Appreciating the IU Technology in your Toolbox
Introductions Office of Completion and Student Success Role of the Office Team Members Contact: Workshop Participants INDIANA UNIVERSITY
Appreciative Toolbox Agenda DISCOVER: 4 interconnected tools that have unique purposes Integrated Graduation Planning System (iGPS) Student Success Collaborative (SSC) Advising Records (AdRx) Student Appointment Scheduler (SAS) DREAM: How do you – or might you – use these tools now? DESIGN: How could you imagine using these tools? DESTINY: Upcoming Enhancements for these tools INDIANA UNIVERSITY
DISCOVER: Interactive Graduation Planning System (iGPS) Purpose Serves as the unified portal for all information about student degree progress Keeps students actively involved in planning their paths through college Provide more timely feedback on student degree progress so that students and advisors can monitor and adjust as needed. Provides feedback to departments about future semester course demands so they can more efficiently schedule and students don’t face delays in graduating due to course unavailability Features Ties together services already available in the SIS--degree maps, the student’s Plan, Course and Class Search, Schedule Builder, and Academic Advisement Reports (AARs) Connects those services to the FLAGS early alerts and AdRX (Advising Records) Can be used in conjunction with the SSC platform to provide comprehensive picture of student progress Systems can be built to “share” information and to allow for meaningful analysis of student progress towards degrees INDIANA UNIVERSITY
iGPS DESTINY Upcoming Enhancements Display placeholder courses in student Plan Display test, transfer, and other credit in the Plan Allow students to load a standard degree map into their plan term by term or an entire eight semesters at once Allow students to select specific courses to resolve placeholders from within their Plan Allow advisors to see the list of maps a student is using to plan Collect and display requirements for minors, certificates, cognates Alerts to students when they try to plan courses they have already planned or already completed (especially important for placeholder courses) INDIANA UNIVERSITY
DISCOVER: Student Success Collaborative (SSC) Purpose Identifies and applies major-specific success markers, (courses, timeframes, grades) that are reflected in the records of successful graduates Analyzes and presents student data to aid advisors in supporting student success Analyzes and presents institutional data to provide advisors and administrators with insightful information Features Review multiple data points for student in easy-to-access display Review student’s level of risk, related to graduation, based on completion of success markers Use data filters to identify groups of students for early intervention or reinforcement Organize and track outreach efforts Trigger personal reminders Compare possible majors and careers for specific students INDIANA UNIVERSITY
SSC DESTINY Upcoming Enhancements Only show graded component of course in SSC Fix time-out messaging Allow permanent “save” of worklist (currently the worklist updates automatically if students change status) Expand types of filters Allow “and” and “or” logic in filters that are in the same category (e.g., advisor and honors; FR or SO) INDIANA UNIVERSITY
DISCOVER: Advising Records (AdRx) Purpose Officially document meetings and communications with students Outline courses and requirements through the Enrollment Planner Allow sharing of notes with other advisors/administrators/staff Features Connects to other IU data systems Preserves documentation of interactions with students Provides academic snapshot within student record Saves Enrollment Plan Holds advisor’s URL links – resources to send to students Feeds information to Business Intelligence reports Contacts by assigned advisor (for advisors) Contacts by unit (for administrators) INDIANA UNIVERSITY
AdRx DESTINY Upcoming Enhancements Viewing, searching, and uploading documents to student record (seamless connection with OnBase) Create, edit, and assign Quick Notes to an Advising Note for frequently used comments and topics (personal “canned notes” library) Create and save ad hoc groups of students to quickly access specific student populations related to certain advisor responsibilities (e.g. probation students, students in living-learning community, and potential graduates) Notifications to My Advisees to be emailed and saved as a contact for mass communication An enhanced student view to see advisor notes, enrollment plans, student academic record snapshot Expansion of reports for advisors, advising directors, and campus administrators Further integration with other student success technologies, like SSC, iGPS, and FLAGS. INDIANA UNIVERSITY
Student Appointment Scheduler (SAS) Purpose Provides advisors a way to publicize available appointment times Provides students a direct, online method for scheduling meetings with advisors Allows for scheduling group advising meetings Features Advisor creates schedule that specifies parameters of appointment and restricts availability to identified groups of students Students search among advisors who allow appointments with them Students receive appointment confirmation emails and also reminder emails Student-submitted cancellations – and reasons for cancellations – are saved in AdRx INDIANA UNIVERSITY
SAS DESTINY Upcoming Enhancements Develop improvements to the student view: General layout Student will only see appointments they have access to select (no grayed out appointments) Develop and expand the schedule manager portal to ease the creation and editing of appointments and availability Allow for notifications to go directly to students – and saved in AdRx - when an appointment is adjusted by staff Reorganize the layout so staff can easily view multiple schedules and move between advisors View topics for group advising sessions INDIANA UNIVERSITY
Four Tools with Unique Purposes iGPS Help students make customized degree plans that lead to timely graduation SSC Quickly identify students who would benefit from intervention or reinforcement; track outreach AdRx Document and share notes about student contacts SAS Coordinate student scheduling of appointments with advisors INDIANA UNIVERSITY
Office of Completion & Student Success Watch for our bi-weekly updates! Remember that we are available for small consultations and larger workshops Contact us at COLLECT TEAM NOTES INDIANA UNIVERSITY