Implementing a Clinical Co-Preceptor Model in Academe Anna Jarrett, PhD, CNP-BC Logo The Mutually Beneficial Partnerships project will implement an innovative, collaborative plan to enhance the educational experience of clinical preceptors and Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) students. By enhancing existing and creating new clinical partnerships, nursing students who are preparing for advance practice roles as nurse practitioners and/or clinical nurse specialists can be placed in existing and new clinical sites in medically underserved, rural and/or minority communities. This will be accomplished with a collaborative effort between a School of Nursing and a community clinic, with expansion throughout the state. Using the co-preceptor clinical model, students will have knowledge and skills to provide safe, quality care within the complex practice-based environment. Goals Measures References Institute of Medicine (US). 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Retrieved from Peyser B, Bosworth HB, Daily KA, Huda NM, Riley K. Enlisting new teachers in clinical environments (ENTICE): Novel ways to engage clinicians. Advances in Medical Education & Practice. 2014; 5:359-367. Fettling J. The 2002 user-friendly handbook for project evaluation.2002; NSF-02-057. Institute for Healthcare Improvement. Plan-do-study-act (PDSA) worksheet. Institute for Healthcare Improvement Website. Accessed February 04, 2015. University of Arkansas. (2014). Catalog of studies, 2014-15. University of Arkansas Website. Accessed February 12, 2015. “This project is/was supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant # D09HP28679 Mutually Beneficial Clinical Partnerships for $1,081,736.00 over 3 years financed 100% by HRSA. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.” Goal 1: Establish a mutually beneficial partnership at practice sites in seven medically underserved, minority, and/or rural communities in Arkansas. Goal 2: Implement and evaluate an interprofessional, co-preceptor clinical model in seven medically underserved, minority and/or rural communities. Goal 3: Prepare 30 practice-ready, culturally fluent DNP graduates who will seek employment in medically underserved, minority, and/or rural communities. In addition to self, student, faculty and preceptor evaluations, these instruments will measure program outcomes: Students ICAR T-TAQ T-TPQ SANIC Preceptors ENTICE Faculty Co-Preceptor Model Logic Model Order online at