Organized by Junior Chamber International in Partnership with HASH 3 3 27th November 2016 Organized by Junior Chamber International in Partnership with HASH 3 3
About JCI Junior Chamber International JCI Sri Lanka JCI MEMBERS TAKE ACTION AND PROVIDE SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS IN MORE THAN 100 COUNTRIES EVERYDAY. JCI is a non-profit organization of young active citizens age 18 to 40 who are engaged and committed to creating impact in their communities. Active citizens are individuals invested in the future of our world. JCI gathers active citizens from all sectors of society. We develop the skills, knowledge and understanding to make informed decisions and take action. As globally minded young people, we all have rights, responsibilities and share goals. We find targeted solutions to local issues benefitting our communities, our world and our future. Embracing new ideas, collaboration and diversity, we have the passion and courage to address the critical challenges of our time. JCI Sri Lanka The Junior Chamber International Sri Lanka (JCISL), established in 1954, is a non-governmental organization affiliated to the Junior Chamber International. Junior Chamber has often been referred as “an organization of opportunities,” possibly because the opportunities available within the organization are so numerous it would take a lifetime to experience them all. The vehicles that all chapters utilize to offer opportunities are based on the four Areas of Opportunity: Individual, Community, International and Business, the above are some of JCI Sri Lanka’s priorities. The focus of JCI Sri Lanka is based on contributing to the country through providing development opportunities young active citizens and major contribution will be aimed on the UN sustainable development goals and supporting Sri Lanka to move towards a sustainable.
Our Approach to Projects and Active Citizenship Framework As a longstanding global partner for United Nations JCI globally is focused on promoting activities that empower the UN sustainable development goals. In Sri Lanka too we focus on the activities that empower Sri Lankan community through the regional chapters of JCI. To realize these activities JCI Sri Lanka is using it’s famous Active Citizenship Framework and believe in uniting all sectors in community to achieve the development goals.
Girls in Technology Campaign Introduction While being successful on several development indicators, Sri Lanka has the 20th largest gender gap in labour force participation globally, which impedes the country’s goals for growth and equity, the World Bank says. While Sri Lankan women are educated and live longer many do not work outside the home partly due to skills mismatch - a disparity between the skills women attain and those that the market demands or will pay for. To empower women and increase their chances for employment and entrepreneurship for women at the grassroots level, Fusion, together with ICTA, CCSL and JCI Sri Lanka will be launching a series of workshops inclusive of following events. Event Dates (Approximate) Girls in Technology Day Colombo November 27th 2016 Girls in Technology Day Gampaha TBD Girls in Technology Appreciation Awards
Colombo Event on 27th November Event Outlook Girls in ICT |Organized by JCI | Powered by Airtel | on 27th November @ Trace Expert City Time Session Facilitated By 9.30 AM – 10.30 AM Learning to grow with Digital ‘Digital Garage’ Google Regional Office 10.30 AM – 11.15 AM Data driven communication by Airtel Lanka Airtel Representative 11.15 AM – 12.30 PM Role of Women in ICT and Leadership Panel Discussion and Individual Presentations 4 Female ICT entrepreneurs Facilitated by ICTA Sri Lanka 12.30 PM – 1.30 PM Lunch Break 1.30 PM – 2.30 PM Tackling with innovation and avenues to grow with technology Timothe Soler-Head of the business development of – job portal / Irfan Ahmed - Founder Innovation Quotient (Pvt) Ltd & Former head of innovations at MAS holdings 2.30 PM – 3.00 PM Meet and Greet Session and Career Fair Virtusa, 99X, WSO2, Ironeone 3.00 PM – 3.30 PM Experience and Walk around session in Trace Expert City Intended Partners
Cost and Itemized Breakdown for Women in Technology Description Amount Launch Press Conference Venue Olympic House 20,000 Food 100,000 PR Company 60,000 Promotions Social Media Campaign + Livestream Event Day Cost Cost for the Hall and stage 250,000 Food and Beverages 250 * 1000 150,000 Other Expenses 50,000 Total 650,000
Benefits for the brand spend on Girls in Technology Campaign Amount No of Participation Invitations Other Benefits LKR 500,000 200 To be distributed among clients or supporting schools, institutions 5 complementary VIP Invites for the each event. 4 nos of 2 Minutes presentation or a video at the event. Event backdrop will carry the logo of the company. The logo of the company will be placed in all printed materials for the event. 2 pennants to be displayed inside the event. Brochures to be handed out to each participant. Girls in Technology appreciation awards to be presented by the head of Company Name YouTube Livestreaming will have the logo of Company Name. Stall Area at BMICH Main Hall Lobby LKR 300,000 100 To be distributed among clients or supporting schools, institutions 2 complementary VIP Invites for the each event. 2 nos of 1 Minute presentation or a video at the event. LKR 100,000 40 To be distributed among clients or supporting schools, institutions 2 nos of 30 Sec presentation or a video at the event. LKR 25,000 5