Read and comprehend literature at a seventh-grade level. Active Reading Strategies I Can… Read and comprehend literature at a seventh-grade level.
What are active reading strategies? ways to help you pay closer attention to literature help you connect deeper with the text than if you were just reading
Let’s learn the strategies! Connect What does it mean?
CONNECT As you read, look for connections to your own life, books you’ve read, or the world around you! “This character reminds me of my Aunt Sally because…” “The way the author describes scenery makes me think about…”
Clarify What does it mean?
CLARIFY When you get to the end of a page or paragraph, check to see if you understand. “A word that I don’t understand is…” “This is what’s happening so far…”
Predict What does it mean?
PREDICT Guess what happens next. “I think ____ will happen next”
Question What does it mean?
QUESTION Ask yourself questions as you read. Use words like, “Why? How? What If?” “If the river wasn’t so cold…” “I wonder how she would feel if...” (Remember Bloom’s Taxonomy here!)
Evaluate What does it mean?
EVALUATE Make judgements about what you’re reading. “This part is confusing because…” “I think it’s unrealistic when…”
Visualization What does it mean?
VISUALIZATION Imagine the words as a picture or a movie. What would it look like? “In my mind, I can see…” “This is making me picture…”
How can we remember the strategies easier? Connect Clarify Question Predict Evaluate Visualize Cory Collins Quietly Practiced Ellen’s Violin
Review Label each strategy: “I can see the bright purple flower in my head.” “It’s wrong that the witch cast a spell on the dog.” “What if the story took place in Canada? How would it be different?” “I think the raiders will lose.” “I didn’t understand what ‘dominant’ meant, so I looked it up.”
What is the MOST important active reading strategy to you What is the MOST important active reading strategy to you? (which one would best help you understand the things you read?) use examples and explanations from experiences you’ve had with reading should be 1 paragraph (5-7) sentences We will share this information!