Solving the Math Problem!
hello! I am Jeff Mikols. I am the Executive Director of Mathematics. You can find me at or 585-262-8741 OFFICE 585-490-2059 MOBILE 2 minutes
The Mathematical Mindset Up to 15 minutes
Up to 13 minutes
The Learning Targets I can support my teachers’ use of data and student work for planning. I can support my teachers’ understanding of the standards to plan more effective lessons. I can support my teachers to provide actionable feedback on student work . 17 minutes
Resources Backwards Core Data Analysis Intervention Design Instruction Accessing Unpacking Protocols for NYS Learning Standards and Modules Data Analysis Accessing NYS Data From WnyRIC Core Instruction Intervention K-2 Math RTI Guidance Documents with Activities Unpack the Modules RCSD eLearning 3-6 Math RTI Guidance Documents with Teacher Toolbox Look at Data 7-8 iReady 20 minutes
Supporting the Planning Process
Backwards Design Unpack The Modules
Grade 4 Module 3 The Standards
What Do We Learn From This Chart? 24
Common Formative Assessments Looking At Data Data Notebook NWEA Common Formative Assessments Look at Data
What Do You Notice or Wonder? 31
Math Protocols Work Quietly Try Your Best to Complete Your Work Provide Wait Time to Others Be Respectful
Let’s Do the Math! 4.oa.1
* Let’s Do the Math! 4.oa.2
* Let’s Do the Math! 4.oa.3 39
Based on what you have seen on the data and tasks, what are things you would talk about in terms of the students gaps and strengths as teachers begin to plan? What would you do to clarify the misconceptions?
What Do You Notice or Wonder? 44
Let’s Do the Math! 4.oa.2
* Let’s Do the Math! 4.oa.3 49
Providing Actionable Feedback Feedback is the Food of Champions
* 64
Based on what you have seen on the data and tasks, what are things you would talk about in terms of the students gaps and strengths as teachers begin to plan? What would you do to clarify the misconceptions? You are now ready to begin planning great instructional opportunities for your students using your choice of curriculum resources!
What do you Need? How can we help?
This is what our students are saying about math instruction!
Resources Backwards Core Data Analysis Intervention Design Instruction Accessing Unpacking Protocols for NYS Learning Standards and Modules Data Analysis Accessing NYS Data From WnyRIC Core Instruction Intervention K-2 Math RTI Guidance Documents with Activities Unpack the Modules RCSD eLearning 3-6 Math RTI Guidance Documents with Teacher Toolbox Data Notebook 7-8 iReady
The Learning Targets I can support my teachers’ use of data and student work for planning. I can support my teachers’ understanding of the standards to plan more effective lessons. I can support my teachers to provide actionable feedback on student work .
Revised NYS Standards in MAthematics Click HERE to access changes in current standards Summary of Changes K-5 Mainly clarification of language. Very little change to content 7-8 Mainly clarification of language in Grade 7. Very little change to content. Grade 8 clarified types of algebraic solutions to systems of equations and added “glide reflections” to transformational geometry 9-12 Several standards have been moved from one course to another.
Projected Trend Line For Standards and Assessments from NYSED *July 2017: Adoption of Next Generation Standards *2017-2018 School Year: New two-day assessments measuring the current standards; professional development on Next Generation Standards; 2018-2019 School Year: Two-day assessments measuring the current standards; professional development continuing on Next Generation Standards; 2019-2020 School Year: Two-day assessments measuring the current standards; professional development continuing on Next Generation Standards; September 2020: Full implementation of the Next Generation Standards; Spring 2021: New assessments measuring Next Generation Standards.
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You can find me at or 585-262-8741 OFFICE thanks! Any questions? You can find me at or 585-262-8741 OFFICE 585-490-2059 MOBILE
Extra Information
Understanding By Design: Stages of Backwards Design 1 Identify Desired Results 2 Determine Acceptable Evidence 3 Plan learning Experiences & Instruction Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe
Backwards Design Unpack the Modules
Backwards Design Unpack the Modules
= Core Instruction RCSD eLearning Small Group Formats + + Zearn
Core Instruction Exit Tickets Problem Sets Homework EngageNY Modules
Core Instruction EngageNY Modules Zearn
Core Instruction Zearn is the modules •Digitized •Streamlined •Individualized student lessons by topic •Feedback, videos and other supports •Fluency, content development, problem solving, exit ticket
Core Instruction Zearn
Core Instruction Zearn
Core Instruction Small Group Models
Differentiating by Ability to Work Independently Core Instruction: Small Groups Differentiating by Ability to Work Independently
Small Groups with Technology Core Instruction: Small Groups Small Groups with Technology
Look at Data... Again
K-2 Math RTI Guidance Documents with Activities Intervention K-2 Math RTI Guidance Documents with Activities 7-8 iReady 3-6 Intervention Documents With Teacher Toolbox
K-2 Math RTI Guidance Documents with Activities Intervention K-2 Math RTI Guidance Documents with Activities 3-6 Intervention Documents With Teacher Toolbox
Kindergarten Resources Intervention: Kindergarten Resources
Bank of Activities in Order of Standards by Module
Intervention: 1st and 2nd Resources
Grade 2 Major Content Emphases
Intervention: Mapping Standards 2.NBT.1 understand that the three digits of a three-digit number represent amounts of hundreds, tens and ones; e.g., 706 equals 7 hundreds, 0 tens, and 6 ones. Understand the following as special cases: a. 100 can be thought of as a bundle of ten tens – called a “hundred.” b. The numbers 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 refer to one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine hundreds (and 0 tens and 0 ones). 2.NBT.2 Count within 1000; skip-count by 5s, 10s, and 100s. Modules: Grade 2 Module 3 Topic B Grade 2 Module 3 Topic D Grade 2 Module 3 Topic E Grade 2 Module 3 Topic G Zearn: Grade 2 Mission 3 Topic B, D, E, G Activities: 2.NBT.2 1.NBT.2 Understand that the two digits of a two-digit number represent amounts of tens and ones. Understand the following as special cases: a. 10 can be thought of as a bundle of ten ones – called a “ten.” c. The numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 refer to one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine tens (and 0 ones). Grade 1 Module 2 Topic D Grade 1 Module 4 Topic A Grade 1 Module 4 Topic F Grade 1 Module 6 Topic B Grade 1 Mission 2 Topic D Grade 1 Mission 4 Topic A & F Grade 1 Mission 6 Topic B 1.NBT.2 K.NBT.1 Compose and decompose numbers from 11 to 19 into ten ones and some further ones, e.g., by using objects or drawings and record each composition or decomposition by a drawing or equation (such as 18 = 10 + 8); understand that these numbers are composed of ten ones and one, two three, four, five, six, seven, eight or nine ones. Grade K Module 5 Topic A Grade K Module 5 Topic B Grade K Module 5 Topic C Grade K Module 5 Topic E K.NBT.1
Intervention: 3-6 Resources
Intervention: Mapping Standards
Intervention: Teacher Toolbox •Teacher Toolbox- Teacher Toolbox is a paid product from Curriculum Associates. RCSD has covered the cost for this product this year. A teacher login is required (your principal has these). Resources for students are recommended in this order: •-Ready Instruction (direct student instruction) •-Practice and Problem Solving (student practice) •-Assess (short assessments for progress monitoring, recommend 70% threshold) •-Reteach (if necessary, if 70% threshold is not reached)
Intervention: Teacher Toolbox
Core Instruction + Intervention This is where intervention and differentiation can happen! Differentiating by Ability to Work Independently
Core Instruction + Intervention This is where intervention and differentiation can happen! Small Groups with Technology
You can find me at or 585-262-8741 OFFICE thanks! Any questions? You can find me at or 585-262-8741 OFFICE 585-490-2059 MOBILE