Arabian peninsula TCAP REVIEW NOTES
Arabian peninsula Hot and dry Home of Tigris and Euphrates Rivers Surrounded by Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, and Red Sea East of North Africa Spread Islam into N. Africa
Founder: Muhammed Holy Book: Qur’an Major Beliefs One god (Allah) islam Founder: Muhammed Holy Book: Qur’an Major Beliefs One god (Allah) Shariah Law
Islam cont. Sunna---set of customs based on Muhammed’s words and deeds Five pillars Faith Prayer Charity Fasting Hajj—pilgrimage to Mecca Sunna---set of customs based on Muhammed’s words and deeds
Islam cont. 2 sects of Islam SUNNIS SHI’ITES After Muhammed’s death, this group of Muslims felt Muhammed’s successor should be a Muslim who studied under Muhammed. After Muhammed’s death, this group of Muslims felt Muhammed’s successor should be in his bloodline.
Muslim contributions Calculated circumference of Earth, movement of the sun, moon, and planets Hospitals and emergency rooms Improved astrolabe The Canon of Medicine—1st medical textbook (used for 500+ years) Arabic numerals (0-9) Perfected algebra Glass blowing
Muslim contributions cont. ***Preserved classical works of Greece, Rome, China, and India Perfume Coffee Confirmed Earth is round Banking
Muslim merchants controlled trade in much of Asia and Africa Well-respected with great power Traded spices, cloth, glass, carpets, sugar, rice, oranges, cherries, and cotton Created banking system --used coins to trade Cities of Muslim trade became centers of government, education, and trade
Caliph—Muslim ruler of Arabian Peninsula Caliphate—reign of a caliph
OTTOMAN RULE Mehemed II—AKA Mehemed the Conqueror Ottoman emperor—sultan Captured Constantinople—Istanbul Reorganized Ottoman government and laws Built schools and mosques Suleiman I—AKA Suleiman the Law Giver
OTTOMAN RULE CONT. Reigned during the Golden Age of Islam Very strong military and widely expanded territory of the empire Responsible for the empire’s greatest achievements in law, art, architecture, and literature
Safavid rule Shah Abbas Shah (king) of Persia Tolerant of Christianity Had diplomatic ties with Europe which helped his empire to grow economically and militarily Considered greatest leader of Safavid Dynasty