ISLAM Founded by Muhammad, after a revelation from the Angel Gabriel Islam is an Arabic working meaning “to submit” A Muslim is “one who submits to the will of God” that is one who lives life in the way God intends Muslims are strict monotheists. They believe in the Judeo - Christian God, whom they call Allah. Muslims believe that the Torah and the Bible, like the Qur’an, are the word of God.
Muhammad – early life Muhammad was born in Mecca in Arabia in 570 AD. He was an orphan, and was raised by his grandfather and his uncle. He worked as a trader and was known to be extremely honest and trustworthy. At the age of 25, Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) got married to his wife Khadija. Muhammad was unhappy with life in Mecca and would often go to the desert to meditate.
Muhammad - Revelation In 610 AD at the age 40 he was mediating in a cave at Hira when he had a vision of the Angel – Gabriel. The Angel Gabriel told Muhammad that there was “but one God.” This one God, Allah, was the creator of all and the people should worship him. These revelations would become the basis of the Qu’ran. Muslims believe the Qu’ran is the revealed word of God.
Muhammad – Spread of Islam Muhammad returned to Mecca and began to preach about his vision. The people of Mecca rejected Muhammad and his teachings. Muhammad fled to Medina, where the first Islamic Community was founded. Muslim dates are all calculated from this journey (the Hijrah) in 622 AD, which is therefore year 1 AH (After Hijrah). By the time of the Prophets death in 632, Islam was established in most of the Arabian Peninsula, including Mecca
The Qur’an Muslims believe it contains the word of God. 114 suras (chapters). “In the name of Allah, the compassionate, the merciful.” Written in Arabic.
The Five Pillars of Islam
The Shahada - Testament of Faith The testimony. The declaration of faith: There is no God worthy of worship except God, and Muhammad is His Messenger [or Prophet].
2. Salat - Prayer The mandatory prayers performed 5 times a day: * dawn * noon * late afternoon * sunset * before going to bed Wash before praying. Face Mecca and use a prayer rug. 2
3. Zakat - Charity Almsgiving (charitable donations). Muslims believe that all things belong to God. Zakat means both “purification” and “growth.” About 2.5% of your income. 3
4. Sawm - Fasting Fasting during the holy month of Ramadan. Considered a method of self- purification. No eating or drinking from sunrise to sunset during Ramadan. 4
5. The Hajj - Pilgrimage The pilgrimage to Mecca. Must be done at least once in a Muslim’s lifetime. 2-3 million Muslims make the pilgrimage every year. 5
Other Islamic Religious Practices No alcohol or pork. No gambling. Sharia body of Islamic law to regulate daily living. Three holiest cities in Islam: * Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem.
The Spread of Islam Easy to learn and practice. No priesthood. Teaches equality. Non-Muslims, who were “Peoples of the Book,” were allowed religious freedom, but paid additional taxes. Easily “portable” nomads & trade routes. Jihad (“to struggle”) - Against temptation and against pagans and other non-believers (“infidels”).
Sunni and Shia
Ummayad Caliphate 661-750AD Named after the Ummayad Family - common ancestor with Muhammad They spread Islam beyond the Arabian Peninsula - throughout the Middle East, North Africa and into Europe Moved capital to Damascus Defeated by the Abbasids
Abbasid Empire 750-1258 AD Baghdad was the capital and center of the Abbasid Empire The Abbasid Empire was also the Golden Age of Islam Major developments in mathematics, science, medicine and art. Mathematics - algebra Medicine - Al Raza - medical encyclopedia Art - Calligraphy