How to play battle ships… Strategy Games How to play battle ships…
Setting up You will be given a sheet of paper with 2 grids on it Grid A is where you put your battle ships Grid B is to locate your opponents battle ships Start by drawing 3 battle ships on your grid 1 ship is 5 boxes long, 1 ship is 4 boxes long and one ship is 3 boxes long You can put your ships anywhere but they cannot be diagonal!!!
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Time to guess Take it in turns to guess where each others battle ship is by saying a co ordinate on the grid e.g A3 If they have guessed right then you say hit and they will mark it on their grid B with an X, they get another turn If they guess wrong then you say miss and it is now your turn to guess When all of the ship has been found then the battle ship is sunk
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Winning the Game The winner is the person who sinks all his opponents Battleships first Good luck!!!