The only dog to promoted to Sergeant. Sergeant Stubby The only dog to promoted to Sergeant. Awarded 13 medals for his services during WW1.
Our learning outcomes: Identify the ways animals were used in WW1. Evaluate the importance of horses in WW1 and the suffering they faced. Reach a supported judgement about the importance of horses and the suffering they faced.
How were animals used during WW1? Home front – Elephants were drafted in the help on the home front to pull heavy loads of supplies. Elephants were taken from zoos due to a lack of horses. What about on the front line? L/O: Identify the ways animals were used in WW1.
L/O: Identify the ways animals were used in WW1. Using page 46-47 find out the advantages and disadvantages of using animals at the front line Advantages Disadvantages Highlight the most important advantage and disadvantage L/O: Identify the ways animals were used in WW1.
War horse – the real story Recruitment Role Hardship How important were horses to the war effort?
War horse – the real story Recruitment Role Hardship How important were horses to the war effort?
Does the impact horses made to the war effort justify their suffering? L/O: Evaluate the importance of horses in WW1 and the suffering they faced. Reach a supported judgement about the importance of horses and the suffering they faced.
Is it cruel to take animals to war?