Internet Media Regulation Andreea Jonsson Erika Holm Wensheng Zhang Yuze Tang More original presentation can be found on
How are Internet contents regulated in USA and Europe?
Factors Legal Power – (child pornography – jail) Market - economic, financial interests Advocacy – non profit
US initiatives Federal Laws State Laws Censorship by institutions
US Regulations Communications Decency Act Pennsylvania censorship The Internet Safety Technical Task Force
EU initiatives EU - the European Commission UK - the Department of Trade and Industry Germany – the Multimedia law France - The Council of Superior Telematics (le Conseil Supérieur de la Télématique)
Are the political and the branch initiatives working in the same direction?
Political initiatives' goals: Political goals Freedom of speech Clean media environment National security etc
Branch initiatives goals: More profits Less regulation Interests of consumer -guarantee a more sustainable development etc
Not in the same direction!
Is self-regulation working?
Self-regulation is critical to the entire media regulation Increasing society complexity--State lack detailed knowledge to implement informed and effective regulation--Compensated through the involvement of a variety of stakeholders in the process of policy-making-- Media governance entails both co-and self-regulation
Self-regulation is not so strong: Conflicts between interests and regulating itself Contradiction between self-regulation and mandatory policies Governmental power in non-governmental modes
Self-regulation with co-regulation will take effect
Discussion 1. Should the state be the determinant actor in regulating internet content? 2. Is Internet regulation an intrusion on freedom of speech? 3. What is the best way to regulate the Internet content?
Thanks for your attention!