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Classical Physics Nature of Reality Free Will How Come? Philosophy of Science Free Will How Come? Just… Why??
Laws of Motion Laws of Universal Gravitation Calculus Fluid Mechanics Optics Electromagnetism Waves Chaos Theory Classical Mechanics Thermodynamics Astrophysics Cosmology
General Theory of Relativity In this house lab, General Theory of Relativity Special Theory of Relativity WE OBEY THE LAWS OF THERMODYNAMICS! time E=mc2 Particle Physics
Condensed Matter Physics Quantum Physics Quantum Field Theory Nuclear Physics Atomic Theory Condensed Matter Physics Standard Model
The Future Chasm Ignorance OF Ignorance
Relativity Philosophy Quantum Gravity Dark Energy Dark Matter
Time Crystals Gravitational Waves Soft Condensed Matter
1803 Dalton 1904 Thomson 1911 Rutherford 1913 Bohr 1926 Schrödinger
68.3% Dark Energy 26.8% Dark Matter Ordinary Matter 4.9%