alternate aerodrome(s) Field Type 14 — Estimate data 14a – used to refer to designated point, for example VOR Field Type 16 - Destination aerodrome and total estimated elapsed time, destination alternate aerodrome(s) RQP (Request Flight Plan) was missing in current document, too 16a – Destination Aerodrome Location Indicators – Doc 7910 16b - Total estimated elapsed time – NO CHANGE TO THIS PROVISION 16c - Destination Alternate Aerodrome(s) 24

Appendix 3 - ATS Messages Field Type 17 Reference added to Doc 7910 Field Type 18 Warning note added, same as for Item 18 No hyphens or / except as prescribed Same indicators and rules for usages as specified for Item 18 Field Type 22 Updated table showing previous type of field in CHG Standard ATS Messages and Their Composition Table updated to include Field 18 in DLA, CHG, CNL, DEP, RQP and RQS messages Field Type 17 — Arrival aerodrome and time Amendment added a Note to refer to ZZZZ being shown in Field Type 18. this is incorrect and will be corrected when final amendment is published. The current provision, of being able to add ZZZZ in 17a will be kept and 17c will continue to be used to provide the name and location Field Type 18 — Other information Field Type 22 — Amendment CHG – Modification, DLA – Delay, CNL – Cancellation, DEP – Departure, RQP – Request Flight Plan, RQS – Request Supplementary Flight Plan 25

Appendix 3 - ATS Messages Examples of ATS messages Examples updated, corrected and clarified Updates arising from the amendment, such as field 10 now referring to Equipment and Capabilities instead of just equipment, or revise the explanations and order of items, etc. Some updates are to make the content appear more current – for example, referring to A320 rather than DC9. (Arrival messages) examples will be corrected to include Field 13b (EOBT or actual time for departure aerodrome) 26

New Questions/Issues Any questions or concerns may be forwarded to the EUR/NAT Office of ICAO: Carole Stewart-Green CStewart @paris.icao.int 27