2016-17 Budget Overview State Budget Overview M & O Levy Review Enrollment Update 2015-16 Enrollment Trends 2004-16 Sped Enrollment Trend 2006-16 Federal Funding Overview Discussion
State Budget Overview
M & O Levy Review M & O Levy Dollars are collected on an annual basis. The levy rates approved by the voters are collected in April and October. Because this crosses over fiscal years for the school district revenues, the district takes the average collection rate for October and April and applies the approved levy rate for 2016 to the October collection percentage and the approved levy rate for 2017 to the April collection percentage. This gives us the estimated revenue from tax collection listed below 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Local Taxes $983,960 $998,762 $1,022,745 $1,040310 $1,058,646 $ Increase $25,869 $14,802 $23,983 $17,565 $18,336
Enrollment Update 2015-16 We have had an increase in enrollment at the beginning of the year of 10.55, AND we have seen an increase since then of 9.
Enrollment Comparison from Spring to Fall The chart below show the increase or decrease in enrollment from the end of school in the spring to the beginning of the school in the fall. As I presented previously, predicting enrollment by using the end of year enrollment number is a bouncing ball. However, the last 3 years we have grown over the summer. Currently, I am predicting a drop in 23.18 FTE. We are currently at 593.18 and the current budget is at 570.
Enrollment Trend 2004-2016 Our enrollment average is up 11 FTE to this point in the year. If we move all the classes with some adjustments to 11th & 12th grade I am looking at budgeting 570 for enrollment next year.
SPED Enrollment Trends We currently have 72 SPED students. We tend to start the year low and end higher. I believe we will retain similar numbers next year so I am budgeting at 70 students. Year SPED FTE % of Basic Ed 2008-09 61.50 11.30% 2009-10 69.24 12.40% 2010-11 72.00 13.40% 2011-12 66.56 2012-13 64.78 12.60% 2013-14 60.11 11.10% 2014-15 11.60% 2015-16 72.71 12.50 2016-17 70 12.30%
Federal Funding Overview Initial allocations Title I funds will basically stay the same, preliminary allocations are $132,810. However, we do have to set aside 20% of these funds for professional development and possible tutoring or parental involvement groups. Title II funds are being have not been released. I have budgeted $18,000 initially. We usually use this for per diem training for staff. IDEA funding amounts have not been released. I have budgeted $95,000 initially. These are our federal Special Education grants. We currently use these to pay for our personal services contracts and special education special services employees. All other federal program funding is still pending, but I do not anticipate large changes.
2015-16 Goals Achieved Created a Balanced Budget Adding to Fund Balance ($38,844 est.) Added Vehicle to District Motor Pool (Purchased Van in September, $28,390; Suburban purchased Fall 2013 will be paid of this August) Built up Ag Shop Equipment & Supplies ($13,246) In-school suspension support/LAP aide for credit recovery/registration assistance at the High School Increased Capital Projects Fund Balance (Currently,$74,980)
2015-16 Goals Achieved, cont. Improvements to Facilities & Technology Replaced HS gym lights, $22,064 Ceiling fans in the bus garage, $6,116 Replaced HS business lab computer & added 2nd monitors $34,095 Google Chrome Book Carts-we now have 11 carts! ($57,578 District and MS CTE Funds and $25,000 Hagan Grant) Created an office for business manager, $8,077 Repaired HS gym roof, $5,541 Repaired & resurfaced tennis courts, $28,306 Repair and resurface track to be done this summer - $27,248
2016-17 New or Increased Budgeted Items Added a .5 FTE 3rd grade teacher to help with large class Added .5 FTE MS Math teacher to help with adding STEM classes at MS & HS Additional funds for capital outlay Adding funds for professional development associated with grants Adding additional funds to TVF - $43,000 Adding Additional Funds for Capital Outlay
2016-17 Other Possible Budget Considerations Possible expenditures as a result of negotiations with the Collective Bargaining Committee’s.
timeline – Building the Budget May 9th – Budget Workshop? May 23rd – School Board Meeting-Full Budget Documents Available June 13th – Superintendent and Business Manager recommend cancelling should not need for budget discussions. June 29th – Budget Hearing-Budget Adopted and Sent to ESD/OSPI
Input, comments and questions… Input from board…