Would you like to donate materials? Pens/Pencils Dry Erase Markers Tissues Scientific Calculator Ream of Paper
Welcome to Ms. Barbee’s Class!
Chemistry This class covers the basic concepts of chemistry as laid out in the NC Essential Standards. We will be moving quickly to cover everything that will be on the NC Final Exam. We will be doing labs at least once a week.
Grading Policy Summative Assessments 40% Formative Assessments 60% Tests Large Projects Formative Assessments 60% Classwork Homework Labs Quizzes Small Projects 100% of 9 weeks grade A comprehensive NC Final Exam will count as 25% of the final grade.
Honors Credit Requirements In addition to multiple extra in depth assignments, students will be responsible to complete a monthly essay. These essays will be assigned the first week of each month and will be due the last week. These will be done strictly as homework; no class time will be devoted to them. Students will also be required to complete an Honors Research Project. I will give more information on this later.
Homework Due Dates Homework assignments (Packet, Vocab Quiz, Online Assignments, and Lab Notebook) all due the day of the test. The day of the test will be mentioned in class multiple times as well as can be found on the Canvas course. I will also try to post the date on my website and send out a Remind101 text.
Late Work Late work may be turned in at any time until the end of the quarter but will incur a 30 point penalty
POWER Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday A 11:30 – 12:08 Lunch Meeting Tutorial B 12:13 – 12:50 Silent Tutorial (If available) Duty Silent Tutorial: Quiet study time, may ask me questions but not peers, only time you can make-up or retake tests
Tutoring Availability I’m available most afternoons for tutoring until 3:30pm by appointment only Must give 24 hours notice
Supplies Needed Spiral Bound notebook or 3-ring binder for notes Notebook Paper Pens/Pencils Dry Erase Markers 1-subject spiral bound notebook for lab Scientific or Graphing Calculator (Available for check out in the media center) Reference Tables (Yellow Sheets)
Ways to be successful in class Come to class and pay attention Use your Work Session and POWER Block time wisely Study and/or work on your packet for at least 30 minutes to 1 hour each day Come to class or POWER with questions about what you don’t understand or need help on Don’t be afraid to ask me or your peers for help
Contact Info Email: michele.barbee@cabarrus.k12.nc.us Canvas Message Remind 101 Chat
If you would like to set up a time to discuss your students progress you can see me after or contact me at your convenience.
What’s Next? AP Chemistry Honors Physics AP Biology AP Environmental Forensic Science
AP Chemistry Second level of Chemistry that is equivalent to the first two Chemistry classes in college. Full year course Appropriate score (usually a 4 or 5 depending on your college) on AP test could result in 8 college credits Even if that score is not met students will do much better in the college class as they have already seen and worked with the material once.