Colleen no.1 A slide show about me.
Introduction Hi! This slideshow series is about me, Colleen. I’ll tell you about all my interests, or most, without getting too personal. I’ll tell you about music I like, my favorite movies, my interests , my fashion choices and More! <3 Colleen
TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV Here Are some shows I like
Bleach Bleach is a Japanese anime manga About characters, like Ichigo and Rukia pictured Fighting off hollows (evil spirits) Rukia Funny Ichigo and Rukia Ichigo
Mindfreak The show Mindfreak is about Criss Angel, a stunt and magic artist doing different death- defying stunts and amazing people on the streets of Las Vegas. More of a reality show than a sitcom or series, like Bleach. Criss Angel of Mindfreak, with guitarist Eddie Van Halen
Look-A-Like Look Alike is a show where people who look like celebrities come on the show and are done up to look like them.
End of no.1