Welcome to Woodlawn Beach Middle School Upcoming 6th grade Parent Orientation
Middle school is a new experience New routines New building to learn New teachers New expectations (times 6) Changing classes each day Social, emotional, physical, and intellectual growth… for students and parents!
Tips to help with the academic adjustment Keep on top of attendance, homework, studying, and long-term projects. Enforce the use of the provided student planner. Some teachers encourage this with weekly parent signatures. Utilize ClassLink to check grades on a regular basis.
Woodlawn Beach Website https://sites.santarosa.k12.fl.us/wbm/ Access to teachers' planbook & email Link to ClassLink Calendar of events exams and state testing, school functions, and activities 6th grade supply list, when available
Checking grades online ClassLink – access to grades and numerous other links. Username is the student ID number Their “57” number Password will be student set. They must share with you, we cannot. This is a change from elementary to middle. Grades are updated on a regular basis.
Middle School Exams and Attendance For each middle school course a student is enrolled in, he/she will take a semester exam at the end of each semester. Semester exams for the middle school courses will count as 10% of the final semester grade. Some differences with EOC courses and high school credit classes, but those will be explained for 7th and 8th grades. Absenteeism equal to 10 or more absences (excused and/or unexcused) during a semester requires the demonstration of mastery of the course for all students. Any student who scores below 60 percent on the semester exam, and absenteeism meets the above guidelines, will be awarded a course average of 59 or their actual average, whichever is lower.
What our normal school day looks like: Buses arrive a little before 7:00 a.m. Students may enter the building at 7:00 a.m. Students will go to breakfast or be seated next to their 1st time block class. First bell rings at 7:15 a.m. All students enter their 1st time block class. Class begins at 7:20 a.m. Students are tardy if they are not in class. Classes end at 1:26 p.m.
6th grade schedule: 6 classes daily Required Courses: Language Arts (Advanced or Regular) Math 1 (Advanced or Regular) Science (Advanced or Regular) World History (Advanced or Regular) Intensive Reading and/or Learning Strategies (as applicable to individual students) “Elective” Courses: Band: Try-ons May 17th or May 19th Chorus: Sign-up sheet in packet or online We will not assign to band or chorus unless you sign up for them. What if we do not choose band or chorus??
We aim to be H.E.R.O.s! A Woodlawn Beach HERO is a student who: HELPS ENCOURAGES and RESPECTS OTHERS
Dress Code A standards driven environment with clearly defined boundaries is important for a school. Standards are important for students, too, because they provide necessary guidance. The full dress code is in the packet students received this morning, is on the school website, and will be available in the student planner and reviewed with students at school.
Dress Code Highlights Please consider while you shop… it is growth spurt time. Shirts and shorts/skirts/pants must be appropriate in coverage, as measured by a 3 x 5 index card. 3 ” on the sleeve and no more than 5 ” above the knee This requirement must be met without additions (for example, leggings underneath a skirt or a jacket over an inappropriate shirt) Clothing must not be inappropriate or suggestive in style and/or message. Stress that these are just the HIGHLIGHTS, or common issues that will lead to disciplinary action
Back to School Bash 6-8p.m. Mark your calendars! Friday, August 11th 6th Grade students may pick-up schedules and meet their teachers from 12-3p.m. Back to School Bash 6-8p.m.
Woodlawn Beach Website https://sites.santarosa.k12.fl.us/wbm/ Thanks for attending and welcome to the Woodlawn family!