Welcome Parents! Norman Borlaug Back to School Night 2016-2017
Welcome to 6th Grade! Team 4 Borlaug Elementary is a caring community of learners We respect ourselves and others We make responsible choices We are safe at school We are proud to be the Borlaug Bulldogs WOOF! WOOF!
Our Team Teachers Jill Michel michel.jill@iowacityschool.org Katie Gaughan gaughan.katie@iowacityschools.org Students and families!
Mary Gauthier School Secretary Celeste Shoppa Principal Office hours are 7:30 AM – 3:30 PM. Phone number is 688-1155. Voice mail is available 24 hours a day. E-mail addresses: shoppa.celeste@iowacityschools.org gauthier.mary@iowacityschools.org Mary Gauthier School Secretary
Important Start/End Times 7:30 Breakfast 7:40 Supervision begins outside 7:50 First bell 7:55 Tardy bell 7:55 Class begins 2:55 School Ends, (1:55 on Thursdays) Please report all absences to the office.
A Typical Day Opening Math Whole Group Reading Writing Specials (P.E., Music, Library, Art) Language Arts Lunch- 30 minutes Small Group Reading Social Studies Recess- 20 minutes Science Closing
Specials Schedule Specials Days Other Information P.E. 4-27 minute periods weekly * Bring tennis shoes! MUSIC 2-27 minute periods weekly ART 1-50 minute period weekly LIBRARY 3-27 minute lab periods available weekly; 1-27 minute Media * May check out 4 books.
Reading and Writing Our Curriculum Iowa Common Core on ICCSD website Our Assessments: FAST DRA2 District Writing Assessment Formative Assessments Our Materials Houghton Mifflin Leveled Texts Supplemental materials Zaner-Bloser Curriculum – State Standards found online at link above. We use “I can” statements so students know the objectives of the lessons. Materials – Houghton Mifflin Harcourt is an updated series that focuses on all important elements of literacy. The series has many built in differentiation options to help meet the needs of all learners. Leveled Texts – we use these in small group reading to help all students access grade level strategies and skills. Supplemental materials- extra materials provide us the opportunity to extend for students who need a challenge and support those that need more instruction in certain areas. Zaner-Bloser is our handwriting program. Assessments –We use many different kinds of assessments to give us information about each child so that we meet them where they are and move them forward. DIBELS, a screener we give 3 times per year that is used to predict grade level success in reading. DRA 2- a diagnostic assessment used to find strengths and areas of opportunity, 2-3 times per year. Running records are used an a weekly, bi-weekly basis to monitor students strategies, accuracy, text level etc. District Writing assessment is given 2 times per year to look at students abilities in certain writing genres. Formative assessments are used in reading and writing on a frequent basis to help teachers know how to help students move forward toward grade level expectations.
Reading and Writing Reading Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension Whole Group Small Group Writing Teaching the Craft and Process Whole Group Small Group Handwriting Spelling
Math Our Curriculum Iowa Common Core on ICCSD website Our Materials enVision Math 2.0 Our Assessments: Fuchs & Fuchs Benchmark Unit Pre and Post Tests Formative Assessments
Math Topics: Understand Numerical & Algebraic Expressions Solve Equations & Inequalities Rational Numbers Coordinate Geometry Patterns & Equations Fluently Divide Whole Numbers Fluently Add, Subtract, Multiply & Divide Decimals Common Factors & Multiples Ratio Concepts & Reasoning Ratio Concepts: Rates & Percent Divide Fractions by Fractions Solve Area Problems Solve Surface Area & Volume Problems Measures of Center & Variability Display & Summarize Data This math program introduces concepts, routines, games, etc. at developmentally appropriate levels and then continues to reintroduce those concepts at more sophisticated levels as students progress through the grades. The units we study are… Large and small groups allow us to teach concepts to the class and then pull small groups to work on reteaching, review, and extensions. This variety inables us to provide what each student needs, right at their level.
Science “It’s not what you don’t know that hurts you. Units of Study Diversity of Life Magnets and Motors Weather on Earth Chemical Interactions Our Materials FOSS Kits “It’s not what you don’t know that hurts you. It’s what you do know that ain’t so!” -Mark Twain
Social Studies Health Focus: Focus - Personal Health and Physical Activity - Violence & Injury Prevention Communicable and Chronic Diseases Consumer and Community Health Environmental Health Puberty: The Wonder Years Focus Ancient Worlds Our Materials History Alive! Our Materials Health and Wellness
Birthday and Celebrations 6th Grade Birthday Celebrations No food celebrations 6th grade acknowledges birthdays by adding an extra recess Seasonal Celebrations If food is served at class holiday parties, food items must adhere to the District Wellness Policy 507.9 Food items are limited to the approved Healthy Food Guidelines
Home Work Expectations HRA (Home Reading Assignment): 100 minutes per week (Due every Monday) Math: Individual basis Spelling/Grammar/Writing: Weekly study of Spelling words; Grammar practice; writing exercises Science and Social Studies: Occasional home/school connections
Conferences Two formal conferences: fall & spring Reports will come home on the Monday before your conference. Read the report thoroughly and record any questions you may have. Bring the report and questions with you to your conference. During the conference: data and conversation! Mrs. Mooney: Conferences occur in the fall and in the spring. Prior to your conference, your child will bring home the report that teachers complete. We want to give you time to read over the information. Then our conference can be spent answering questions and having a discussion about your child’s work.
Helping at Home Establish a homework routine Ask to see your child’s planner Check over homework assignments for accuracy and completion Check homework folder If you or your child has questions about an assignment have your child ask for help at school Have your child establish a habit of returning homework assignments on time
Home - School Connections Borlaug Website - Classroom Webpage - Calendars - Virtual Backpack Email and phone http://www.edline.net/pages/Borlaug_Elementary_School
Volunteer Opportunities Helping at Borlaug: Volunteer Opportunities Email me to make arrangements! - Read with students - Work with students using teacher prepared activities - Accompany us on field trip -Help with science activities
P.B.I.S. at Borlaug Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Facts: Common language and expectations Positive reinforcements School-wide celebrations Weekly student recognition
Borlaug Staff School Counselor: Jamie Schneiter Classroom Counseling lessons Individual or small group meetings Resource for families
Borlaug Staff Instructional Design Strategist: Amy Hartje Partners with teachers to: -create student centered goals -learn together -implement new learning Plans and leads staff professional development
Borlaug Staff Academic Support: Jennifer Renk Works with identified students, K-6 -Reading/math skills
Borlaug Staff Student and Family Advocate: Megan Recker Acting as member of learning supports team School supplies and other basic needs Connecting families to community resources Supporting your family and child’s goals typo
Borlaug Staff English Language Learners: Abbie Jensen Speech and Language: Kassie Adams, GWAEA Extended Learning Program: Jodie Eilers Special Education Services: Jenny Whitters
learning with you this year! Thank you! We look forward to learning with you this year!
School of the Wild
School of the Wild Borlaug Dates: We venture out in September! Thursday 22nd, Friday 23rd , Monday 26th, Tuesday 27th, Wednesday 28th We will ride a bus to McBride Nature Center each morning. We will return before the end of the day. Participate in structured activities each day.
Woodlands Don’t Fall!
Blind Hike! No peeking!
Prairie! We learned about worms, and other animals! Moss!
Birds! Chickadees were the most common birds that we caught! Birds was a blast, we got to see all types of birds! We caught other birds too!
Wetlands! Lets go Spider Pond! What's that, Turtle! What’s better than eating on a Pontoon boat with Chad? Lets go Spider Pond! What's that, Turtle! Watch and eat, don’t lose your appetite
Fun on Friday! Archery! Animal tracking! Shelter Building!
Archery! Aim, and FIRE!
Tracking! Plaster the track!
Shelter Building
A special Thanks to our P.T.O… We wouldn't of had this much fun, without your help!
School of the Wild Borlaug Dates: We venture out in September! Thursday 22nd, Friday 23rd , Monday 26th, Tuesday 27th, Wednesday 28th Permission slips Dress appropriately for the weather! Lunch: Sack lunch from home or order from school District Approved Volunteers