BIKE DELIVERY SERVICE You can visit our Website:
BIKE DELIVERY SERVICE There are plenty of courier companies out there that employ bicycle messengers to deliver the items to their designated location. Sometimes it is an advantage to use a bicycle rather than a motored vehicle to deliver an item. Of course it would depend on the location of the person receiving the package, but let’s say that the courier company is just a few blocks away from their place, it would be more practical if you just use a bike to deliver the package. It’s less likely to get stuck in unexpected traffic jams and it is also not limited to parking spaces. You can visit our Website:
BIKE DELIVERY SERVICE Also, it would be beneficial to the messengers in terms of their health; it could be their cardio routine, instead of going to the gym or waking up every morning to jog but that’s just a small bonus. In terms of practicality, it is much cheaper to use your legs rather than filling the tanks of your motored vehicles with precious oil, don’t you agree? But if you’re just too (fat) and lazy then I won’t blame you if you don’t like riding bicycles, I would even feel sorry for the bike if I somehow witness you struggling with the pedals while trying to climb an upward slope. The use of this pedal driven vehicle can also be very tiring and inconvenient especially when you’re going to travel at a long distance or you’re going through a place where the smoke coming from the exhaust of other vehicles could prevent you from breathing. You can visit our Website:
BIKE DELIVERY SERVICE Bike delivery service is the process of transporting goods from a source location to a predefined destination by use of bikes. It is a type of cargo delivery where goods are mainly delivered on the streets of metropolitan areas. The service is completely reliable in a way that you can predict the arrival time of the item; aside from that it is also safe and fast. The primary use of the service is used to deliver small types of items, using large vehicles for this would just be over killing it. Due to its practical use, immediately after the development of bikes, people have used it for their delivery purposes. They saw how great it is as a medium of transporting any types of small items, such as messages, newspapers, and even food. Even Western Union once employed a number of bicycle messengers to deliver in places that contains large populations. It may not be perfectly safe to ride a bike in the busy streets of a large populated city but it’s a rare event to see a bike in an accident compared to larger vehicles. You can visit our Website:
BIKE DELIVERY SERVICE On the other hand, in Crowd to Go, we have these people called “Crowdie” and they are just normal people mostly have their Smartphone’s with them and willing to deliver packages using there bicycle. This “Crowdie” will receive a notification or alert that there are items to be delivered and the first one to respond on this alert; he/she will be the one to deliver the items to the customer by using bicycle. Simply amazing! Overall, the use of bicycles could be very beneficial not only to the company, but also to the receiver, and messenger. You can visit our Website: